









汉语拼音:náo yǎng yǎng



  1. Then tickling and finally she dozed off saying how much she loved our Giggle Time.


  2. As soon as she realizes that it's the cockroach tickling her nose, Tao Zi falls into a coma for the second time.


  3. Little bird flies up to lion's nose. She moves her feet. She dances and dances on his nose.


  4. I knew it very well when you took it out of my pocket. In fact, you tickled me. But your embrace was so sweet.


  5. Or at least a place for a bear to scratch its head.


  6. Time, we three individuals, and some fed, and some with a cold towel on its forehead, and some tickle it.


  7. Lately, the Taliban have been rubbing the Western forces' noses in it.


  8. Though they talk of reform, they spend most of their time scrapping about issues like climate change.


  9. There is ample evidence that many other mammals make play sounds, including tickle-induced panting, which resembles human laughter.


  1. 为什么脚底会怕挠痒痒

    Why is plantar meeting afraid of flinch crawly

  2. 那只够给女人挠痒痒!

    That's justtickling a woman!

  3. 家是你能挠痒痒的地方。

    Home is where you can scratch where it itches.

  4. 一步两步走来, 给你挠挠痒痒。

    One step, two step, Tickle you under there.

  5. 我会给你挠痒痒,因为你是个乖孩子。

    I'll give you a tickle because you're a cute baby.

  6. 许多女人觉得这就是性爱上的挠痒痒。

    Many women find this to be sexually titillating.

  7. 许多女人觉得这就是性爱上得挠痒痒。

    Many women find this to be sexually titillating.

  8. 两点到三点, 它打算在围栏上磨蹭挠痒痒。

    From two to three, he planned to scratch itchy against the fence.

  9. 现在全世界都知道,你死于给我蛋蛋挠痒痒。

    Now the whole world's gonna know that you died scratching my balls.

  10. 他说,笑的起源来自于挠痒痒以及杂乱无章的游戏。

    Its origin is in tickling and roughandtumble play, he says.

  11. 妹妹送给爷爷一把老头乐, 让他挠痒痒用。

    My younger sister gave Grandpa a scratching tool to scratch.

  12. 妹妹送给爷爷一把老头乐,让他挠痒痒用。

    My younger sister gave Grandpa a scratching tool to scratch.

  13. 花园里面徜徉, 玩具狗熊一样一步两步走来, 给你挠挠痒痒。

    Round and round the garden Like a teddy bearOne step, two step, Tickle you under there.

  14. 好啦, 可能其实这更像是在挠痒痒, 但还是很酷对不对

    Okay, so maybe its more of a tickle, but still

  15. 人家挠你痒痒的时候。

    When someone scratches an itch on your back for you.

  16. 我好想你曾经挠我痒痒,挠我的肚子。我的肚子会疼。

    I miss how you used to tickle me, tickle my belly. My belly hurts.

  17. 在什么情况下,你挠别人痒痒,他们会发笑

    So, when you tickle somebody, under what circumstances will they laugh

  18. 你挠地毯的痒痒

    You can tickle the rug.

  19. 或者只是挠他的痒痒直到他笑得脸都红了。

    Or just tickle a kid until he is beet red from laughter.

  20. 穆丝它或许算是一个能为北极熊的头挠痒痒的地方。

    MOOS Or at least a place for a bear to scratch its head.

  21. 我开始觉得痒痒, 非常想抓挠。

    I began to itch and desperately wanted to scratch.

  22. 好的所以我们用羽毛挠他痒痒

    Okay. We are going to tickle him wth a feather!

  23. 皮肤痒痒, 但是一挠, 身上有印, 为什么?

    Skin itch, but flinch, have on the body imprint, why