





  1. 见“ 狼藉 ”。



  1. They're also notorious for, you know, riffing off of the zeitgeist .


  2. She was a Japanese triple agent notorious for changing sides as often as she changed lovers.


  3. The most notorious pirates from around the world are uniting against our enemy, and yet you sit here cowering in your bathwater!


  4. I wondered now as I sat down beside him what infamous thing Tom had done .


  5. These images let you see the whole upper to see the infamous pony hair.


  6. There was a raffish note to the place, thanks to the race track I mention in "At Pleasure Bay. "


  7. One of the big gold-mining areas in Russia is the Kolyma River region , once infamous for its prison camp .


  8. Inside the compound were scenes of pandemonium after rebel fighters broke through one of the gates.


  9. You will head a team of elite agents as you battle against the notorious Al Capone.


  1. 战地狼籍血红一片

    The field is cut and bleeds tored

  2. 名誉不好, 声名狼籍

    Damage to or loss of reputation.

  3. 恶名, 丑名, 声名狼籍

    A mark of disgrace or notoriety

  4. 名誉不好,声名狼籍。

    Damage to or loss of reputation.

  5. 一个声名狼籍的小偷

    a common thief

  6. 财散尽, 声名狼籍时

    When rich take wings, and reputation falls to pieces

  7. 哦, 不, 聚会后一片狼籍!

    Oh, no, think of the mess after the party!

  8. 臭名昭著处于声名狼籍之境况

    The condition of being infamous.

  9. 反对声名狼籍的娱乐福利的特征

    Object infamous entertainment welfare trait

  10. 作为声名狼籍的被标志或揭示。

    Infamous by way of being extremely wicked.

  11. 没有喜欢他,他是个声名狼籍的骗子。

    Nobody likes his because he is an infamous liar.

  12. 他们也因为重复时代思潮而声名狼籍。

    Theyre also notorious for, you know, riffing off of the zeitgeist.

  13. 他因谋取不正当的利益而声名狼籍。

    He was tarred with profiteering brush.

  14. 老国王因他的残酷行为而声名狼籍。

    The old king was notorious for his cruelty.

  15. 老国王因他得残酷行为而声名狼籍。

    The old king was notorious for his cruelty.

  16. 没有喜欢他,因为他是个声名狼籍的骗子。

    Nobody likes his because he an infamous liar.

  17. 没有喜欢他,因为他是个声名狼籍得骗子。

    Nobody likes his because he an infamous liar.

  18. 看着满地的狼籍,我的眼睛涌满了泪水。

    I looked at the mess, my eyes filled with tears.

  19. 餐桌上杯盘狼籍,烟缸里堆满烟灰。

    The table is covered with dirty plates and the ashtray is full.

  20. 没有人喜欢他,因为他是个声名狼籍的骗子。

    Nobody likes him because he is an infamous liar.

  21. 没有人喜欢他,因为他是个声名狼籍得骗子。

    Nobody likes him because he is an infamous liar.

  22. 她往起居室里看去, 写字台边一片狼籍。

    Looking into the drawing room, she saw a scene of confusion over by her writing desk.

  23. 当我们的姑妈到来的时候,房子里一片狼籍。

    The house was in a state of complete disorder when our aunt arrived.

  24. 他改变他的名字为了避免与声名狼籍的歹徒相互混淆。

    He changed his name in order to avoid confusion with the notorious outlaw.

  25. 要扮演全银河系最声名狼籍的反派并不是件容易的事。

    Its not easy playing the most notorious intergalactic baddie.

  26. 英国以前的法庭, 因其独断的方式和严厉的制裁而声名狼籍。

    A former English court that became notorious for its arbitrary methods and severe punishments.

  27. 我在他身旁坐下,猜想汤姆准是又干了什么声名狼籍的丑事。

    I wondered now as I sat down beside him what infamous thing Tom had done.