


与客观事实相符合,与“假”、“伪”相对:~诚。~谛。~挚。~心。逼~。认~。~才实学。~知灼见。确实,的确:~好。~正。~切。清楚,显明:看得~。咬字很~。本性,本原:纯~。天~。人的肖像:传(chuán )~。写~。汉字的楷书:~字。~书……









汉语拼音:zhēn cái shí xué








  • 【解释】:真正的才能和学识。
  • 【出自】:明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第二十九回:“这一扑,有名唤做‘玉环步,鸳鸯脚’。——这是武松平生的真才实学。”
  • 【示例】:一百个说空话的人,不如一个有~的实干家。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作宾语;含褒义


  1. "His personal life should not affect his politics, " he said. "He seems to really know his stuff. "


  2. Encourage and attract thousands of outstanding overseas students with talent and potential to work or start up business in Beijing.


  3. I' ve seen through him he' s not a man of real learning.


  4. " Being a Belgian , I know my weaknesses . But I must also have a few talents to have got this far, " he says.


  5. But a new study shows that people with true expertise in a subject have some immunity to the siren song of corporate sponsorship.


  6. Funding pressures have diverted scientists away from their core abilities to cater to the requirements of funding agencies.


  7. For me, I prefer to genuine talent and hope to get respect and positive from audience under efforts.


  8. It is very difficult for children to truly admire their parents who have no genuine ability and learning.


  9. Do the pen of the it honourable can devote yourself to lifelong accompany gain some really level of good writer.


  1. 真才实学人才

    a person of genuine ability and learning

  2. 你有真才实学

    you're qualified, right?

  3. 有真才实学的人

    man of light and leading

  4. 有几个真才实学的专家?

    There are several substantive experts ?

  5. 然而他们是否有真才实学呢?

    But what about their intellectual equipment?

  6. 他是位有真才实学的学者。

    He is no mean scholar.

  7. 指没有真才实学,靠互相吹捧扬名。

    The absence of real ability and learning ?

  8. 她很喜欢卖弄, 可是她没有真才实学。

    She was very showy, but she was not genuine.

  9. 我决不计较学位,我只讲真才实学。

    I am not particular about a degree, only true talent and learning are important to me.

  10. 他是一个有真才实学的年轻球员。

    He's a young player with real quality.

  11. 有民主, 就可以考验议员有没有真才实学。

    With democracy, we can check whether legislators are knowledgeable.

  12. 他这个人我看透了,没有什么真才实学。

    I've seen through him; he's not a man of real learning.

  13. 我已看透那个人了,他没有一点真才实学。

    I have looked through the man; he hasn't any real learning.

  14. 他没有什么真才实学, 不过是个斗方名士。

    He is not so much a man of genuine ability and learning as a pretender to culture and refinement.

  15. 他没有什么真才实学,不过是个斗方名士。

    He is not so much a man of genuine ability and learning as a pretender to culture and refinement.

  16. 没有真才实学的父母,很难让孩子真正佩服。

    It is very difficult for children to truly admire their parents who have no genuine ability and learning.

  17. 仅有机智而无真才实学,如同一棵大树不结果。

    Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit.

  18. 那五位具有真才实学的工程师是这个小厂的中流砥柱。

    The five engineers of real learning are the mainstays of that small factory.

  19. 那五位具有真才实学得工程师是这个小厂得中流砥柱。

    The five engineers of real learning are the mainstays of that small factory.

  20. 大学生追求真才实学,就应该恪守学业诚信的基本原则。

    College students who want to have genuine ability and learning should abide by the principle of academic honesty.

  21. 这个人没有什么真才实学,只会在领导面前谄谀献媚。

    This person is without any genuine ability and learning, they only know how to flatter their leaders.

  22. 但我能走到今天这一步, 也肯定有一些真才实学。

    But I must also have a few talents to have got this far, he says.

  23. 没有真才实学,这道数学难题不会轻易就可以解出来。

    Without sturdy knowledge, this mathematical problem can't be solved easily.

  24. 就我们大多数人而言,在校成绩好与真才实学不成线性关系。

    For most of us, success in school has very little to do with actual learning.

  25. 你有什么真才实学,发表了几篇论文,就敢在这里叨咕?

    You have what truly learned, announce how many thesises, dare Dao Gu here?


  1. 问:真才实学拼音怎么拼?真才实学的读音是什么?真才实学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:真才实学的读音是zhēncáishíxué,真才实学翻译成英文是 real knowledge and true ability


真才实学(zhēn cái shí xué),汉语词语,意思是真正的才能和学识。后常用于形容人富有才能及学识。