







汉语拼音:chéng liè







  1. 形成队列;排成行列。

    《韩非子·外储说左上》:“ 楚 人众而 宋 人寡,请使 楚 人半涉未成列而击之,必败。”《史记·淮阴侯列传》:“车不得方轨,骑不得成列。” 唐 冯翊 《桂苑丛谈·张绰有道术》:“索纸剪蛺蝶三二十枚,以气吹之,成列而飞。”



  1. If the type doesn't match that of the associated column, an attempt will be made to convert the value to the column type.


  2. happiness with a purchase depends on the choices that were available on a store shelf and how the items were presented.


  3. Garden planted with roses, black roof of Japanese architecture, into all the world out of the cabinet.


  4. Calyx tube 5-winged; pedicel along with calyx wings glandular setose; leaves often appearing to be in two ranks.


  5. During the summer months in North America, roadways are often narrowed by rows of orange barrels and cones.


  6. Many regional and local variants have been accorded separate status, either at specific or infraspecific rank.


  7. These immaculate lawns and stately memorials are the final picture for much of Hollywood royalty.


  8. Control renders data as table and enables you to display data records in different layouts, such as ordering them in columns or rows.


  9. Strategic unit formation can also greatly increase infantry-squishing efficiency if your tanks are moving in a row, rather than a column.


  1. 鳃耙通常1617在内部得成列第一上成弓形弯曲。

    Gill rakers usually 1617 on inner series of 1st arch.

  2. 鳃耙通常1617在内部的成列第一上成弓形弯曲。

    Gill rakers usually 1617 on inner series of 1st arch.

  3. 他们把没有被烧光的随身物品成列出来。

    They're going through personal effects, whatever wasn't burned up.

  4. 把你要的东西列成单。

    Make a list of the things you want.

  5. 我们可以把它列成这个样子。

    We can organize it this way.

  6. 几张卡片背面朝上列成几排

    a bunch of cards facedown in rows.

  7. 陈应列成阵势,飞马绰叉而出。

    Drawing his line into formation, Chen Ying raced forward with his flying pike.

  8. 实验的结果列成了表放在书后。

    The results of the experiments are tabled at the back of the book.

  9. 已经研究了多种物质,并将有关性质列成了表。

    A large number of substances were investigated and the relevant properties tabulated.

  10. 把她挑得毛病列成一个单子, 把属实得意见标出来。

    Go make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true.

  11. 把她挑的毛病列成一个单子,把属实的意见标出来。

    Go make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true.

  12. 出租车在车站前排成一列。

    Taxis stood in a rank in front of the station.

  13. 安排事情先后顺序的一个方法是把要做的事情列成单子。

    One way to order your priorities is to create a to do list.

  14. 每个列转化成列表中的一个项目。

    Each column turns into an item of the list.

  15. 对敌时列成圆阵, 标枪飞掷, 然后挥动长剑杀入敌阵。

    Jinetes hurl their javelins before closing in and fighting with their cavalry swords.

  16. 我们把它分解成一系列的组成部分。

    and you break that down into a series of components.

  17. 马蹄蕨科的模式属孢子囊排成两列的蕨类植物。

    type genus of the Marattiaceae ferns having the sporangia fused together in two rows.

  18. 将应变计划分解成一系列的工作或是待采取动作。

    Break out the contingency plan into a series of tasks or actions to be taken.

  19. 通常把交通网描绘成一系列的节点和节点之间的联络线。

    The transportation network is described as a series of nodes and connecting links.

  20. 对舞一种由面对面排成两列的舞伴表演的民间舞蹈

    A folk dance performed in two lines with the partners facing each other.

  21. 这种气体凝聚成一系列的小星体, 每一个都稍大于木星。

    The gas apparently condenses into a collection of small stars, each a little larger than the planet Jupiter.

  22. 舞蹈演员们排成一个人形队列。

    The dancers step into a formation which represents the human being.

  23. 利用二行3列式证明三数成等差数列

    Using two line of three row determinant to prove three numbers being distance of equality sequence

  24. 他一声口令,半个连的人便排成了一列。

    He shouted orders and half of the Company fell into line.

  25. 内循环建立行,外循环将这些行排成矩阵中的列。

    The inner For Loop creates a row, and the outer For Loop stacks these rows to fill in the columns of the matrix.

  26. 说明所含内容组织成含有行和列的表格形式。

    Specifies that the contained content is organized into a table with rows and columns.

  27. 你需要变换一个列表的列表,把行转换成列,反之亦然。

    You need to transpose a list of lists, turning rows into columns and vice versa.

  28. 奥布赖恩让那些人排成了参差不齐的一列。

    O'Brien formed the men into a ragged line.

  29. 现实世界并非整齐划一地被组织成表、行和列。

    The real world is not neatly organized into tables, rows, and columns.

  30. 是成列的风雨棚

    The shelters in the queues


  1. 问:成列大托菌拼音怎么拼?成列大托菌的读音是什么?成列大托菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成列大托菌的读音是chénglièdàtuōjūn,成列大托菌翻译成英文是 Zodiomyces subseriatus

  2. 问:成列菱形藻拼音怎么拼?成列菱形藻的读音是什么?成列菱形藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成列菱形藻的读音是chénglièlíngxíngzǎo,成列菱形藻翻译成英文是 Nitzschia seriata

  3. 问:成列物体堆积拼音怎么拼?成列物体堆积的读音是什么?成列物体堆积翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成列物体堆积的读音是chéng liè wù tǐ duī jī,成列物体堆积翻译成英文是 windrow