



  1. 谓庞大之物。


  2. 很大。常形容体积、数量、规模、程度等。

    《太平经钞·起土出书诀》:“地体巨大,人比於地积小,所穿凿安能为害也?” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·林多克<苏联闻见录>序》:“假装面子的国度和专会杀人的人民,是决不会有这么巨大的生产力的。” 谢觉哉 《不惑集·团结、谦虚、进步》:“因此须要有团结的核心,象巨大的地心引力一样,吸引住一切劳动人民和一切进步力量。”



  1. In the beginning you may see some huge oscillations, staying awake too late one night and going to bed too early another night.

  2. In specific cases, tiny mass can be changed into tremendous amounts of energy, causing atomic bombs coming out on earth.

  3. A great deal of the exclusive briefing seems to consist of insides expatiating on the stupendous qualities of their candidate.

  4. This "vibration sensors, " is designed to save energy, hope that this device can be applied to practice to play a huge role.

  5. When they analysed the data from both telescopes in this way, they found a great arc across the sky.

  6. Their retreats have come in a changing landscape for hedge funds, pools of money that were once scarcely regulated at all.

  7. Around the world, many thousands of energy efficiency projects with potentially strong financial returns have not been tried.

  8. A reader just wrote to say he had a dream this morning and he described this as if a giant hand were shaking the whole planet.

  9. It looked around savagely with its gigantic, mesmerizing eyes, and its bright red tongue hung out, twitching.


  1. 巨大的海鸟

    the great auk

  2. 巨大的宫殿

    a vast palace.

  3. 巨大的任务

    a mammoth task.

  4. 巨大的财富

    faBulous wealth.

  5. 巨大的冰山

    Towering icebergs.

  6. 巨大的外伤

    Really big trauma.

  7. 巨大的波浪

    mountainous waves.

  8. 巨大的蘑菇

    monster mushrooms.

  9. 巨大的雕像

    a colossal statue.

  10. 巨大的云团

    a voluminous cloud.

  11. 巨大的海龟

    A loggerhead turtle.

  12. 巨大的改进

    an immense improvement.

  13. 巨大的胜利。

    A whale of a victory.

  14. 巨大的爆炸。

    a tremendous explosion.

  15. 巨大的商机

    Tremendous opportunities for Business.

  16. 巨大的纪念碑

    a colossal monument.

  17. 巨大的。庞大的

    Of extraordinary size and power.

  18. 巨大的洋白菜。

    a cabbage of giant size

  19. 利用巨大的草。

    On giant grass.

  20. 巨大的单眼镜

    A great Cyclopean monocle.

  21. 取得巨大的成功

    Hugely successful.

  22. 最为巨大的商机。

    we see in business.

  23. 巨大的官僚机器

    A colossus of bureaucracy.

  24. 解除巨大的苦痛

    relieve the terrible suffering

  25. 遭遇巨大的障碍

    encounter tremendous obstacles

  26. 巨大的多边形数。

    Enormous polygonal count.

  27. 一艘巨大的海轮

    A great ocean liner.

  28. 巨大的响声震耳欲聋。

    The sound was deafening.

  29. 一艘巨大的油轮

    a monstrous oil tanker

  30. 一股巨大的浪潮

    a monstrous tidal wave.


  1. 问:巨大的拼音怎么拼?巨大的的读音是什么?巨大的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨大的的读音是,巨大的翻译成英文是 cyclopean

  2. 问:巨大的伦琴观测者拼音怎么拼?巨大的伦琴观测者的读音是什么?巨大的伦琴观测者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨大的伦琴观测者的读音是jùdà de lúnqín guāncèzhě,巨大的伦琴观测者翻译成英文是 astronomical roentgen observatory