






价值,价钱:币~。产~。贬~。升~。物和价相当,引申有意义或有价值:~百元。不~一文。~当。数学上指演算所得结果:数~。比~。函数~。遇到,逢着:相~。~遇。正~。当,轮到:当~。~班。~勤。~更(gēng )。~星。……



汉语拼音:jìn sì zhí






  1. 接近于准确值的数值。实际计算上经常使用,如圆周率之值为3.141592653589……,实际多用其近似值3.1416。凡近似值皆为截至小数某位而止,某位以下,则用四舍五入法,截取之小数愈多,其值愈近于准确值。



  1. and that this corrected equation is itself only an imperfect approximation to an infinite set of quantum field-theoretical equations.


  2. What should be stressed was that these numbers were approximations which vary from the differences of personal living styles.


  3. The method of least-squares approximation accompanied by orthogonal polynomials is one of these approximation methods.


  4. And the time unit might be a few nanoseconds or whatever, and then it is a good approximation.


  5. For each time increment, the approximation of each unknown nodal function can be solved with the matrix left division command in MATLAB.


  6. We look to you for truth, even if it's always approximation.


  7. Single- precision numbers store an approximation of a real number .


  8. In this class, we investigate the connection between networks for learning and the approximation scheme described so far.


  9. Keep in mind that this is an approximation that varies based on network load, device background processes, and current signal strength.


  1. 逐次近似值

    successive approximate values

  2. 求出近似值

    to strike an approximate value.

  3. 它們永遠是近似值

    They're always approximations.

  4. 近似值物价指数理论

    approximation theory of price index number

  5. 总之,这是近似值。

    And this is an approximation anyway.

  6. 即取一个近似值。

    To give an approximate value.

  7. 这仅仅是个近似值。

    This is just an approximate.

  8. 它不是一个近似值。

    It is not an approximate value.

  9. 你知道那仅仅是近似值。

    That's just an approximation, you understand.

  10. 最后的数字只是一个近似值。

    The final figure is only an approximation.

  11. 单精度数值存储实数数值的近似值。

    Single precision numbers store an approximation of a real number.

  12. 请参照下表来计算一个近似值。

    Please view the table below to calculate an approximate figure.

  13. 在探查器中, 内核时间始终是近似值。

    Kernel time is always approximate in our profiler.

  14. 会计估计财务报表元素的一个近似值。

    accounting estimate An approximation of a financial statement element.

  15. 近似值适用于给定目标的不精确结论

    An inexact result adequate for a given purpose.

  16. 据此测算长期最优增长速度的近似值。

    Accordingly, we can estimate the approximate value of the most superior rate of rise in the long term.

  17. 割线法求倒数近似值的算法与方案

    Algorithms to Evaluate the Reciprocal Approximation and their Schemes Using Secant Algorithm.

  18. 回应是评价推销投资的第一手合理近似值。

    And responses are a reasonable first approximation in evaluating marketing investment.

  19. 处理器处于非闲置状态的时间百分比。该值为近似值。

    The percent of processor time that is not spent idle. This value is approximate.

  20. 以上所列的值为近似值, 并且仅在设定条件的磁场下。

    Values shown above are approximate and valid only at the magnetic fields shown.

  21. 这道题的答案用四舍五入的方法取个近似值就行。

    Just find an approximate value and you will get the answer to this question.

  22. 这道题的答案用四舍五入的方法取个近似值就行。

    Just find an approximate value and you will get the answer to this question.

  23. 这道题得答案用四舍五入得方法取个近似值就行。

    Just find an approximate value and you will get the answer to this question.

  24. 用参数摄动法求得了超越方程的大根的近似值。

    The approximate value of the big solution of transcendental equation is discussed by using the parameter perturbedmethod.

  25. 用周期性系数的平均值法获得了不稳定频率的近似值。

    By using the mean values of the periodic coefficients, the approximations of the unstable frequencies are obtained.

  26. 利用弦切角近似值计算缓和曲线上点的坐标适用范围

    Calculation of the Applicable Range of Coordinate Corresponding to the Point at Easement Curve by Utilizing Approximate Value of Chord Tangent Angle

  27. 分析了多特征比较的故障混迭概率,并给出了其近似值。

    Fault aliasing probability of multiple signature comparison was analyzed and its approximate value was estimated.

  28. 时间元可以是几微秒或别的, 这就是一个很好的近似值了。

    And the time unit might be a few nanoseconds or whatever, and then it is a good approximation.

  29. 独立做例9。订正时说一说怎样取近似值的。

    Do Example 7 by yourself. Tell me how you got the approximate value.

  30. 对于数学题,可以用取近似值的办法节约时间。

    With mathematical problems, you can save time by approximating.


