


丢:遗~。坐~良机。收复~地。流离~所。违背:~约。~信。找不着:迷~方向。没有掌握住:~言。~职。~调(tiáo )。没有达到:~望。~意。错误:~误。~策。过~。~之毫厘,谬以千里。改变常态:惊慌~色。……


讲,说:~说。~喻。~道。~欢。~情。~必有中(zhòng )(一说就说到点子上)。说的话:~论。~辞(亦作“言词”)。语~。~语。~简意赅。汉语的字:五~诗。七~绝句。洋洋万~。语助词,无义:~归于好。“~告师氏,~告~归”。姓。……



汉语拼音:shī yán







  1. 谓不该对某些人说某些话。

    《论语·卫灵公》:“可与言而不与言,失人;不可与言而与之言,失言。知者不失人,亦不失言。” 明 李贽 《与耿司寇告别书》:“其餘诸年少或聪明未啟,或志嚮未专,所谓不可与言而与之言则为失言,此僕则无是矣。虽然,寧可失言,不可失人。”

  2. 出言失当。

    《战国策·魏策四》:“﹝ 信陵君 ﹞使使者谢 安陵君 曰:‘ 无忌 小人也,困於思虑,失言于君,敢再拜释罪。’”《汉书·王商传》:“上於是美壮 商 之固守,数称其议。而 凤 大慙,自恨失言。”《警世通言·李谪仙醉草吓蛮书》:“ 李白 又奏道:‘臣有一言,乞陛下赦臣狂妄,臣方敢奏。’天子道:‘任卿失言,朕亦不罪。’”如:这时他已意识到自己刚才失言了,所以再也不开口。



  1. "Israel has no intention of giving the flu any new names. It was nothing more than a slip of the tongue , " the official said.


  2. So, I close in saying that I might have been given a bad break, but I've got an awful lot to live for.


  3. "Yes, I misspoke, " said the statement released by Stone's publicist and entitled "In my own words by Sharon Stone. "


  4. Some of the mothers said health visitors promised to drop off leaflets about depression, but did not do so.


  5. I really put my foot in my mouth when I asked him how his wife was, she's left him for another man.


  6. I've got three clients who lost their husbands must have been a Freudian slip.


  7. the duke , though a courtier , coloured slightly on hearing this , and the queen , was instantly sensible of her error.


  8. I promise, if I break the deal, I would be cursed by satan.


  9. GORDON BROWN'S rant about a "bigoted" voter sped his exit from the British prime minister's post.


  1. 对不起,失言了。

    I'm sorry. That was uncalled for.

  2. 宁可失足,不可失言。

    Better the foot slip than the tongue.

  3. 宁肯失足, 不要失言。

    Better the foot slip than the tongue trip.

  4. 宁肯失足,不要失言。

    Better the foot slip than the tongue trip.

  5. 他有失言的倒霉本事。

    He has an unfortunate aptitude for saying the wrong thing.

  6. 很明显,这并非一时失言。

    Clearly this was not a slip of the tongue.

  7. 失言没有履行义务或诺言。

    To fail to keep a commitment or promise.

  8. 部长训斥他酒后失言。

    The Minister choked him off for making an indiscreet remark under the influence of alcohol

  9. 你可以失言,但不能失信。

    You can slip of tongue, but cannot fail.

  10. 他没有讲下去,自知失言。

    He stopped, realizing that he was blundering.

  11. 那个聪明的律师使证人失言。

    The clever lawyer tripped over the witness.

  12. 宁可失脚滑倒, 不可随口失言。

    Better to slip with the foot than with the tongue.

  13. 他的失言使得他自己十分难堪。

    His indiscreet remark brought him between the borns of a dilemma.

  14. 失言就是一不小心说了实话。

    Accidentally slip of the tongue that is the truth.

  15. 我们都无法忍受汤姆,因为他失言。

    We all lose patience with Tom because he broke his word.

  16. 比尔失言了,我不再相信他的了。

    Bill broke his promise, I won't believe him anymore.

  17. 我发誓, 如果我失言, 我将会被魔鬼诅咒。

    I promise, if I break the deal, I would be cursed by satan.

  18. 她的话刚一出口, 她就后悔自己失言。

    As soon as the words had escaped her lips, she was sorry she had uttered them.

  19. 我为我的失言感到抱歉,她羞愧地说。

    I'm sorry for what I said, she said shamefacedly.

  20. 首先,他有不少失言,很容易被人利用。

    First, there were his easily exploited gaffes.

  21. 如果你答应做某事,就一定不要失言。

    If you promise to do something, you must not break your promise.

  22. 可以的话,请你原谅我对你的失言好吗?

    If you can, you you forgive my slip of the tongue on the right?

  23. 英语失言现象的理论分析及对英语学习的启示

    The Theoretical Analysis of English Slips of the Tongue and Its Significance

  24. 如果不是凯失言, 没人会知道我们的计划的。

    No one would have known our plans if Kay hadn't made a slip of the tongue.

  25. 我知道他讲话的原意不是那样,仅仅是失言罢了。

    I know he didn't mean to say that. It was only a slip of the tongue.

  26. 我们都曾经受过这种失望,面对别人的失言而难过万分。

    All of us have suffered these kinds of frustrations and agonized over such broken promises.

  27. 当外交大臣无意中把外国人称为外国佬时,他失言了。

    The Foreign Secretary slipped on a banana skin when he accidentally referred to foreigners as wogs.

  28. 我无意中失言提起了聚会的事情, 而他并没有被邀请。

    I dropped a real clanger when I mentioned the party. He hadn't been invited.

  29. 我无意中失言提起了聚会得事情, 而他并没有被邀请。

    I dropped a real clanger when I mentioned the party. He hadn't been invited.

  30. 松本龙把失言归咎于血型正是利用了人们的这种心理。

    Song Benlong's blaming slips of the tongue to blood type is just tapping into this psychology of the people.


  1. 问:失言拼音怎么拼?失言的读音是什么?失言翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失言的读音是shīyán,失言翻译成英文是 to make an indiscreet remark; a slip of the to...


失言,汉语词汇。拼音:shī yán释义:1、指食言、失信;说了不该说的话。2、 出言失当。见《论语·卫灵公》:“可与言而不与言,失人;不可与言而与之言,失言。知者不失人,亦不失言。”