


职务,分(fèn )内应做的事:~业。~务。~守。~权。天~。尽~。职位,执行事务所处的一定地位:~工。~位。~员。~称。以身殉~。旧时公文用语,下属对上司的自称:卑~。~当奉命。掌管:~掌。由于:~此而已。……





汉语拼音:zhí guān








  1. 犹官职。

    《左传·成公九年》:“公曰:‘能乐乎?’对曰:‘先父之职官也,敢有二事?’” 唐 元稹 《唐故开府仪同三司南阳郡王张公碑文》:“ 岌 不肖,能言先将军之职官,而不能知先将军之勋业矣。”

  2. 各级官员的统称。

    《左传·定公四年》:“分 唐叔 以大路、密须之鼓、闕巩、沽洗, 怀 姓九宗,职官五正。”《新唐书·陆贽传》:“财赋不足以供赐,而职官之赏兴焉。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二一:“小人虽卑微,也是个职官,岂不晓得法度,干这样犯死的事?”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七回:“ 上海 道批了出来,大致説控告职官,本道没有权力去移提到案。”



  1. Though not a high-ranking position, Yi Zhang, set up in most states in the Western Regions, played an important role.


  2. Zhi Guan, documented Zhiguan, Officer of Order of the historical records, including the way serving as an official speaking book.


  3. There're much Tibetan Dao with double rings. They're basically high class Tibetan official Dao. It's girdle of Tibetan Dao undoubtedly.


  4. In Eastern Jin Dynasty, some important officials such as generals and governors would be awarded the promotion of "San Qi Chang Shi" .


  5. The responsibilities of DUTIANSEFU included farmland and water conservancy in county.


  6. The evolution of the examination system for feudal officials in ancient China and its current inspiration


  7. Discussion on the Ming Dynasty's Garrison Officials System Along the Great Wall in Tangshan


  8. Historical Perspective of the Official Examination and Supervision System of the Tang Dynasty


  9. Professional Officials Examination of the Qing Dynasty


  1. 军事职官体系

    system of the officer appointment.

  2. 伪满职官制度

    official position in forged Man Dynasty

  3. 王符论职官考核制度

    A Comment by Wang Fu on The Testing and Examination System for Various Level

  4. 他爷爷的爷爷曾经做过职官。

    The grandpa of his grandpa used to be an official.

  5. 他爷爷的爷爷曾经做过职官。

    The grandpa of his grandpa used to be an official.

  6. 清钦天监天文科职官年表

    A Chronological Table for Officials Serving in the Division of Astronomy of the Qing Dynasty Qintianjian

  7. 五行与古代中日职官服色

    The Five Elements and the Colour of Official Garments in Ancient China and Japan

  8. 学官管理被纳入了国家职官管理体系。

    Instructors Administration was put into the national officers systems.

  9. 略论五代使职官的几个特征

    The Characteristics of the Emissaries in the Five Dynasties

  10. 论五代中央职官的失职与君主专制

    On Breach of Duty and Autocratic Monarchy of Central Government Officials in Five Dynasties

  11. 论五代中央职官得失职与君主专制

    On Breach of Duty and Autocratic Monarchy of Central Government Officials in Five Dynasties.

  12. 职官, 记载职官, 官佐的史籍, 包括讲为官之道的书。

    Zhi Guan, documented Zhiguan, Officer of Order of the historical records, including the way serving as an official speaking book.

  13. 略论唐末五代王闽政权的职官制度

    The Official System of the Power of Wang in Fujian During the End of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties

  14. 麟趾学士是北周明帝设置的文化著述职官。

    Linzhi Bachelor was position set up by Emperor Ming in Northern Zhou Dynasty.

  15. 麟趾学士是北周明帝设置得文化著述职官。

    Linzhi Bachelor was position set up by Emperor Ming in Northern Zhou Dynasty.

  16. 试论唐山境内明长城戍边职官体系的发展

    Discussion on the Ming Dynastys Garrison Officials System Along the Great Wall in Tangshan.

  17. 职官管理法是我国古代律的重要组成部分。

    The ancient official administration law is an important component of Chinese traditional law.

  18. 秦汉时期西南少数民族职官制度的形成与发展

    The Formation and Development of Official Position Systems of Minority Nationalities in the Southwest of China in Qinand Han Dynasty.

  19. 作册, 是商周之际一个重要的文化类职官。

    Zhou Chi was an important official rank concerning cultural affairs in the turn from Shang to Zhou Dynasty.

  20. 汉代文吏的身份是职官身份和社会评价的结合体。

    The identity of Wenli capacity of Official identity and social commentary of the combination.

  21. 汉代文吏得身份是职官身份和社会评价得结合体。

    The identity of Wenli capacity of Official identity and social commentary of the combination.

  22. 唐前期东都职官的称谓变化与东都机构的发展脉络

    The Appellation's Change of East Capital Official Post in the Early Stage of Tang Dynasty and the Development Arteries of East Capital Organism

  23. 太平天国职官制度的发展也完全遵循着历史发展的规律。

    The development of the ranking system of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom followed the law of history development.

  24. 吐蕃统治河陇西域时期的军事,畜牧业职官二题

    A Study of The Official Title For Military Rank and Livestock Breeding During Tibetan Occupation in Hexi Gansu and The Western Regions

  25. 它作为职官制度的重要部分,至迟在秦朝就已经出现。

    An important part of it as the official system, had appeared in the qin dynasty at the latest.

  26. 唐朝前期东都洛阳中央职官的称谓大致发生过三次变化。

    The appellation of east capital central official in the early stage of Tang dynasty changed three times.


  1. 问:职官拼音怎么拼?职官的读音是什么?职官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:职官的读音是zhíguān,职官翻译成英文是 Any of the officials of various levels in ancien...

  2. 问:职官名录制度拼音怎么拼?职官名录制度的读音是什么?职官名录制度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:职官名录制度的读音是,职官名录制度翻译成英文是 Nomenklatura


职官是指在国家机构中担任一定职务的官吏,其内容包括职官的名称、职权范围、品级地位等。这个词一般特指中国古代的官职设置制度。 根据马克思主义的理论,出现了国家,才有了职官。在原始社会是没有官的。那时的氏族和部落虽然有首领,但是其性质和国家产生以后的官是不同的。而关于中国夏朝以前的一些官职的描述,一般认为是缺少可信度的。因此也就是说,职官是从夏朝开始出现的。