


1. 应 [yīng]2. 应 [yìng]应 [yīng]该,当,又引申料想理该如此:~当。~该。~分(fèn )。~有尽有。回答:答~。喊他不~。~承。随,即:“桓督诸将周旋赴讨,~皆平定”。姓。应 [yìng]回答或随声相和:~答。呼……


1. 答 [dá]2. 答 [dā]答 [dá]回话,回复:回~。对~。~辩。~复。~案。对~如流。受了别人的好处,还(huán )报别人:报~。~报。答 [dā]义同(一),用于“答应”“答理”等词。……







汉语拼音:yìng dá rú liú








  • 【解释】:对答像流水一样。形容答语敏捷流利。
  • 【出自】:《晋书·张华传》:“华应对如流,听者忘倦。”
  • 【示例】:许晏、许普~,理明词畅。


  1. na.
  2. answer as quickly as the flowing of water;answer with a readiness equal to the flowing of water;be quick at repartee;eloquent in speech;have a ready tongue;One'

  3. s answers come natural (

  4. to one).;One'

  5. s replies flowed like a stream.;ready at reply;reply readily and fluently

  1. 岁月如流。

    Time is fleeting.

  2. 时光如浮云样流过, 我们的青春单薄的穿梭在蓝天之上。

    The time like floating clouds type has flowed, our youth frail shuttle above blue sky.

  3. 时光如浮云样流过,我们得青春单薄得穿梭在蓝天之上。

    The time like floating clouds type has flowed, our youth frail shuttle above blue sky.

  4. 恩爱夫妻情似青山不老,幸福伴侣意如碧水长流。

    May the love of husband and wife last like ever green mountains. May the affection of each couple flow on and on like clear streams.

  5. 青春如歌,亦如随波而流,时而低沉,时而高亢。

    Cantabile youth, as well as and flow, sometimes low, sometimes sonorous.

  6. 流眼泪如从眼中产生或分泌液体

    To produce or discharge fluid, as from the eyes.

  7. 岁月如流, 年复一年。

    So the years pass and repeat each other.

  8. 岁月如流,年复一年。

    So the years pass and repeat each other.

  9. 街上突然人涌如流。

    The street had a sudden flush of people.

  10. 胸怀坦荡, 从谏如流的领导品格

    Leading quality of being openhearted and following good advice

  11. 那女孩倒背如流地朗诵功课。

    The girl rattled off her lessons.

  12. 你抚我的手如流经莎草的小河。

    As a rillet among the sedge are thy hands upon me.

  13. 岁月悠悠,时光如流,今朝恰是怀念最多时!

    Time flies by.It is the time I cherish the memory of the padt years and give my blessings to you.Merry Christmas!

  14. 备用文件系统流名称, 如

    Alternate file system stream names such as

  15. 人生苦短, 岁月如流, 乐天知命, 为什么不乐乐陶陶的。

    Life is short as flow, Lotte, why do not Le the.

  16. 当领导的就要从谏如流,广开言路,才能把工作搞好。

    Being a leader means you should be open to good advice so that you can do your job better.

  17. 我的好奇心流成了如潮的言语。

    My curiosity burst from me in a flood of speech.

  18. 我的好奇心流成了如潮的言语。

    My curiosity burst from me in a flood of speech.

  19. 靠山山会倒、靠水水会流,不如靠自己好!

    Falling back mountain, bying water will flow, depend on oneself!

  20. 了解你的老板会让你在职场生涯中的很多方面都应对如流。

    UNDERSTANDING YOUR BOSS can make your tenure more bearable in a number of ways.

  21. 她泪流如注。

    She was in a flood of tears.

  22. 他汗流如注。

    The sweat was pouring off him.

  23. 美丽的闪电河如玉带环绕, 静静地流过您的身边。

    The beautiful River like lightning around the jade belt, quietly through your side.

  24. 美丽得闪电河如玉带环绕,静静地流过您得身边。

    The beautiful River like lightning around the jade belt, quietly through your side.

  25. 慢跑10英里之后,卡拉汗流如注。

    After jogging for ten miles,Carla was perspiring heavily.

  26. 在手臂上深深割一刀, 手臂会血流如柱。

    If you got a deep cut in your arm, there's usually a gush of blood.

  27. 哗哗地流喧闹地流动, 如水

    To flow noisily, as water.

  28. 他不得观赏油流如溪,也看不到那流蜜流奶的小河。

    Let him not see the streams of the river, the brooks of honey and of butter.

  29. 然后你终于入流了,一切都如你所愿

    And you're on the inside, and it's everything you hoped it would be.

  30. 流金岁月,岁月如歌,镀一抹怀旧的金色,纪念昨天

    The golden years of the past, the chanting bygone days, lets gild a touch of nostalgic golden, in memorizing the past yesterday.


应答如流,汉语成语。拼音:yìng dá rú liú 。 释义:对答像流水一样。形容答语敏捷流利。