



  1. 真诚恳切。

    《晋书·温峤郗鉴传论》:“微夫人之诚恳,大盗几移国乎!” 唐 柳宗元 《为桂州崔中丞上中书门下乞朝觐状》:“顷在 邕州 ,累陈诚恳,谬尸进律之宠,未遂执珪之愿。” 明 高攀龙 《家训》:“吾为子孙发此真切诚恳之语,不可艸艸看过。” 冰心 《晚晴集·追念振铎》:“对于他的诚恳、刚正、率真的性格,却知道得很清楚。”



  1. Although things is quite different from the beginning, but I, with my all sincerely, still feel so sorry to you.


  2. Mr. Morris said, "I wish to have an earnest talk with you, Mr. Jefferson, on the alarming situation of things. "


  3. Excellent communication and coordination skills, honesty, and a strong sense of responsibility.


  4. Eric Cantor, the Republican House whip, told me that he had met with the president four times already and thought him sincere and likable.


  5. When I was young , they taught me to be knd to others and do things kindly, which had a great effect on me.


  6. Instead, Jesus saw that this young man, although sincere in his request, was stilling hanging onto his wealth.


  7. I was not in the mood, but he was so sincere that I did not have the heart to turn him down. Reluctantly, I took a look at the essay.


  8. 'Do not close your heart against all my efforts to help you, ' said Rose, stepping gently forward. 'I wish to serve you indeed. '


  9. Learn to accept all the genuine help that is offered, as you struggle to cope with all that is expected of you.


  1. 他待人诚恳。

    He's sincere in his dealings with people.

  2. 诚恳回答问题。

    Respond to questions honestly and candidly.

  3. 接受诚恳的感谢。

    received hearty thanks.

  4. 约翰为人极为诚恳。

    John had a fearsome sincerity.

  5. 她态度诚恳, 毋庸置疑。

    Her sincerity is beyond question.

  6. 他的允诺是诚恳的。

    He is sincere in his promise.

  7. 首先对自己要诚恳。

    This above all, to thine own self be true.

  8. 他是那么坦率,那么诚恳。

    He is so simple, so sincere.

  9. 她笑容亲切, 态度诚恳。

    She had a warm smile and an unaffected manner.

  10. 我们对顾客做生意诚恳。

    We to buyer do business in a sincere way.

  11. 你的话听起来不诚恳。

    Your words rang hollow.

  12. 过分的或不诚恳的赞美。

    excessive or insincere praise.

  13. 我总是诚恳地交朋友。

    I always make friends heart to heart.

  14. 约翰说话在总是很诚恳。

    John always speaks from the heart.

  15. 她为人诚恳, 毫不矫揉造作。

    She is sincere and quite without affectation.

  16. 他正派诚恳,是个好人。

    He was decent, sincere, a good man.

  17. 他是诚恳人,没有扯谎。

    He is honest, he doesn't tell lies.

  18. 做一只诚恳的脊椎动物。

    An animal had schizophrenia was uncured.

  19. 可以认为他们是诚恳的。

    It may be taken for granted that they were sincere.

  20. 他是个谦虚诚恳的人。

    He is a modest and sincere man.

  21. 你的诚恳是无可置辩的。

    Your sincerity is not in dispute.

  22. 他一想待人诚恳, 光明磊落。

    Treat him like a sincere and straightforward.

  23. 他的诚恳态度感动了我。

    His sincerity touched me.

  24. 我觉得她真好,待人诚恳。

    I thought her so nice and sincere.

  25. 一个表示友好的诚恳的手势

    An earnest gesture of goodwill.

  26. 他为人忠厚老实,热情诚恳。

    His humanness is honest and tolerant and frank, enthusiastic and cordial.

  27. 她的态度几乎是相当诚恳。

    Her manner was almost passionate.

  28. 我诚恳地盼望你早日康复。

    I sincerely hope you will soon recover.

  29. 你应该给老师诚恳地道歉。

    You should make a hearty apology to your teacher.

  30. 她心地善良,人为诚恳而坦率。

    She's kind and honest and unaffected.


  1. 问:诚恳拼音怎么拼?诚恳的读音是什么?诚恳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诚恳的读音是chéngkěn,诚恳翻译成英文是 sincere

  2. 问:诚恳地拼音怎么拼?诚恳地的读音是什么?诚恳地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诚恳地的读音是,诚恳地翻译成英文是 cordially

  3. 问:诚恳的拼音怎么拼?诚恳的的读音是什么?诚恳的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诚恳的的读音是,诚恳的翻译成英文是 hearty



“诚恳”是个多义词,它可以指诚恳(钟镇涛演唱歌曲), 诚恳(词语释义)。