




天文学上指宇宙间能发光的或反射光的天体;一般指夜间天空中发光的天体:~球。恒~。行(xíng )~。卫~。披~戴月。细碎的小颗粒东西:火~儿。秤等衡器上记数的点:定盘~。军官衣领上的徽记:五~将军。形容夜间:~行。~奔。星名,二十八宿之一:……


用皮、布或线等做成的长条物:~子。皮~。领~。一衣~水。像带子的长条物:~钢。~鱼。声~。车轮胎:车~。外~。区域:地~。温~。佩戴,披挂:~孝。~剑。随身拿着:携~。~挈。~着钱。捎,连着,顺便做:连~。~职。~累(lěi )(连累)。话……





汉语拼音:pī xīng dài yuè








  • 【解释】:身披星星,头戴月亮。形容连夜奔波或早出晚归,十分辛苦。
  • 【出自】:元·无名氏《冤家债主》第一的:“这大的孩儿披星戴月,早起晚眠。”
  • 【示例】:经过二十多天~的风尘奔波,到襄阳后一定要休息几天。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;形容连夜奔波或早出晚归


  1. 网络
  2. travelortoilnightandday;to travel or work through night and day;Hins

  3. >

  1. 我们可不要一个月带她一个星期

    We're not gonna take her out one week a month.

  2. 打他3岁起,我们每个月带他去动物园一次。

    We have been taking him to the zoo once a month since he was three years old.

  3. 带了一个月的孝

    have been in mourning for one month

  4. 此外, 你每年可休唯一月得带薪假。

    Besides you may HAs a paid month holiday eVery abundance age.

  5. 此外,你每年可休唯一月的带薪假。

    Besides you may HAs a paid month holiday eVery abundance age.

  6. 此外, 你每年可休一个月得带薪假。

    Besides you may have a paid month holiday every year.

  7. 此外,你每年可休一个月的带薪假。

    Besides you may have a paid month holiday every year.

  8. 你刚刚带薪休了一整月的假!

    You've just had a vacation for a whole month with full pay!

  9. 滚动带笛子,加入月桂花环和鲜花一样玫瑰,雏菊,牡丹花。

    Scroll ribbons flutes, joined by laurel and flowers garland like roses, daisies, peonies.

  10. 陶渊明不为五斗米的体面而折腰,带月荷锄归。

    Tao Five Pecks of Rice is not a decent and bow down, with return on Dutch hoe.

  11. 你已经保证好几个月了会带她去一起工作的

    Youve been promising her for months you would take her to work with you.

  12. 四月, 春潮带雨袭来之时, 她挟一段爱飘然而至。

    April, come she will, when streams are rip and swelled with rain.

  13. 圆月带来好天气。

    Full moon brings fair weather.

  14. 四月带来报春花美美甜甜。

    April brings the primrose sweet.

  15. 八月份我将带我的儿子们来。

    In August I'm bringing my sons.

  16. 流波将月去, 潮水带星来。

    The flow wave goes a month, tidewater band the star come.

  17. 寒冷的十二月带来雨夹雪。

    Chill December brings the sleet.

  18. 二月带来雨水,使池塘水面冰层融解。

    February brings the rain, thaws the frozen ponds again.

  19. 三月带来尖叫的风,吹拂着翩翩起舞的水仙花。

    March brings breezes loud and shrill, stirs the dancing daffodil.

  20. 四月带来报春花美美甜甜,脚边的雏菊星星点点。

    April brings the primrose sweet, scatters daisies at our feet.

  21. 五月之恋电影原声带

    Love of May Original Sound Track

  22. 寒冷的十二月带来雨夹雪,炉火熊熊,圣诞欢悦。

    Chill December brings the sleet, Blazing fire and Christmas treat.

  23. 这个月我不得不勒紧裤带过日子!

    I have to tighten my belt this month!

  24. 十六的圆月带着夕阳红,悬在安详的灰暗天际旁。

    The full moon on 16 th with sunset glow hung over the serene grey horizon.

  25. 几个月后, 师傅带这个男孩子去参加他的第一次比赛。

    Several months later, the master took the boy to his first tournament.

  26. 在光中,与这个月带来的强度中,严苛的现实会被承认。

    Harsh realities will be acknowledged in the light and intensity this month brings.

  27. 五月带来成群的漂亮小羊羔,在羊毛柔实的母羊旁边欢跳。

    May brings flocks of pretty lambs, skipping by their fleecy dams.

  28. 当牠7个月大时,我们带牠去兽医那整理美容。

    When she was about 5 months old, we took her to the vet to be sprayed.

  29. 我才刚买车,所以这个月我要勒紧裤带过活。

    I just bought a car, so I have to tighten my belt this month.

  30. 现在让我们看看这个月得两次月蚀会带给你什么。

    Now let's look at the two eclipses this month to see what you can expect.

