





  1. 请求指教。

    宋 沉作喆 《寓简》卷四:“其故旧门人仕於四方者皆欲投檄去,以书求教於 尧夫 。”《西湖佳话·白堤政迹》:“竟无一谦逊之词,又不致求教之意。” 阿英 《碧血花》第二幕:“ 郑成功 :‘呵,叔父,孩儿有事正想求教。’”



  1. The professor looked very happy when the student he had taught before came to ask him for help.


  2. One day, while I'm visiting Second High, Shirley asks me for help with an English passage in her test-prep material.


  3. If I meet with some problems while studying, I never hesitate to turn to the teachers and parents for advice.


  4. One day, a scholar named Yang Shi was going to ask some questions from Master Cheng Yi with one of his friends.


  5. As the phrase 'ordinarily resident in Singapore' has not been defined in the Act, guidance must be sought elsewhere.


  6. She turned to me for advice on her choice of profession.


  7. I'm just gathering from my own experiences and what I've learnt and am learning from others.


  8. He felt that he must have done something wrong. Hence, he paid a visit to Laotse for consulting.


  9. Even when I was a child, pretending to be serious but in fact making jokes to cause troubles had been very easy for me.


  1. 求教/ 求助

    to seek advice/ help (from somebody)

  2. 向医生求教

    seek medical advice.

  3. 她向老师求教。

    She turned to her teacher for advice.

  4. 只能求教欧洲。

    The answer must inevitably refer to Europe.

  5. 向部落的智者求教。

    Consult the sages of the tribe.

  6. 一青年向一禅师求教。

    A young man asked a Buddhist monk

  7. 求教总没错,不妨商量。

    It is not amiss to ask advice.

  8. 我们写信向他求教。

    We wrote to him for advice.

  9. 求教把欢迎来我家!

    Welcome to my home!

  10. 我们常常向老工人求教。

    We often asked the veteran workers for advice.

  11. 无奈蹬车去数据局求教。

    But pedal go data bureau asks for advice.

  12. 向有经验的投资顾问求教

    consulted an experienced investment counselor.

  13. 各种各样的人都向他求教。

    He was turned to for advice by all sorts of people.

  14. 人们从远方来向孔子求教。

    People came from far and wide to be taught by Confucius.

  15. 不懂的事要向别人求教。

    Ask other people about things that you do not know.

  16. 她已不知道应当向谁求教。

    She no longer knew to whom to apply.

  17. 蚊也不理解,便向虫求教。

    midge also does not understand, ask for advice to bug.

  18. 求教明香, 我一生的爱!

    Mingxiang, you are the love of my life time!

  19. 他应该向他的姐姐们求教指导意见。

    He ought to look to his sisters for guidance.

  20. 我们常常向经验丰富的工人求教。

    We often asked the veteran workers for advice.

  21. 他写到一个人向拉比求教

    There's a guy talking to a rabbi.

  22. 你也许有必要去求教一位专家。

    You might need to visit a specialist.

  23. 求教手可以接济狗, 举办团队协作。

    The handler is allowed to assist and man and dog work as a team.

  24. 如果碰到麻烦,要赶紧向人求教。

    If you get in trouble, don't hesitate to ask for advice.

  25. 任何问题都应该向你的老师求教。

    Any questions should be addressed to your teacher.

  26. 关于你的病, 你有没有向医生求教过?

    Have you consulted your doctor about your illness?

  27. 于是两人一起去求教性学大师。

    Then two people ask for advice together sexology Great Master.

  28. 他这个人有些虚荣,总是耻于向别人求教。

    He is kind of vain, and always feels ashamed to turn to others.

  29. 他这个人有些虚荣,总是耻于向别人求教。

    He is kind of vain, and always feels ashamed to turn to others.

  30. 时下店主和屋主纷纷向风水师求教。

    Store and home owners are consulting feng shui masters for advice.


  1. 问:求教拼音怎么拼?求教的读音是什么?求教翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求教的读音是qiújiào,求教翻译成英文是 seek advice


求教,汉语词汇。拼音:qiú jiào释义:指请求指教。