











汉语拼音:jiǔ diàn guǎn lǐ



  1. The hotel manage the relevance information aggregation! Hope be able to have helping a little bit to you!

  2. China has no real sense of professional hotel management colleges, not a standardized complete hotel human resources market.

  3. At first I wondered if it was true. Wasn't the management merely trying to keep people calm?

  4. Hotel executives say it's too early to tell if their social-media efforts are beefing up the bottom line.

  5. I emailed the manger of the hotel with my complaints - he offered me to stay there again free - if they were not fully booked.

  6. At least 2 years of relevant international hotel management company working experience.

  7. Very nice hotel - management seems to be doing everything they can to make it the best hotel!

  8. NET do with a hotel management system, The system mainly deals with the day-to-day hotel operations involving customer information.

  9. Security analysts Hassan Askari says it is clear that hotel management did not take security threats in the city seriously enough.


  1. 酒店管理高级学历

    Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management

  2. 海天酒店管理集团

    Xi YanPing, Chairman Hai Tian Hotel Management Group

  3. 我学的是酒店管理。

    What I learn is a cabaret management.

  4. 瑞士酒店管理高级文凭。

    Swiss Higher Diploma in International Hotel Management.

  5. 泛华经典酒店管理有限公司。

    Pan China Hotel Management Co., Ltd.

  6. 哥本哈根酒店管理学院

    The Hotel and Catering College of Copenhagen

  7. 格林豪泰酒店管理有限公司。

    Greentree inns hotel management inc.

  8. 布鲁塞尔酒店管理商学院

    Brussels Business Academy School of Hotel Management

  9. 酒店管理文凭。有酒店管理证书优先考虑。

    Hospitality Diploma. Hotel or Hospitality Management Certificate preferred.

  10. 哪个酒店管理专业可以自考呢?

    Can the special field which hotel is managed certainly a test in woollen cloth?

  11. 布鲁斯是酒店管理方面的专家。

    Bruce is an expert in hotel management.

  12. 布鲁斯是酒店管理方面的专家。

    Bruce is an expert in hotel management.

  13. 浙江巴比松米勒酒店管理公司。

    Zhejiang Barbizon Miller Hotel Management Co Ltd.

  14. 酒店管理文凭职业方向厨师, 专攻亚洲菜

    Diploma of Hospitality Asian Cookery Incorporating Cert III in Asian Cookery

  15. 酒店管理人员要求工程队在现场小心挖掘。

    Hotel managers instructed their engineering team to carefully excavate the site.

  16. 高中或职校校学历以上,酒店管理相关专业。

    Graduated from High School or Vocational School, major in Hotel Service.

  17. 庄胜集团与丽晶国际酒店签订酒店管理合约

    Zhuangsheng Group and Regent International Hotels hotel management contracts signed

  18. 酒店管理专业礼仪教学中存在的问题及对策

    Problems Present in the Amenity Teaching in Restaurant Maregement Major and the Countermeasures

  19. 高中毕业后,蒂亚哥去了法国学习酒店管理。

    After high school, Diego went to France and studied hotel management.

  20. 酒店管理相关信息集合!希望能够对你有些须帮助!

    The hotel manage the relevance information aggregation! Hope be able to have helping a little bit to you!

  21. 将门禁系统应用于酒店管理系统就是一个很好的体现。

    Putting access control system into hotel management system is good performance.

  22. 澳大利亚蓝山酒店管理学院再次获得新南威尔士州旅游奖。

    The Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School is once again a finalist at the New South Wales Tourism Awards.

  23. 他们要登广告招聘新人管理酒店。

    They will advertise for someone to manage the hotel.

  24. 酒店委托管理

    management contracts

  25. 负责整个集团的行政管理工作及监督管理酒店。

    Be responsible for the administration management of the whole group work and direct management cabaret.

  26. 东莞碧海酒店绩效管理体系设计

    System Design of Performance Management of DongGuang BiHai Restaurant

  27. 本文考虑酒店收益管理中的超订问题。

    This paper considers hotel overbooking problem with substitutable room types.

  28. 本文考虑酒店收益管理中得超订问题。

    This paper considers hotel overbooking problem with substitutable room types.

  29. 本文主要介绍了酒店客房管理信息系统的开发过程。

    This text mainly introduced the development process of the cabaret guest room management information system.

  30. 我们中的一组19人形成一个合作团体,将这栋大房子的一部分作为酒店来管理经营。

    A group of 19 of us have formed a cooperative to manage part of the big house as a hotel.


  1. 问:酒店管理学拼音怎么拼?酒店管理学的读音是什么?酒店管理学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酒店管理学的读音是,酒店管理学翻译成英文是 Hotelschool The Hague



“酒店管理”是个多义词,它可以指酒店管理(2009年刁志波出版的图书), 酒店管理(北京世纪远洋宾馆管理实务), 酒店管理(2010年郑向敏出版的图书), 酒店管理(行业名称), 酒店管理(2010年余世维出版的图书), 酒店管理(2005年郑向敏出版的图书)。