











汉语拼音:miàn sè cāng bái





  1. Her face was dry and pale, as though she regarded herself in the light of a murderess.


  2. That is until he appeared at the front desk one morning, pale and perspiring, and asked me to call the manager.


  3. Mr. Molinaro buried his head in his hands. Mr. Schwartz looked ashen and left abruptly.


  4. And the young Fisherman grew pale and clenched his hands and cried, `She was a false Witch in that she told me not that.


  5. When we got outdoors Fillmore very solemnly took us by the arm and said he had a little confession to make. He looked pale and worried.


  6. When I woke up the next morning, my poor uncle was still working to discover the meaning, with red eyes and a pale face.


  7. Searching for witnesses, he discovered a pale, nervous young man in work clothes who claimed he was an eyewitness.


  8. You know, more than just the hallmark of the pale, nervous student pulling an allnighter or the exhausted bedraggled parent.


  9. They were all pale, flabby, sunken-eyed, hollow-chested, with eyes that glinted and shone and lips that were a sickly red by contrast.


  1. 他面色苍白憔悴。

    He looked pale and haggard.

  2. 他面色苍白如纸。

    He as white as a sheet.

  3. 霍根得面色苍白。

    Hogan went slightly green.

  4. 霍根的面色苍白。

    Hogan went slightly green.

  5. 这女孩面色苍白。

    The girl has little colour.

  6. 面色苍白的病孩子。

    A pale, sickly child.

  7. 面色苍白或不健康

    Pale or sickly in appearance.

  8. 那女病人面色苍白。

    The sick womans face was ghastly.

  9. 她面色苍白带有病容。

    Her cheeks have a sickly pallor.

  10. 她面色苍白,显得虚弱。

    Her cheeks had an unhealthy pallor.

  11. 面色苍白,无精打采的孩子

    a pale, spiritless child

  12. 他面色苍白,两眼发红。

    He looked pasty and red-eyed.

  13. 他面色苍白,象死灰一样。

    His face was gray as ashes.

  14. 你进医院时面色苍白。

    You looked as pale as death when you went into hospital.

  15. 他面色苍白,胡子也没刮。

    He looked pale and unshaven.

  16. 这女孩面色苍白。肤色隔阂。

    Pl. The girl has little colour.

  17. 他面色苍白, 说明他身体不好。

    His pale face suggests bad health.

  18. 我很担心,因为她面色苍白。

    I was worried, as she was as white as a sheet.

  19. 她面色苍白,看来是生病了。

    She looks sickly because of her fair, pale skin.

  20. 她面色苍白,看来是生病了。

    She looks sickly because of her fair, pale skin.

  21. 她面色苍白, 我们以为她病了。

    She was so colorless we thought she was ill.

  22. 面色苍白,神疲乏力,食欲不振。

    Complexion is cadaverous, the look is weary force, inappetence.

  23. 她面色苍白紧紧抓住我的双手。

    She held tight at my hands with pale face.

  24. 他虽然面色苍白,但好像没病。

    He appears pale but he seems not to be sick.

  25. 他看上去仍然面色苍白, 疲惫不堪。

    He was still looking gray and very tired.

  26. 她面色苍白, 忧郁孤僻, 并且沉默寡言。

    She was morose, pale, and reticent.

  27. 从男爵面色苍白, 但镇静而沉着。

    The baronet was pale, but calm and selfpossessed.

  28. 他面色苍白,大汗淋漓并有些恶心。

    He was pale, perspiring heavily, and nauseated.

  29. 凯特看上去仍旧面色苍白、营养不良。

    Kate still looks pale and underfed.

  30. 他面色苍白,衣服也搞得不成样子。

    He looked pale and his clothes were in a fightful state.