









汉语拼音:xiǎo nán hái






  1. His parents tried to get him to concede that he was a little boy born in a hospital, but he would become grave and refuse.


  2. Since the little boy's mother died, his older sister has acted as his mother.


  3. But as the picture was being set up, a boy in the back row turned to girl sitting next to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek.


  4. The little boy looked at me with distrust.


  5. "Propulsion, " the nine-year-old says as he leads his dad through the gates of the U. S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.


  6. With his son seated on his lap, the king announced that he would be the crown prince, and his mother would be the number one queen.


  7. The little boy looked up at me and said: "I told daddy to tell mommy not to go yet. I need her to wait until I come back from the mall. "


  8. "I need a real gay" . Says again the Ultraman, then, here came a little man with glasses on his head.


  9. "Is Mr. Harris in? " inquired a neatly-dressed boy of twelve or thirteen to a clerk, as he stood by the counter of a large publisher's shop.


  1. 两位小男孩

    Two tiny little boys.

  2. 小男孩骨瘦如柴。

    The little boy was as thin as a lath.

  3. 小男孩与蝎子

    The Little Boy and the Scorpion.

  4. 小男孩睡着了。

    The little boy went off to the land of Nod.

  5. 小男孩热爱艺术。

    The little boy has a love of art.

  6. 这个小男孩弱智。

    The little boy is slow in his wits.

  7. 小男孩跃过小坑。

    The boy jumped across the puddle.

  8. 一个金发小男孩

    a small, blond boy.

  9. 小男孩躲来躲去。

    The little boy dodged about.

  10. 他只是个小男孩。

    He's just a little boy.

  11. 小男孩尿裤子了。

    The boy has pissed his trousers.

  12. 这个小男孩8岁大

    This young child is eight years old.

  13. 小男孩跑向妈妈。

    The little boy ran to his mother.

  14. 小男孩跑向妈妈。

    The little boy ran to his mother.

  15. 小孩子, 尤指小男孩

    A small child, especially a boy.

  16. 小孩子,尤指小男孩。

    A small child, especially a boy.

  17. 这小男孩不善计算。

    The boy is not good at figures.

  18. 那个小男孩不足10岁。

    The boy is short of 10 years old.

  19. 一个8岁的小男孩

    a little boy of 8

  20. 这些尼泊尔的小男孩

    These young boys are in Nepal.

  21. 小男孩核弹的大小

    the Little Boy bomb that was dropped at Hiroshima.

  22. 小男孩正在搭积木。

    The little boy is piling up his building blocks.

  23. 这个小男孩十分顽皮。

    This little boy is very naughty.

  24. 那个小男孩十分活泼。

    The little boy was alive and kicking.

  25. 她抱着她的小男孩。

    She cuddled her little boy.

  26. 小男孩动个不停。

    The little boy kept moving about.

  27. 小男孩深浸水中。

    The little boy was chin deep in water.

  28. 变成一个小男孩啦

    It turned into a baby boy.

  29. 小男孩被车撞了。

    The little boy was knocked down by a car.

  30. 这个小男孩活不了

    This little boy is gonna die.


  1. 问:小男孩原子弹拼音怎么拼?小男孩原子弹的读音是什么?小男孩原子弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小男孩原子弹的读音是,小男孩原子弹翻译成英文是 Little Boy



“小男孩”是个多义词,它可以指小男孩(2015年美国电影), 小男孩(其他含义), 小男孩(原子弹), 小男孩(电影)。