





  1. Must remember that, everything has, acts with constraint, forever is the most high grade.


  1. 但是凡事总得有个度吧,我很抱歉。

    But weve got a deadline to meet. Im sorry.

  2. 就事论事, 我觉得凡事都有个度吧?貌似酒精有点太多了。

    Consumption of alcohol is prohibited in provincial parks, except within your campsite.

  3. 他进食有度。

    He is temperate in food and drink.

  4. 凡事有盛必有衰。

    Every tide has an ebb.

  5. 凡事有果必有因。

    About everything, where there is fruit there must be cause.

  6. 饮良有度不求医。

    Feed by measure and defy the physician.

  7. 凡事有节制是我的座右铭。

    Moderation in all things is my motto.

  8. 想追求时尚是没有错的, 但要有度。

    There is nothing wrong with trying be fashionable, but there should be limits.

  9. 我就希望你是我的老板, 对我的管理张弛有度。

    I just wish you were my boss, keeping me on the straight and narrow.

  10. 合理把握、张弛有度的对待员工和酒店的发展。

    The General Manager practices a reasonable and balanced attitude toward his employees and hotel development.

  11. 韦奕礼在香港赢得了铁腕但执法有度的名声。

    He has gained a reputation for tough but measured enforcement in Hong Kong.

  12. 成熟的女人会对给男人一些空间又能做到张弛有度。

    Mature women will give a man some space and he can be a degree of relaxation.

  13. 凡事皆有因

    Here we go.

  14. 凡事都有因。

    Every why has its wherefore.

  15. 凡事必有因。

    Every thing why has a wherefore.

  16. 凡事都有可能。

    Nothing is impossible.

  17. 凡事必有开端

    Everything must have a beginning.

  18. 凡事都有限度。

    There is a limit to everything.

  19. 凡事都有代价

    Everything has a price tag attached to it.

  20. 凡事皆有利弊。

    There are two sides to ?every? question.

  21. 凡事应有信心。

    Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence.

  22. 凡事都有中庸之道。

    There is a medium in all things.

  23. 凡事皆有其难处。

    Every path has a puddle.

  24. 凡事都有个限度。

    There is limit to everything.

  25. 凡事总有个开头。

    Everything must have a beginning.

  26. 凡事都有一定限度。

    There is a mean in all things.

  27. 凡事皆有两手准备。

    He has a second string to his bow.

  28. 当然,凡事都有两面。

    Obviously, there's always the dark side of it.

  29. 外科医生凡事都有计划。

    surgeons always have a plan.

  30. 凡事皆有不足之处。

    Everything has its drawback.