








1. 应 [yīng]2. 应 [yìng]应 [yīng]该,当,又引申料想理该如此:~当。~该。~分(fèn )。~有尽有。回答:答~。喊他不~。~承。随,即:“桓督诸将周旋赴讨,~皆平定”。姓。应 [yìng]回答或随声相和:~答。呼……



汉语拼音:qián hū hòu yìng








前呼后应 [qián hū hòu yìng]
  1. 前呼后应,读作qián hū hòu yìng。本意是前面的人在呼喊,后面的人在应答。现多用来比喻写文章首尾呼应。可参见宋·欧阳修 《欧阳文忠公文集》:“至于负者歌于途,行者休于树,前者呼,后者应,伛偻提携,往来而不绝者,滁人游也。”



  1. That day, the director came as scheduled with a large retinue.


  1. 前呼后拥,戒备森严。

    there wasa great fanfare, with people waiting on and guardsswarming all around.

  2. 申请前应做什么?

    Before filingapplication, what should be done ?

  3. 起跑前应将肌肉放松。

    Relax your muscles before starting to run.

  4. 他出现时,子女前呼后拥不计其数。

    He appeared, surrounded by his numerous progeny.

  5. 实验前应反复摇动瓶子。

    Shock bottle well before the experiment.

  6. 她喜欢让仆人前呼后拥地侍候她。

    She enjoy that her servants be around her.

  7. 漆地板前应先磨光。

    The floor should be sanded before you paint it.

  8. 国王起驾、车马仆人前呼后拥。

    The king fared forth, attended by all his servants and many carriages.

  9. 买收音机前应详加试听。

    You ought to try out the radio before you buy it.

  10. 滴药前应先擤净鼻涕。

    Feder advised Dropping net nose.

  11. 使用前应检查瓶子是否渗漏。

    Check bottles for leakage before use.

  12. 在烫衣服前应将衣服打湿。

    You should damp clothes before ironing them.

  13. 她儿子於两三年前应募入伍

    Her son be enrol for military service a couple of year ago

  14. 我也辉煌过, 在单位前呼后拥, 呼风唤雨。

    I have also been brilliant in the flat g summon wind and rain.

  15. 我们出发前应好好研究一下地图。

    We should study up on the map before we set out.

  16. 我们旅行前应先把车调整好。

    We should have our car tuned up before starting on our trip.

  17. 她儿子于两三年前应募入伍。

    Her son was enrolled for military service a couple of years ago.

  18. 拨打长途电话前应先加区号。

    Dial the district number when you make a long-distance phone call.

  19. 你回家前应先把工作做完。

    Finish the work off before you go home.

  20. 在喷砂清理前应清除焊接飞溅。

    Weld spatter shall be removed prior to blast cleaning.

  21. 卖方在焊接前应先获得买方批准。

    Vendor shall obtain Purchaser's approval for start of welding.

  22. 你去度假前应先把工作做完。

    Finish the work off before you leave for your holiday.

  23. 这引擎在起动前应预热多长时间?

    How long should the engine warm up before we start?

  24. 禽蛋在被使用前应清洗干净, 而后应洗手。

    Wash eggs before use, and then wash your hands.

  25. 在开始爆石作业前应进行风险评估。

    A risk assessment should be conducted before the commencement of the blasting operation.

  26. 在缝制布料前应将其按合适尺寸裁剪。

    Cloth must be cut into perfect dimensions before sewing.

  27. 在缝制布料前应将其按合适尺寸裁剪。

    Cloth must be cut into perfect dimensions before sewing.

  28. 使用前应在辊棒表面均匀涂上耐火涂层。

    You must tip roller with refractory coating before use.

  29. 所有密钥将被删除,在继续前应导出。

    All cryptographic keys will be deleted and should be exported before continuing.

  30. 安装前应把管道和阀门内腔清理干净。

    The lumen of the valve and pipeline should be clean before installation.

