


相似:好~。相(xiāng )~。~生(a.仿天然产物制成的工艺品;b.中国宋、元两代以说唱为业的女艺人)。比照人物做成的图形:画~。塑~。雕~。绣~。肖~。比如,比方:~这样的事是值得注意的。……


1. 模 [mó]2. 模 [mú]模 [mó]法式,规范,标准:~范。~式。楷~。~型。~本。~压。仿效:~仿(亦作“摹仿”)。~拟(亦作“摹拟”)。~写。特指“模范”:劳~。英~。模 [mú]〔~样〕a.人的长相或装束打扮的样子;b.表……


相似:好~。相(xiāng )~。~生(a.仿天然产物制成的工艺品;b.中国宋、元两代以说唱为业的女艺人)。比照人物做成的图形:画~。塑~。雕~。绣~。肖~。比如,比方:~这样的事是值得注意的。……





汉语拼音:xiàng mó xiàng yàng







  • 【解释】:形容着重或隆重的样子。
  • 【出自】:清·文康《儿女英雄传》第二回:“这番调动,老爷可必得像模像样答上头的情才使得呢。”
  • 【示例】:小镇到处都在盘算和议论着,怎样~地给将军送行。


  1. In " bathroom " with a small window opened prettily like the model still between the kitchen, very lovely.


  2. If you wish to make a good appearance, you should go straight forward, and not to one side as you do so constantly.


  3. He said that China has a Xiangmoxiangyang retail business is not easy , The growth encountered little twists and turns is normal.


  4. The next year she was given a harmonica and she took to it right away.


  5. Life improved greatly, he recalls, when he learnt to ride a bike and could go properly off the rails.


  6. For fun, Mills give her a piece of clay, she was true on the simulation may like to learn a pinch.


  7. Impressing your date does not mean you have to spend a lot of money. But it does require the right frame of mind, and the right approach.


  8. Make the scenarios more concrete by fleshing them out into imaginary, but plausible, news stories that are emblematic of the forces at play.


  9. But you can look and see the direction those lines are going, you can see that at the 20 percent, it's now taken seriously.


  1. 得把它办得像模像样。

    We have to really go for it as the event of the year.

  2. 当然要先让我看起来像模像样。

    After I make myself presentable, of course.

  3. 我们只好永远忙于修修补补,好让它看上去至少还像模像样。

    We shall be forever busy trying to patchit up and make it appear at least genteel.

  4. 没错, 店面开张后, 我颇感惊讶的是它很快就变得像模像样。

    Indeed, once the shop opened, I was surprised at how quickly the space became real.

  5. 我们像疯了样种植。

    We were growing plants like crazy.

  6. 帕森斯自然容易忘掉呀, 他笨得像只动物一个样。

    Parsons swallowed it easily, with the stupidity of an animal.

  7. 你倒子丑寅卯讲得像模像样的。

    You've described everything so vividly that it sounds quite real.

  8. 她没法像模像样地跟人谈话。

    She could not carry on a sensible conversation.

  9. 你必须赢一个像模像样的案子。

    You need to win the ittybitty ones.

  10. 他俩都想办一个像模像样的婚礼。

    They both want to have a decent wedding.

  11. 他俩都想办一个像模像样的婚礼。

    They both want to have a decent wedding.

  12. 我一直胆战心惊,直到她像模像样地坐进了马车。

    I quaked till she fairly sat in the carriage.

  13. 斯坦鼓起瘦瘦的脸颊,像模像样地模仿着他的爸爸。

    Stan puffed out his thin cheeks in a passable imitation of his dad.

  14. 但任何地方的生物都不能与像模像样的跳舞者相比。是的!

    But no creature anywhere can quite compare to a dancer in smarty pants. Yes!

  15. 第二年她又得到了一把口琴,不久她就吹得像模像样了。

    The next year she was given a harmonica and she took to it right away.

  16. 看上去像鬼怪样

    look like a ghost

  17. 每样东西都变小了,像玩具。

    Everything becomes small, like toys.

  18. 生活吧,就像今天是末日壹样。

    Live like it's heaven on earth.

  19. 你要像个大人样。你18岁了,不是8岁!

    Be your age. You are eighteen, not eight!

  20. 她的天份像她的衣柜样种类繁多。

    Her talents are as varied as her wardrobe.

  21. 我喉咙里有像鱼刺样的异物。

    I've got a foreign body like a fishbone in my throat.

  22. 周围堆堆石灰石, 像彩虹样闪闪发光。

    Round about, piles limestone glistened all colours rainbow.

  23. 小雪花像烟一样轻,玉一样洁。

    Little snowflake like smoke as light as clean, jade.

  24. 鲨鱼的背鳍像刀样迅速划破水面。

    The sharks fin sliced the water.

  25. 我何曾留着像游丝样的痕迹呢?

    When have I ever left a mark as tiny as a hairspring ?

  26. 不让任何一个人生活得不像人样。

    Don't let any one individual life doesn't look like human shape.

  27. 双腿并拢站立,双臂像飞机双翼样伸展。

    Stand with feet together, arms extended like airplane wings.

  28. 呦,这些小孩子像疯狗样朝我乱叫。

    Yo, these kids are mad dogging me.

  29. 你仅像鼹鼠样透过它们的皮肤观望

    you only saw as moles see through their skin

  30. 细枝样的像细枝一样的,如在纤细脆弱上

    Resembling a twig or twigs, AS in slenderness or fragility.


  1. 问:像模像样拼音怎么拼?像模像样的读音是什么?像模像样翻译成英文是什么?

    答:像模像样的读音是xiàngmúxiàngyàng,像模像样翻译成英文是 presentable



像模像样 发 音 xiàng mú xiàng yàng 释义; 1).郑重;隆重。《儿女英雄传》第二回:“这番调动,老爷可必得像模像样答上头的情纔使得呢。” 陈世旭 《小镇上的将军》:“小镇到处都在盘算和议论着,怎样象模象样地给将军送行。” (2).合格。

叶圣陶 《李太太的头发》:“婆婆妈妈的一些办法,看待学生象看待自己的女儿或媳妇,唠叨一阵,又温存一阵,哪里象个象模象样的校长!” (3).体面好看。

吴组缃 《一千八百担》:“从前姓宋的走出一个人来,都是象模象样,有貌有礼的。”