




1. 苦 [kǔ]苦 [kǔ]像胆汁或黄连的滋味,与“甘”相对:甘~。~胆。~瓜。感觉难受的:~境。~海(原为佛教用语,后喻很苦的环境)。~闷。含辛茹~。吃~耐劳。~恼。为某种事所苦:~雨。~旱。~夏。~于(a.对某种情况感到苦脑;b.表示……


1. 创 [chuàng]2. 创 [chuāng]创 [chuàng]开始,开始做:~造。~制。首~。开~。~立。~演。~议。创 [chuāng]伤:~伤。~口。~巨痛深(喻遭受重大的损失)。……





汉语拼音:jiān kǔ chuàng yè








  • 【解释】:艰难困苦地创办事业。
  • 【示例】:他经过艰苦创业终于使公司壮大起来。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;含褒义,指干事的艰辛


  1. Young people like the beginning of our little long, riding the beginning of the journey must be down-to-earth, and work hard.


  2. After years of hard work and development in the company and the unit's support, big companies market performance.


  3. After several years of arduous pioneering, Xintian technology companies established a good management system and market network.


  4. With 30 years of painstaking efforts, we have scored great achievements that have been recognized worldwide.


  5. The company develops hardship after establishing establish a business spirit.


  6. "Hard work, innovation, self-improvement, the traditional spirit of" honesty, accompany us through 40 years of ups.


  7. I was flat after years of arduous pioneering optimization of the joint-stock enterprises.


  8. the company passes the hard struggle for many years , has already developed a series of sliding bearings with international leading level.


  9. Showing her fear of a difficult, hard work of the amazing perseverance.


  1. 第一是艰苦创业的辉煌。

    The first concerns its hard pioneering work in the beginning

  2. 谈对艰苦创业精神教育的认识

    An Understanding of Moral Education and Work with Arduous Efforts

  3. 我们的国家越发展, 越要抓艰苦创业。

    The more developed our country is, the more we need the pioneering spirit of hard struggle.

  4. 我们得国家越发展, 越要抓艰苦创业。

    The more developed our country is, the more we need the pioneering spirit of hard struggle.

  5. 论少数民族传统道德与艰苦创业教育

    The Traditional Moral and Arduous Pioneering Education of the Minority Nationalities

  6. 我们对于艰苦创业,要有清醒的认识。

    We must have a clear understanding of the need to work hard and develop a pioneering spirit.

  7. 提倡艰苦创业精神,也有助于克服腐败现象。

    Encouraging such a spirit will also help to overcome corruption.

  8. 新时期艰苦创业教育的审视与重构

    The Review and Restructuring of Education on Hardworking for Career Launching in the New Period

  9. 这里的昨天宣示了农垦的艰苦创业, 发愤图强。

    Here yesterday declared that the arduous pioneering, and land reclamation assiduous socks.

  10. 新疆生产建设兵团在艰苦创业中发展壮大。

    The XPCC grew in strength through arduous pioneering efforts.

  11. 你这里艰苦创业,他那里贪污腐败,怎么行?

    While you are labouring to build the country,how can other people be allowed to profit from corruption?

  12. 经过30年艰苦创业,我们取得了举世瞩目的成就。

    With 30 years of painstaking efforts, we have scored great achievements that have been recognized worldwide.

  13. 托普十年艰苦创业奠定国际化企业集团基础

    Ten Years Hard Work See Top Group Lay a Good Foundation to Be an Internationalized Enterprise

  14. 企业精神艰苦创业,无私奉献,努力拼搏,开拓进取。

    Entrepreneurship arduous pioneering, and selfless dedication, hard work, and pioneering spirit.

  15. 公司通过艰苦创业,努力成为弹簧垫圈的出口基地。

    Now we are devoting ourselves to build our enterprise into an export base for spring washer.

  16. 三代中央领导核心艰苦创业思想与实践探析

    A Probe into Idea and Practice of Building Enterprises through Arduous Effort by Three Generations of Central Leadership

  17. 我国牙轮钻机的发展经历了一段艰苦创业的过程。

    The development of rotary drill has experienced a course of hardly pioneering work.

  18. 我单位是经过多年艰苦创业优化组合的股份制企业。

    I was flat after years of arduous pioneering optimization of the jointstock enterprises.

  19. 她身上表现出一种不畏艰难、艰苦创业的惊人毅力。

    Showing her fear of a difficult, hard work of the amazing perseverance.

  20. 大家一提起那艰苦创业的日子,总有说不完的话。

    Every time we talk about the hard pioneering days, we have so much to say that we can't get it all out.

  21. 励精图治, 艰苦奋斗的创业品格

    Pioneering quality of exerting oneself to make the country prosperous and doing hard struggle

  22. 第三, 要有一股艰苦奋斗得创业精神。

    Third, we must work hard and with a pioneering spirit.

  23. 第三,要有一股艰苦奋斗的创业精神。

    Third, we must work hard and with a pioneering spirit.


  1. 问:艰苦创业拼音怎么拼?艰苦创业的读音是什么?艰苦创业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:艰苦创业的读音是jiānkǔchuàngyè,艰苦创业翻译成英文是 to start an enterprise; to start a business fr...