











汉语拼音:yī shēng bù xiǎng








  1. On being left alone with his wife, Jondrette began to pace the room again, and made the tour of it two or three times in silence.

  2. After finishing the cleaning of his mother's hands, the youth quietly cleaned all remaining clothes for his mother.

  3. That stands to see a few birds in the branches, the view of the front at a loss quietly, waiting for it but who?

  4. Without saying a word, he took aim at the fireman, and, a second later, the helmet, smashed by a bullet, rattled noisily into the street.

  5. If I had not met them, I would have spent my college years alone in the dorm, unhappy and silent.

  6. That he took away his magazine without a word made him angry.

  7. He looked at me without speaking, and for the first time I could see that his eyes were filled with pride.

  8. He had seated himself in silence on the nearest bed, and, as he was behind Jondrette, he could only be indistinctly seen.

  9. He thought, as long as a woman was silent, nothing ailed her, and she wanted nothing.


  1. 像鱼一样一声不响

    as mute as a fish

  2. 像老鼠一样一声不响

    as mute as a mouse

  3. 像雕像一样一声不响

    as mute as a statue

  4. 怕我一声不响跑了?

    You fear I'll run suddenly?

  5. 那天下午,我一声不响,

    eventful day, I stood on the

  6. 他依然怏怏不乐, 一声不响。

    He continued sullen, without speaking a word.

  7. 杰克做事总是一声不响得。

    Jack does everything in his quiet way.

  8. 大家一声不响,吊篮里静悄悄的。

    A complete silence reigned in the car.

  9. 我们开始行军时, 大家都一声不响。

    When we began to march, silence fell on us.

  10. 普洛丝小姐一声不响,只是摇头哭泣。

    Miss Pross only shook her head and wept in silence.

  11. 他谢了谢她,又缩回去一声不响了。

    He thanked her and retreated again into his silence.

  12. 我一声不响,这就使他更加生气。

    I said nothing, which made him still more angry.

  13. 石头还是一声不响,它不会说话呀。

    Rock or on making a sound, it can't talk.

  14. 她一声不响, 几乎没有人留意到她在场。

    She was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed.

  15. 那些孩子一声不响,我敢打赌他们想捉弄人。

    Those children are very quiet; I bet they're up to no good.

  16. 那两位老人坐在海滩上, 雕像般一声不响。

    The old people sat on the beach, still as statues.

  17. 在持枪歹徒的威胁下一家人吓得一声不响。

    All the family members were thrown into awestruck silence under the threat of the gunmen.

  18. 她坐在那里一声不响,泪水顺着面颊流下来。

    Sitting there dumbly, tears trickled down her face.

  19. 可是如果他一声不响,我就担心他是在想心事。

    But when he is still I am afraid he is thinking.

  20. 斐洛必娜仍然抱着用毯子裹着得婴儿,婴儿一声不响。

    Filomena was still holding the blanketed baby, which had not made a sound.

  21. 斐洛必娜仍然抱着用毯子裹着的婴儿,婴儿一声不响。

    Filomena was still holding the blanketed baby, which had not made a sound.

  22. 我脸色苍白,只是站在那儿,一声不响,随它吠去。

    I just simply stood pale, silent, bayed about.

  23. 那两个老人坐在座位上,仍像雕像一样一声不响。

    The old people sat on the bench, still as statues.

  24. 除了一个寡妇大声尖叫外, 其他得人都一声不响。

    The people, apart from one shrieking widow, were quiet as the grave.

  25. 除了一个寡妇大声尖叫外,其他的人都一声不响。

    The people, apart from one shrieking widow, were quiet as the grave.

  26. 母亲默默地坐在自行车后座上, 抓着车座一声不响。

    His mother sat on the back, grasping the rack without a sound.

  27. 他后退几步,靠在我的床上,一声不响,两眼直视。

    He stepped back and leaned against my bed with a level, quiet glance.

  28. 伊丽莎白半信半疑而又极其关切地望着姐姐, 一声不响。

    Elizabeth looked at her sister incredulous solicitude, but said nothing.

  29. 所以他仍然一声不响, 一动不动地呆着, 甚至屏住了呼吸。

    He remained, therefore, mute and motionless, hardly venturing to breathe.

  30. 那天下午,我一声不响,怀着期待的心情站在门廊里。

    On the afternoons of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant.


  1. 问:一声不响拼音怎么拼?一声不响的读音是什么?一声不响翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一声不响的读音是yìshēngbùxiǎng,一声不响翻译成英文是 not say a word; to keep quiet

