


1. 洗 [xǐ]2. 洗 [xiǎn]洗 [xǐ]用水去掉污垢:~脸。~涮。~涤。~澡。~心革面(喻彻底悔改)。清除干净:清~。像水洗一样抢光,杀光:~劫。昭雪冤枉:~雪。~冤。照相的显影定影:冲~。~印。玩牌时把牌搀和整理:~牌。基督教……







汉语拼音:xǐ zǎo shuǐ



  1. The children walk to the river and see fish belly up in the water and the water is warm, hot even -- like a bath.


  2. What I soon learned was that most email software can't eradicate the junk without throwing babies with the bath water.


  3. As I stood underneath the tepid jet, watching the dirty brown water disappear down the plug, it felt as if each drop was sent from heaven.


  4. Suppose I wanted to take a bath, and I want to calculate how much energy it takes to heat the bath a wonderful thing to have.


  5. Any sense of balance has been lost -- the baby is going out with the dirty bath water, bankers say.


  6. Her husband had dissolved into the bath water like a turtle cooked into soup, and there was nothing left of him but his hair!


  7. And there he dies, stabbed by his wife, in bath water polluted by his own blood.


  8. I forgot to ask bao zhu to stay here to help you with your bath water.


  9. She brought her mother tea in bed and ran a bath for her .


  1. 洗澡水太烫了。

    The bath is too hot.

  2. 我正在放洗澡水。

    I am running the bath water.

  3. 往洗澡水里加几滴。

    Add a few drops to your bathwater.

  4. 洗澡水给你准备好了。

    Your bath is ready.

  5. 我需要把洗澡水再加热。

    I need to reheat the bath.

  6. 请给我放一盆洗澡水。

    Please run me a bath.

  7. 我们用电炉子加热洗澡水

    and we would heat our bathwater on hot plates.

  8. 婴儿的洗澡水应该是温热的。

    A baby's bath water should be tepid.

  9. 她通知侍女给她准备洗澡水。

    She instructed her maid to get her bath ready.

  10. 我让洗澡水变得凉一点。

    I cooled off the bathwater.

  11. 我已为你打开了洗澡水。

    I've turned on the bath water for you.

  12. 十分乐意,但是我正在放洗澡水

    I would love to, but my shower is running.

  13. 政府把你的洗澡水当做化学武器。

    The government uses your bath water for chemical weapons.

  14. 这水比小孩的洗澡水稍微凉一些。

    The water was slightly cooler than a child's bath.

  15. 她给丈夫放了一盆热的洗澡水。

    She ran a hot bath for her husband.

  16. 不要将小孩与洗澡水一起倒掉。

    Don't empty the baby out with the bath water.

  17. 你给我放一盆热的洗澡水好吗

    Could you run me a hot bathrun a hot bath for me

  18. 而你呢却躲在这里只管泡你的洗澡水!

    And yet you sit here cowering in your bathwater!

  19. 他们的饮用水一直短缺,更别提洗澡水了。

    They are always short of water to drink, much less to bathe in.

  20. 他得和家里的其他3个孩子共用洗澡水。

    He has to share his bath water with the other three children in the family.

  21. 那就是加热洗澡水享受泡澡,所需的热量。

    So that's the energy that is needed to heat up a bath and enjoy that pleasure.

  22. 我忘记了, 刚刚该叫宝珠留下了帮你放洗澡水。

    I forgot to ask bao zhu to stay here to help you with your bath water.

  23. 虽然几个月旱季只有水花园是肮脏的洗澡水。

    Though the months of the dry season the only water for the garden was the dirty bathwater.

  24. 我们必须避免把婴儿和洗澡水一起倒掉的错误。

    We should avoid making a blunder of emptying the baby with the bath.

  25. 求求你了, 卡尔, 我去遛狗时帮我放下洗澡水吧。

    Please Carl, run the bath for me while I walk the dog.

  26. 求求你了,卡尔,我去遛狗时帮我放下洗澡水吧。

    Please Carl, run the bath for me while I walk the dog.

  27. 我需要它来帮我放松。我要在我的洗澡水里加上几滴。

    I need that to relax. I'm going to put a few drops in my bath water.

  28. 洗澡水开始变凉时我出来了,擦干身子后穿上了衣服。

    When the bath water started to cool I got out, dried myself off, and dressed.

  29. 第二天早上,值白班的护士到来,为他们带来了洗澡水。

    The following morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths.

  30. 把浴盆注满水洗澡

    to fill the tub for a bath