


严格:~禁(a.列队警戒;b.严厉的禁令)。~行(xíng )节约。严肃:严~。声色俱~。凶猛:~害。雷~风行。色~内荏。磨,使锋利:~兵秣马。再接再~。古同“疠”、“癞”,恶疮。姓。……


1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……







汉语拼音:lì xíng jié yuē








  • 【解释】:厉:严格。严格地实行节约。
  • 【示例】:工作中必须厉行节约,反对浪费。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、宾语;指严格认真地实行节约


  1. The latter were largely the result of the crisis: governments let fiscal deficits rise, as the private sector savagely retrenched.


  2. Assist leader to finish the checking and carry out of energy saving, strictly enforce energy saving.


  3. In contrast, eurozone members face years of austerity to reduce large fiscal deficits.


  4. If you were thrifty, how would you look different? says Gary Buffone, a financial psychologist in Jacksonville, Fla.


  5. In order to economize , we have to cut down the non-productive expenditure of our factory to a minimum .


  6. The movement to practice strict economy has been launched all over the country.


  7. In "sustainable growth challenge, part one" , it is not about unmitigated austerity, but finding sustainable paths to prosperity.


  8. Obey law and purchase system, work hard for serve production and try to save money for company.


  9. One way of resolving it is to make a sustained effort to practice strict economy in every field.


  1. 必须厉行节约。

    It is imperative to practise economy.

  2. 厉行节约用水

    require strict economy in the use of water.

  3. 我们要厉行节约。

    We must practise strict economy.

  4. 记住要厉行节约。

    Bear in mind that youll have to practice economy.

  5. 我们需要厉行节约。

    We need to make substantial economies.

  6. 厉行节约, 反对浪费

    practice strict economy and combat waste

  7. 我们必须学会厉行节约。

    We must learn to practise economy.

  8. 国家厉行节约,反对浪费。

    The state practises strict economy and combats waste.

  9. 政府厉行节约, 善用资源

    Economise vigorously and optimise use of resources

  10. 我们必须反对浪费,厉行节约。

    We must fight waste and practise economy.

  11. 我们必须厉行节约, 反对浪费。

    We must practice strict economy and combat waste.

  12. 在各方面都要厉行节约。

    We must practise strict economy in all fields.

  13. 我们应当增加生产,厉行节约。

    We should increase production and practise strict economy.

  14. 我们并不富裕, 应该厉行节约。

    Ourselvesnot rich we should practice economy.

  15. 大学生们在学校里应厉行节约。

    Students should cut corners all they could in college.

  16. 由于经济危机,政府提倡厉行节约。

    Because of the economic crisis, the government called for strict economy.

  17. 国家实行计划用水, 厉行节约用水。

    The State Shall exercise planned allocation and practice strict water conservation.

  18. 最近全国开展了厉行节约运动。

    The movement to practice strict economy has been launched all over the country.

  19. 这是厉行节约的一个出色范例。

    This is an outstanding example of strict economy.

  20. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。

    We should practice economy even if we are rich.

  21. 在这种艰苦情况下,我们必须厉行节约。

    We must Hooverize under such a hard condition.

  22. 我们的收入减少了,现在我们必须厉行节约。

    Our income has decreased and now we must practise strict economy.

  23. 该公司得雇员做任何事都厉行节约。

    The employees of the firm practised economy in doing everything.

  24. 该公司的雇员做任何事都厉行节约。

    The employees of the firm practised economy in doing everything.

  25. 我们得收入变少了, 所以只好厉行节约。

    Our income is getting smaller and we have to practise economy.

  26. 我们的收入变少了,所以只好厉行节约。

    Our income is getting smaller and we have to practise economy.

  27. 意大利人是何等泰然自若地面对厉行节约的!

    How the Italians are facing up to austerity with a stiff upper lip!

  28. 厉行节约在克莱斯勒公司是一件新鲜事。

    Austerity was a new idea at Chrysler.

  29. 我肯定,如果我们厉行节约,我们就能支付得起的。

    I'm sure, if we make a few economies, we'll be able to afford it.

  30. 我目前的计划是厉行节约,所以尽量不花太多的钱。

    I'm meant to be on an economy drive at the moment so I'm trying not to spend too much.


厉行节约,严格地实行节约。出 处:毛泽东《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》。