








1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……



汉语拼音:tóng nán tóng nǚ



男孩和女孩。《三国志·吴志·吴主传》:“亶洲 在海中,長老傳言 秦始皇帝 遣方士 徐福 將童男童女數千人入海,求 蓬萊 神仙及仙藥,止此洲不還。”《秦併六国平话》卷下:“陛下可選五百童男童女,着一使前去。”亦作“童男女”。《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“發童男女數千人入海求僊人。”谭天民《噩梦》诗:“蓬萊 仙子傳笑語,金銀宫闕童男女。”



  • 【解释】:男孩和女孩。《三国志·吴志·吴主传》:“ 亶洲 在海中,長老傳言 秦始皇帝 遣方士 徐福 將童男童女數千人入海,求 蓬萊 神仙及仙藥,止此洲不還。”《秦併六国平话》卷下:“陛下可選五百童男童女,着一使前去。”亦作“ 童男女 ”。《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“發童男女數千人入海求僊人。” 谭天民 《噩梦》诗:“ 蓬萊 仙子傳笑語,金銀宫闕童男女。”


  1. Good night! Last virgins! I sincerely hope I won't be able to call you virgins tomorrow.


  2. Twice in the year we sacrifice to them young men and maidens; fifty young men and a hundred maidens.


  3. Publicly, they'll claim to be virgins. Privately, he hit it.


  4. His determination and virgin, starting with the miner and vowed to kill cows.


  5. Each sent seven pairs of Athens is virgin oblations offered to the miner cow.


  6. Athens people in a cry of sorrow sound, farewell Theseus, seven pairs of virgin.


  1. 魔鬼要童男童女在下个满月时被献祭

    Satan commands the virgin be sacrificed at the next full moon.

  2. 有六十王后八十妃嫔, 并有无数得童女。

    There are threescore queens, and fourscore concubines, and virgins without number.

  3. 有六十王后八十妃嫔,并有无数的童女。

    There are threescore queens, and fourscore concubines, and virgins without number.

  4. 其中一个是关于十个拿着灯的童女。

    One was about The Lamps of the Ten Bridesmaids.

  5. 预科学校男童和女童辍学人数和百分比

    Numbers and percentages of boys and girls dropping out of preparatory school

  6. 他们绑架男童做士兵,女童当做性奴隶。

    They use boys as soldiers soldiers and girls as sexlavessex slaves.

  7. 男童,女童和少数民族的初中教育差距也得到弥合。

    The enrollment gaps between boys, girls and ethnic minorities in junior secondary education were also closed.

  8. 目前,全世界大约有30万男童和女童被当作童兵受到剥削。

    Some300,000 boys and girls are currently being exploited as child soldiers around the world.

  9. 出于多种原因,童婚或早婚对女童是不利的。

    Childhood or early marriages are disadvantageous for young girls for many reasons.

  10. 童婚或早婚给年轻女童带来了极为不利的后果。

    Childhood or early marriages have extremely negative consequences for young girls.

  11. 高音部为女高音或男童声高音部。

    The soprano voice is the high female voice or unbroken male voice.

  12. 男孩是男童军。女孩是女童军。

    Boys are Scouts. Girls are Brownies.

  13. 但我们最严重的罪行是遗弃女童和男童。

    But our worst crime is the abandonment of girls and boys.

  14. 在学校,女童和男童可以平等参加所有的运动和体育课。

    In schools, girls and boys equally take part in all sports and physical education.

  15. 他们在马拉维湖沿岸的度假胜地招募女童和男童。

    They have recruited girls and boys in the holiday resorts along Lake Malawi.

  16. 在卢旺达,妇女和女童的发病率要比男子和男童多一倍半。

    In Rwanda, the rate of prevalence amongst women and girls is one and a half times greater than that amongst men and boys.

  17. 涤棉女童裙

    terylene shirt for girls.

  18. 农村留守女童

    Unattended girls.

  19. 唱诗班中的男童成员

    A boy member of a choir.

  20. 美国女童军

    Bsa. Scouting. Org Girl Scouts of the USA.

  21. 女童入学率

    ratio of primary school attendance for girls.

  22. 童子军女训导

    den mother.

  23. 偏带女童鞋

    Mary Jane.

  24. 女童子军队员

    girl scout.

  25. 美国女童子军

    Girl Scouts of America.

  26. 世界女童军协会

    World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

  27. 那个男童军能自己生火。

    The boy scout was able to build a fire on his own.

  28. 你当过女童子军

    Girl scouts?

  29. 诱拐和绑架妇女和女童

    Abduction and kidnapping of women and girls

  30. 教育和训练妇女和女童

    ? Education and training of women and girls


