









汉语拼音:bù yào pà






  1. The angel of the Lord said to Elijah, "Go down with him; do not be afraid of him. " So Elijah got up and went down with him to the king.


  2. But Jesus, overhearing the word spoken, said to the ruler of the synagogue, Do not be afraid--only believe.


  3. And the angel of the LORD said unto Elijah, Go down with him: be not afraid of him. And he arose, and went down with him unto the king.


  4. And don't be afraid to tell your kids that you have no idea what you're doing either, he said.


  5. I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more.


  6. 'Don't be afraid to ask questions, or for an explanation of your activities, ' she says.


  7. Look in the snack aisle of your local natural foods market for such items, and don't be afraid to ask store personnel for recommendations.


  8. The LORD said to Joshua, "Do not be afraid of them; I have given them into your hand. Not one of them will be able to withstand you. "


  9. You shall not call it conspiracy All that this people calls conspiracy; And you shall not fear what they fear nor be awed by it.


  1. 不要怕闹笑话。

    Do not afraid make joke.

  2. 不要怕丢面子。

    Don't be afraid of losing face.

  3. 不要怕提问题。

    Dont be afraid of asking questions.

  4. 要敢于负责,不要怕。

    We should not be afraid to assume responsibilities.

  5. 不要怕!狗拴着呢。

    Never fear! The dog is tied up.

  6. 耶稣回答说不要怕, 不要怕。

    And Jesus responds and says fear not, fear not.

  7. 妈!不要怕我辛苦,不要怕!

    Ma, you don't have to be afraid it's too tiring for me! Don't worry!

  8. 不要怕他,他只是唬人。

    Don't be afraid of him, he is just bluffing.

  9. 努力学习,不要怕困难。

    Study hard. Don't be afraid of difficulties.

  10. 不要怕抚摸这条狗。

    Don't be afraid to pet the dog.

  11. 第三,不要怕犯错误!

    Third, do not afraid to make mistake.

  12. 不要怕,我帮你,因为。

    Have no fear, I'm your man, because.

  13. 不要怕,你们会成功的。

    You will succeed, never fear.

  14. 不要怕。这些马很温顺。

    Don't be afraid.These horses are tame.

  15. 不要怕,快往水里跳。

    Dont be chicken go ahead and dive in.

  16. 不要怕, 他已经黔驴技穷了。

    Don't be scared, he is up with end.

  17. 腆怯得思想呀, 不要怕我。

    Timid thoughts, do not be afraid of me.

  18. 绝不要怕。那绝对不会发生

    Never fear. That will never do.

  19. 腼腆的思想呀,不要怕我。

    timid thoughts, do not be afraid of me.

  20. 不要怕,他是不敢动手的。

    Dont be afraid, he is all bark and no bite.

  21. 你能肯定吗 请不要怕难为情。

    Are you sure Please do not be bashful.

  22. 我们不要怕乱,也不要怕下不得台。

    We should not be afraid of disorder or of being unable to extricate ourselves.

  23. 不要怕失败,成功通常来自失败之后。

    Have no fear of failure, success usually comes after failure.

  24. 他们所怕的, 你们不要怕, 也不要畏惧。

    And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it.

  25. 要想摘玫瑰花, 就不要怕玫瑰刺。

    You cannot pluck roses without fear of thorns, nor enjoy afair wife without danger of horns.

  26. 马歇尔又补充说, 千万不要怕说不。

    And don't be afraid to just say no, Marshall adds.

  27. 不要怕, 他只不过是在吓人罢了。

    Don't be scared. He's just crying wolf again.

  28. 有了错误要作自我批评, 不要怕丢面子。

    Criticize yourself when you've made a mistake. don't be afraid of losing face.

  29. 要有一点精神, 不要怕挨批判, 不要怕犯错误。

    And we must be bold and not be afraid of making mistakes or of being criticized.

  30. 是那先知擅自说的, 你不要怕他。

    That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.



“不要怕”是个多义词,它可以指不要怕(杨光歌曲), 不要怕(黄子华歌曲), 不要怕(莫西子诗歌曲)。