


哺乳动物,肉可食,鬃可制刷,皮可制革,粪是很好的肥料:~倌。~场。~圈(juàn )。~肉。生~。野~。种(zhóng )~。古同“潴”,水积存之处。……









汉语拼音:zhū gǒu bù rú








  1. Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe has called homosexuals "worse than dogs and pigs" .


  2. They treated him like a dog.


  3. We should all instructors, he let us do so hard, so no sympathy, it is worse than pigs or dogs, we should unite together against him!


  4. Check the animals and dogs!


  5. When we were poor, you thought we were dogs.


  6. Met on the street in Oslo who are saying this: "He is a madman, pigs and dogs than the beast. "


  7. Now we are miserable, like dogs.


  8. He's a workaholic. 13. He's leading a dog's life.


  1. 他过着猪狗不如的生活。

    He lives a dog's life.

  2. 我有的只不过是一个猪狗不如的丈夫!

    What I have is a husband who aint worth a turd!

  3. 你若是真做出抛妻弃子的事,那还不如猪狗呢!

    If you really do things like abandoning your wife and your son, you are no better than pigs and dogs.

  4. 你若是真做出抛妻弃子的事,那还不如猪狗呢!

    If you really do things like abandoning your wife and your son, you are no better than pigs and dogs.

  5. 狗不如猫安静。

    Dogs are not as peaceful as cats.

  6. 这一对夫妻过着猪狗一样的生活。

    The couple lead a car and a dog life.

  7. 一群猪狗伴随着他们,其中包括巴尔博亚那条偷运来的猪狗。

    A pack of bloodhounds accompanied the men, including Balboya's stowaway bloodhound.

  8. 一些哺乳类动物的例子是人类, 猪和狗。

    Some examples of mammals are man, pigs and dogs.

  9. 他真的一贫如洗,生活潦倒得连狗都不如。

    Even the dogs lead a better life than him.

  10. 他真的家徒四壁,生活落魄得连狗都不如。

    Hehas genuine church mouse! Even the dogs learticle some sort of life than him.

  11. 可是猪与狗这两种动物的灵魂有何差别?

    But do pigs have any more or less of a soul than dogs?

  12. 六畜是马、牛、羊、猪、狗、鸡这六种家畜家禽的合称。

    The six domestic animals refer to the horse, ox, goat, pig, dog and chicken.

  13. 你们好,小猪和小狗。

    Hello. Piggy and Doggie.

  14. 猫,狗,猪也都饿了。

    The cat, the dog and the pig were hungry, too.

  15. 猫, 狗, 猪去卧室看电视去了。

    The cat, the dog and the pig went to watch TV in the living room.

  16. 据报道称,猪比猫狗更适于训练为人的助手。

    Pigs are reportedly more trainable than dogs and cats.

  17. 猫,狗,猪争着坐在饭桌上。

    The cat, the dog and the pig raced to the dinner table.

  18. 但是猫, 狗, 猪从来都不帮他。

    But the cat, the dog and the pig never helped him.

  19. 猫, 狗, 猪到草地上去打盹了。

    The cat, the dog, and the pig went to take a nap on the lawn.

  20. 猫, 狗, 猪去草地上玩羽毛球去了。

    The cat, the dog and the pig went to kick shuttlecock on the lawn.

  21. 猫, 狗, 猪到草地上玩球去了。

    The cat, the dog and the pig went to play ball on the lawn.

  22. 穆斯林们认为狗和猪一样是肮脏的,禁忌的。

    Dogs are considered dirty and haram just like a pig.

  23. 像狗啊猪啊这些动物就不用管那么多了。

    Animals like dogs and pigs don't do stuff like that.

  24. 这位老人养了许多动物。像狗。猪。还有猫等。

    The old man kept many animals like dogs. pigs and cats.

  25. 猪不如马聪明。

    The pig is not clever equal to the horse.

  26. 饲养家畜主要是猪, 并有狗。

    Livestock rearing is mainly pigs and dogs.

  27. 狗也像猪一样被视为禁忌, 和脏脏的东西。

    Dogs considered dirty and haram, just a pig.

  28. 狗也像猪一样被视为禁忌,和脏脏得东西。

    Dogs considered dirty and haram,just a pig.

  29. 猫不如狗机警。

    A cat is not so vigilant as a dog.

  30. 一条懒狗, 一头懒猪。

    a lazy dog and a lazy pig.


猪狗 :zhū ɡǒu 1.猪与狗。 2.詈词。谓人下贱如牲畜。 老舍《四世同堂》:“他须纳住气,向连猪狗不如的人说好话。”