











汉语拼音:huà zhōng yǒu huà








  • 【解释】:话里含有别的意思。
  • 【出自】:清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第第一百十回:“邢夫人等听了话中有话,不想到自己不令凤姐便宜行事,反说:‘凤丫头果然有些不用心。’”
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作宾语;指说话不直接,让对方体会


  1. It was like watching a teasing dialogue between rival princes in a Shakespeare play, all hints and hidden meanings beneath the politesse.


  2. Suck out some marrow. That one was.


  3. Hear the words that I don't say


  1. 你不明白我话中有话吗

    Oh, you cannot take a hint, can you?

  2. 他俩其中一个肯定话中有话。

    One of the two has extensions.

  3. 她怀疑他话中有话, 别有所指。

    She suspected his comments had an inner meaning.

  4. 他的话中有刺。

    His words carry a sting.

  5. 他话中有嫉妒的意味

    a spice of envy in his words

  6. 他说的话中有一丝真理。

    There was a grain of truth in what he said.

  7. 这句话中有个词我很喜欢。

    There's one word I love on that slide.

  8. 他想,母亲的话中有一定的哲理。

    There was a certain wisdom in his mother's words, he thought.

  9. 他听出她话中有刺, 不觉脸带愠色。

    He could not help looking annoyed when he detected there was a catch in her remarks.

  10. 她说过的带有方言的一些话中有种可爱的意趣。

    Some words in her dialect had a charming quaintness.

  11. 她说过的带有方言的一些话中有种可爱的意趣。

    Some words in her dialect had a charming quaintness.

  12. 她的话中有花提醒了我们的结婚纪念日快要到了。

    Her allusion to flowers reminded me that our wedding anniversary was coming.

  13. 然而运气得很,李四并没觉到曾沧海的话中有核。

    Luckily, Li Sze did not notice the implication.

  14. 我察觉他的话中带有一点恶意。

    I detected a suggestion of malice in his remarks.

  15. 但是总教练有点话中带刺。

    But the coach couldnt resist taking a jab.

  16. 我在下文中有一部分转述了洛甫的话。

    In the follwing paragraphs I have paraphrased, in part, the comments of Lofu.

  17. 这话中的意思暗合事实,她觉得有点触心。

    The touch of fact in it made it slightly piquant.

  18. 这话中得意思暗合事实, 她觉得有点触心。

    The touch of fact in it made it slightly piquant.

  19. 这一段话为解决唯我论中有多少真理的问题提供了钥匙。

    This remark provides the key to the problem, how much truth there is in solipsism.

  20. 如果你小便中有血的话,你应该去看医生。

    If you pass blood you should go and see your doctor.

  21. 合伙人对信用协议中的条款有话事权。

    Partners also have a say in the terms of the credit agreements.

  22. 也就是说, 平均每句话中就可能有一个生词。

    That is to say, there is one word in every average sentence.

  23. 如果你们真的在中情局有卧底的话。

    If you really had an undercover asset within the C.I.A.

  24. 如果这些公司中有一些存产的话, 美联储则可能遭受损失。

    If some of those companies go bankrupt, the Fed could suffer some losses.

  25. 随意的交谈中常常有许多重复的话。

    Casual conversation tends to be filled with repetition.

  26. 毕业时,老师给小明的考语中有这么一句话:“该生聪明但不好学”。

    When graduating, there was a sentence in the comments that the teacher gave Xiaoming:"this student is smart but not willing to study."

  27. 这句话说得不错,生活中确实有许多艰难的事。

    There is no mistake about it; there are hard things in life.

  28. 装货过程中我们会捡出关内残损货, 如果有得话。

    We'll pick out the damaged cargo in the slings during loading, provided there is any.

  29. 装货过程中我们会捡出关内残损货, 如果有的话。

    We'll pick out the damaged cargo in the slings during loading, provided there is any.

  30. 这段话只有说法师不能施放法术在近战中的部队。

    Wizards cannot cast spell at units engaged in close combat.


邢夫人等听了话中有话,不想到自己不令凤姐便宜行事,反说:“凤丫头果然有些不用心。” 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第110回