




输,失利,不成功,与“胜”相对:~北。~退。~绩(a.连队溃败;b.事业的失利)。~诉。~笔。~局。两~俱伤。战胜,使失败:大~敌军。毁坏:~坏。~露。解除,消散:~火。~毒。破旧,衰落,腐烂:~絮。~落。~兴(xìng )(情绪低落)。腐……


人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……





汉语拼音:shēn bài míng liè








  • 【解释】:身:身分,地位;败:毁坏;裂:破损。地位丧失,名誉扫地。指做坏事而遭到彻底失败。
  • 【出自】:宋·辛弃疾《贺新郎·别茂嘉十二弟》词:“将军百战身名裂,向河梁,回头万里,故人长绝。”
  • 【示例】:家里破产了——我父亲因为地权的事打了官司,闹得~。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、补语;含贬义


  1. Sondra Finchley tried to make something of him in order to spite me principally, and so getting herself smirched.


  2. Many doubted his decision, as the failure of the surgery would have destroyed his prestige. But he cared very little about their opinions.


  3. If you have anything to do with such a scheme you'll endanger you good name and probably lose your money into the bargain.


  4. Why do this thankless task may also be a matter of disgrace and ruin, not desirable.


  5. But the result, one was a beautiful love and happiness, but a ruin, threw themselves in front.


  6. The financial sleight of hand has now given him the dubious distinction of being China's first convicted stock market manipulator.


  7. At some dramatic moment it the story, the terrible secret becomes known and a reputation is ruined.


  8. Too much strength would make us drunk , and overweight our feeble reason till it fell and we were drowned in the depth of own vanity .


  9. A positive attitude always works in favor of you while an attitude which is impulsive and rash can easily ruin your reputation.


  1. 身败名裂, 遗臭万年

    bring ruin and eternal shame on oneself

  2. 结局是身败名裂。

    But his political demise is about more than alleged sleaze.

  3. 使人身败名裂的丑闻

    a damning scandal

  4. 他面临身败名裂的危险。

    His reputation was at stake.

  5. 她把自己搞得身败名裂。

    She was shipwrecked by herself.

  6. 这件丑闻使他身败名裂。

    The scandal left his reputation in ruins.

  7. 女人是他身败名裂的祸根。

    Women were his undoing.

  8. 那件丑闻导致他身败名裂。

    The scandal brought about his ruin.

  9. 我不惜身败名裂, 替他遮丑。

    I screen him, when my own character is at stake.

  10. 他的背叛行径使他身败名裂。

    His treacherous actions brought down ruin on himself.

  11. 他因贪得无厌而导致身败名裂。

    Greed led to his downfall.

  12. 赌博和酗酒导致他身败名裂。

    His downfall was caused by gambling and drink.

  13. 当然, 最终的结果就是身败名裂。

    Of course, they will be broken in the end.

  14. 这桩丑闻最终使他身败名裂。

    The scandal finally led to his downfall.

  15. 这桩绯闻最终使他身败名裂。

    The sex scandal finally led to his downfall.

  16. 林嘉祥随后被开除, 身败名裂。

    Lin was subsequently fired, his reputation left in tatters

  17. 我们两个就都要身败名裂了。

    We will both be disgraced.

  18. 对权力的渴求已使他身败名裂。

    His thirst for power has resulted in disgrace and ruined upon himself.

  19. 尔虞我诈伤和气,身败名裂划不来。

    Avoid the disharmony that arises from cheating.

  20. 他对权力的渴求已使他身败名裂。

    He thirsted for power, which resulted in disgrace and fun upon him.

  21. 更明白一旦事情暴露,将会身败名裂。

    She knew the risks if people found out.

  22. 他幸灾乐祸地看著他的对手身败名裂。

    He was gloating over the ruin of his rival.

  23. 他耍尽阴谋诡计,结果却落得身败名裂。

    He conspired and intrigued only to bring down ruin on himself.

  24. 我现在可以品尝他身败名裂的眼泪了!

    I can taste the tears of his defeat now!

  25. 为罗马尼亚如此身败名裂的角色感到骄傲。

    I'm proud of Romania for producing such an infamous character.

  26. 这一丑闻意味着他在政治上已身败名裂。

    The scandal means hes finished in politics.

  27. 骄傲起于成功,继之挫折,终至身败名裂。

    Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with Poverty, and supped with Infamy.

  28. 这一丑闻意味著他在政治上已身败名裂。

    The scandal means he's finishedin politics.

  29. 她觉得自己被锁在里面,已彻底地身败名裂。

    She felt herself shut in with her dishonour.

  30. 多少女子为奢华无度沦落烟花, 终至身败名裂?

    How many girls have spoiled their reputations and lives because of their extravagant taste in clothing ?


  1. 问:身败名裂拼音怎么拼?身败名裂的读音是什么?身败名裂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:身败名裂的读音是shēnbàimíngliè,身败名裂翻译成英文是 be utterly discredited


身败名裂(shēn bài míng liè),指做坏事而遭到彻底失败。近义词有声名狼藉、臭名远扬等,反义词如名满天下、流芳百世等。常作谓语、定语、补语;含贬义。