


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……




1. 员 [yuán]2. 员 [yún]3. 员 [yùn]员 [yuán]人,工作或学习的人:~工。教~。演~。动~。复~。司令~。指团体组织中的人:成~。团~。党~。会~。周围:幅~辽阔。量词,常用于武将:一~小将。员 [yún]增加……



汉语拼音:diào zhā yuán



  1. Investigators suggest that some sort of strangulation device was used for the majority of the deaths, possibly Fiber wire.


  2. I contacted the investigator twice via email, asking him if he was able to make any progress on my case, but I didn't hear anything back.


  3. SEC investigators don't believe Mr. Liang is part of a wider insider-trading ring, said a person familiar with the matter.


  4. That's when he meets Kate Walker, a survey taker at Heathrow Airport who persuades Harvey to stay in London for the reception.


  5. Federal investigators have found a significant error rate because information in the database is sometimes inaccurate or outdated.


  6. Unable to live with the feeling that he might have been defrauded, Mr Koch threw money at a team of investigators to root out the truth.


  7. Federal investigators are trying to determine whether problems found with a signaling system could have contributed to the crash.


  8. The reports said the probe by central government investigators had been under way for several months.


  9. If you don't cooperate with me, then I'll have to leave you to the investigative team.


  1. 首席调查员

    Chief Investigating Officer

  2. 调查员们休息吃午餐。

    The investigators recessed for lunch.

  3. 美国联邦调查局的调查员

    An agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

  4. 调查员调查的人, 特指侦探

    One, especially a detective, who investigates.

  5. 我打算告诉大学调查员

    I'm gonna talk to the university investigator.

  6. 你要和调查员说什么

    What are you gonna tell the investigator lady?

  7. 调查员正在调查此诈欺案。

    The inspector is investigating the fraud.

  8. 联邦调查员说谎是犯法的?

    To a federal investigator is a crime?

  9. 你是一个聪明的调查员。

    You're a smart investigator.

  10. 受雇专门寻找逃债者的调查员

    skip tracer

  11. 他是联邦调查局的特别调查员。

    He was a special investigator for the FBI.

  12. 调查员公布了他的审查结果。

    The investigator made public his findings.

  13. 除非这跟那个保险调查员有关。

    Maybe this has something to do with that insurance investigator.

  14. 除非这跟那个保险调查员有关。

    Maybe this has something to do with that insurance investigator.

  15. 除非这跟那个保险调查员有关。

    Maybe this has something to do with that insurance investigator.

  16. 内务调查员这里不准吸烟,探员。

    Internal Affairs Investigator Theres no smoking in this building, detective.

  17. 这倒没有,我让调查员研究了

    No. Well, I had my investigator do some digging.

  18. 火灾调查员必须写书面调查报告吗?

    Does a fire investigator have to submit a written investigation report

  19. 调查员们本以为他是在回避什么

    The interviewer assumed he was being evasive

  20. 调查员们无一例外地都指责政府。

    To a man, the surveyors blamed the government.

  21. 一位警方调查员正等待他苏醒。

    A police inspector was waiting for him to recover consciousness.

  22. 看能不能让调查员明天来见你

    to check you out tomorrow.

  23. 曾经有一个人口调查员想测试我。

    A census taker once tried to test me.

  24. 调查员利用恭维和恐吓来影响证人

    an investigator who develops witnesses through flattery and intimidation.

  25. 我也许可以让调查员把报告毁掉

    I could maybe ask the vestigator to bury the report.

  26. 委员会委派了一个特别调查员自行调查。

    The commission appointed a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry.

  27. 国内事务调查员这里不允许吸烟,探员。

    Internal Affairs Investigator Theres no smoking in this building, detective.

  28. 大厅有位职业安全健康署的调查员

    There's an OSHA investigator waiting in the lobby.

  29. 一个好的调查员不会袖手旁观的等待。

    A good investigator doesn't sit back and wait.

  30. 首先,他得证明自己做调查员的资格。

    First, he had to establish his credentials as a researcher.