







汉语拼音:féi měi










  1. 肥腴鲜美。

    《尚书大传》卷五:“已有三牲必田狩者,孝子之意以为己之所养不如天地自然之性,逸豫肥美。” 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·种枣》:“ 青州 有 乐氏 枣,丰肌细核,多膏,肥美为天下第一。” 唐 杜甫 《观打鱼歌》:“魴鱼肥美知第一,既饱欢娱亦萧瑟。” 宋 范正敏 《遯斋闲览·毬鱼》:“ 朱崖 之傍,有物正如鞠大小,质状无异,亦有纹如綫,谓味极肥美,土人但呼为毬鱼。” 邓刚 《迷人的海》:“然而 老海碰子 连看也不看这些肥美的大黑鱼。”

  2. 指肥美的食物。


  3. 肥沃。

    《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“不爱珍器重寳肥美之地,以致天下之士,合从缔交,相与为一。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·沔水二》:“ 白起渠 溉三千顷,膏良肥美,更为沃壤也。” 元 王祯 《农书》卷三:“盖耘除之草,和泥渥漉,深埋禾苗根下,沤罨既久,则草腐烂而泥土肥美,嘉穀蕃茂矣。” 洪深 《香稻米》第一幕:“如果我是生长在你们 江 南的乡下,这么肥美的田地,这么许多的粮食,我到今天,也不会只有一条腿呀!” 杨朔 《走进太阳里去》:“这条大河流域的两岸土地肥美。”

  4. 旧亦以形容某地油水多,便于搜刮。


  5. 犹丰美。用于指人。

    沈从文 《扇陀》:“我等日常饮食,皆为食此百果充饥,喝此地泉解渴,因之肥美如此,尚不自觉!”



  1. and get the bits together, the fat tail, every good part, the leg and the top part of it: make it full of the best bones.


  2. "Each mealtime has turned into a frantic feeding frenzy as they fight for meaty chunks of trout, prawns and mussels, " she added.


  3. He was one who rode before the kalahari to find the game and the good green grass, and sniff out foes wherever they might hide.


  4. Nowadays it's topped with fat prawns and meat to spice it up a bit.


  5. and bring your father and your families back to me. I will give you the best of the land of Egypt and you can enjoy the fat of the land. '


  6. Mango is not the only one that sees a juicy market.


  7. From the inexhaustible reservoir is beautiful side of the Waterloo, with the operating system easier, consciously flawless.


  8. Egypt is like a very fair heifer, but destruction cometh; it cometh out of the north.


  9. And what the land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be wood therein, or not.


  1. 水草肥美牛羊壮

    rich pastures and thriving herds

  2. 你说女人肥美的小腹

    You said that a luxuriant underbelly of a woman

  3. 朦胧的季节,没有肥美多汁的果实

    Season of mist and mellow fruitlessness.

  4. 蚝煎中的超大只的蚝, 肥美非常!

    The Fried Oyster with Eggs, the giant oyster!

  5. 蚝煎中得超大只得蚝, 肥美非常!

    The Fried Oyster with Eggs, the giant oyster!

  6. 夏天羊草肥美, 草原上一片生机。

    Guinea grass is health and strong in summer, the grassland is bursting with vitality.

  7. 夏天羊草肥美,草原上一片生机。

    Guinea grass is health and strong in summer, the grassland is bursting with vitality.

  8. 今年,肥美的星期二将在2月12日庆祝。

    Mardi Gras was celebrated on February twelfth this year.

  9. 阿协尔的食物肥美, 将供给君王的佳肴。

    Ashers produce is rich, and he shall furnish dainties for kings.

  10. 我国的青藏高原地域辽阔,水草肥美。

    Qing Zang Highland of Our courtry is wide in area and fertile in water resource.

  11. 亚设之地必出肥美的粮食, 且出君王的美味。

    Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties.

  12. 又看那地土是肥美是瘠薄,其中有树木没有。

    And what the land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be wood therein, or not.

  13. 中华鲟鱼肉质肥美,卵可制鱼子酱,是珍贵食品。

    Acipenser sinensis Feimei fish meat, eggs can be produced caviar, are valuable food.

  14. 水中鱼虾肥美,种类繁多,是野钓的好去处。

    Abounding in delicious fishes, the lake provides a perfect spot for angling.

  15. 水中鱼虾肥美,种类繁多,是野钓得好去处。

    Abounding in delicious fishes, the lake provides a perfect spot for angling.

  16. 这儿水草肥美, 让它们长得肥滚滚得, 像些胖娃娃。

    Plump water here, so that they long roll of fat, as more baby fat.

  17. 这儿水草肥美, 让它们长的肥滚滚的, 像些胖娃娃。

    Plump water here, so that they long roll of fat, as more baby fat.

  18. 海产品中肥美的梭子蟹、质鲜肉厚的大对虾驰名中外。

    Swimming crabs and prawns are the most famous of its sea products.

  19. 这儿水草肥美, 让它们长得肥滚滚的, 像些胖娃娃。

    Here the water grass is so fresh and tender that they feed themselves and become fat.

  20. 而且保定一带,属于冀中平原,水草肥美,最适合养驴。

    And Baoding area, belongs to Jizhong plain, luxuriant plants most suitable for raising donkeys.

  21. 牧草茁壮肥美的时季里,临时雇的挤奶工,也都下工了。

    The supernumerary milkers of the lush green season had been dismissed.

  22. 牧草茁壮肥美得时季里,临时雇得挤奶工,也都下工了。

    The supernumerary milkers of the lush green season had been dismissed.

  23. 新奥尔良的狂欢节季节大概开始于肥美星期二之前的两周。

    The Mardi Gras season begins about two weeks before Fat Tuesday.

  24. 同时亚伯尔献上自己羊群中最肥美而又是首生的羊

    Abel also brought some of the firstborn of his flock and of the fat of it.

  25. 我领你们进入肥美之地,使你们得吃其中的果子和美物。

    And I brought you into the land of the fruited field, To eat its fruit and its goodness.

  26. 幼龙兽用尾巴诱捕,以其上的心灵勾刺钓取肥美思绪与记忆。

    Drakelings fish with their tails, angling to snare succulent thoughts and memories on their psychic hooks.

  27. 如今我就像妈妈当年一样使用着这只盘子,小心翼翼地从碗柜的搁板上拿下来,在家庭晚宴上和其他特别的节日里盛上黑色而肥美的火鸡肉汁。

    Now I use the gravy boat just as she had, taking it carefully from the shelf and filling it just as she did with dark, rich turkey gravy for family dinners and other special occasions.


  1. 问:肥美拼音怎么拼?肥美的读音是什么?肥美翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肥美的读音是féiměi,肥美翻译成英文是 fertile; lump


肥美,汉语词汇。拼音:feí meǐ指肥沃;肥壮;丰美;亦可形容女子身材丰满,丰腴,美丽。语出《尚书大传》卷五:“已有三牲必田狩者,孝子之意以为己之所养不如天地自然之性,逸豫肥美。”