




  1. 案例不详。

    The case is not in detail.

  2. 这首诗出处不详。

    The authorship of this poem is not known.

  3. 作者生卒年月不详。

    The author's dates are unknown.

  4. 这笔现金来源不详。

    The cash comes from an unnamed source.

  5. 父亲节的起源不详。

    The origin of Father's Day is not clear.

  6. 这首诗的作者不详。

    The authorship of the poem is unknown.

  7. 其中大部分内容出处不详。

    Much of it is of unknown origin.

  8. 杀人者的动机目前不详。

    Her motive is not clear.

  9. 杀人者得动机目前不详。

    Her motive is not clear.

  10. 屈原的生卒年月不详。

    The date of birth and death of Qu Yuan is unknown.

  11. 这份暗杀名单的作者不详。

    The authors of the hit list are unknown.

  12. 他生于1650年前后, 但身世不详。

    He was born around 1650 but his origins remain obscure.

  13. 阿尔及尔的礼拜日是最为不详。

    Algiers Sundays are among the most sinister.

  14. 在九个案例中,失散儿童的地点不详。

    In nine cases, the location of the separated children is unknown.

  15. 曾在火龙研究与限制局工作,时间不详。

    Worked with the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau.

  16. 革来氐是一个女人得名字, 关于她得资料不详。

    Nothing was known about Chloe except that it is a woman's name.

  17. 革来氐是一个女人的名字,关于她的资料不详。

    Nothing was known about Chloe except that it is a woman's name.

  18. 截至目前,被撞船只和船上人员具体情况仍然不详。

    Up till now, the details of the boat and the people on board are still unavailable.

  19. 枪手最终是被警察击中而死还是自己饮弹自尽不详。

    It was not clear whether the gunman had been shot by police or taken his own life.

  20. 不过,由于没有任何统计数据可提供,他们的实际人数不详。

    With no statistics available, however, their actual number is not known.

  21. 目前。确知毁坏车辆36部,但事件原因未知,伤亡人数不详。

    Present.Unascertained destroyed 36 vehicles,but the unknown cause of the incident,unknown number of casualties.

  22. 在发酵生产低热量也使得极佳温度控制在红方不详。

    Low heat production during fermentation also makes it an excellent choice for reds when temperature control is not available.

  23. 既往无明确慢性病史,有同事讲他每日饮酒,具体不详。

    No identified chronic case history, some colleagues said he drank wine everyday, and the specific condition is not clear.

  24. 他不作声地端详了我一会儿。

    For a moment he studied me silently.

  25. 我太太总是详详细细,一点不拉地给我讲她的梦。

    My wife insists on telling me her dreams with circumstantial detail.

  26. 篇幅有限, 不能对此详加描述。

    Space lacks for a detailed description of it.

  27. 我们能不能碰头详细谈一下这个问题?

    Can we get together to about this in detail ?

  28. 有什么就详详细细地告诉我们,不要支吾。

    Tell us exactly what happened and dont prevaricate.

  29. 他似乎不在听斯卡利的不厌其详的回答。

    He seemed barely to listen to Scully's extended replies.

  30. 在详阅后,我们发现不允许转船和分批装运。

    On perusal, we find that transhipment and partial shipment are not allowed.




不厌求详是汉语词汇,拼音bù yàn qiú xiáng,出自《蚀·追求》。