



  • 【解释】:一百年也碰不到一次。形容很少见到过或少有的机会。
  • 【出自】:老舍《龙须沟》第三幕:“不是要开大会吗?百年不遇的事,我歇半天工,好开会去。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;形容事情很难遇见


  1. So rare to meet the financial crisis, the fall is often the fastest growth and expansion of the fastest-growing businesses.


  2. Although this kind of incident is rare, it doesn't seem to be rare enough, and it follows far too many other shootings at schools.


  3. Rare in the face of the global financial crisis, commercial banks around the world competitiveness ranking status and also faces re-shuffle.


  4. Not likely to happen in a century financial crisis gives China banking to have brought about gigantic effect also.


  5. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan describes the current financial crisis as a once-in-a-century credit tsunami .


  6. The village encountered the natural disaster the villagers had not met for hundreds of years.


  7. At the start of 2011, we're still just emerging from a once-in-a-lifetime recession that's taken a terrible toll on millions of families.


  8. It is unable to have such good luck coincidence in actual life, even if I think that is a miracle once in a blue moon.


  9. In 1934, parts of southern China were hit by the worst drought in a century.


  1. 百年不遇的旱灾

    the biggest drought in a century

  2. 这是百年不遇的大水灾。

    This is the biggest flood in a century.

  3. 这场旱灾是百年不遇的。

    This draught occurs once in a blue moon.

  4. 不过这可是百年不遇的奇才。

    But that only happens once in century.

  5. 这是一场百年不遇的大地震。

    That was the biggest earthquake in a century.

  6. 成为一名火炬手, 是百年不遇的荣耀。

    To be a torch bearer is a rare honor.

  7. 月中旬, 一场百年不遇的洪水席卷中欧

    Swollen Floods Swept Central Europe

  8. 百年不遇的洪水,使这个村庄遭受了重灾。

    A flood, the likes of which have not been seen in a hundred years, has devastated this village.

  9. 月中旬, 一场百年不遇得洪水席卷中欧

    Swollen Floods Swept Central Europe

  10. 百年不遇的特大洪水洗劫了人们的生存家园。

    The loot of hundred years especially big flood that does not encounter of people live home.

  11. 今年夏天,国家发生了百年不遇的特大洪水灾害。

    This summer, our country faced the test of our severest floods in a century.

  12. 因为遭遇百年不遇的大旱,庄稼几乎全部绝产。

    Because of a drought the like of which is not seen in a hundred years, there was almost a total crop failure.

  13. 因为遭遇百年不遇的大旱,庄稼几乎全部绝产。

    Because of a drought the like of which is not seen in a hundred years, there was almost a total crop failure.

  14. 那几年,华北平原发生了百年不遇的大旱灾和歉收。

    The drought and crop failure were the most serious in North China in a hundred years.

  15. 也正因此才受到了普通百姓们的钟爱以至百年不衰。

    Because of all these reasons, the play has captivated the general public, even more than a hundred years later.

  16. 四川地震是百年一遇。

    Sichuan earthquake is once in one hundred year.

  17. 他表示, 百年一遇的暴风雨可能变为50年一遇。

    The storm that had been a oncein100years event might become a oncein50years event, he said.

  18. 看在老天的份上,这可是百年一遇的旱灾

    For god's sakes, it's a historic drought!

  19. 美国国家档案馆遭受百余年未遇大暴雨考验

    The National Archives of American facing the test of the heaviest rainstorm in a century

  20. 百年一遇的洪水吞没了这个县城,到处浊浪滔滔。

    A flood, the first in nearly one hundred years, has engulfed the county with muddy waves.

  21. 今年是百年未遇的灾年,各地的义仓都在放粮。

    This year is a famine year not seen in a hundred years, all public granaries are distributing grains of rice.

  22. 今年是百年未遇的灾年,各地的义仓都在放粮。

    This year is a famine year not seen in a hundred years, all public granaries are distributing grains of rice.


  1. 问:百年不遇拼音怎么拼?百年不遇的读音是什么?百年不遇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百年不遇的读音是bǎiniánbùyù,百年不遇翻译成英文是 rare; scarcely seen

