






哺乳动物,肉可食,鬃可制刷,皮可制革,粪是很好的肥料:~倌。~场。~圈(juàn )。~肉。生~。野~。种(zhóng )~。古同“潴”,水积存之处。……



汉语拼音:nǐ shì zhū



  1. It is a typical symptom of the lack of vocabularies referring to your very idea that you are a pig.


  2. You are a crossbreed of a dog and a pig.


  3. Oh, and now you're just going to|make a pig of yourself?


  1. 还有,你是头蠢猪,我恨你。

    And plus, you're a pig, and I hate you.

  2. 你是不是蠢到不会说你是蠢猪了?

    Are you too stupid to say you're stupid?

  3. 云天河你是猪妖!

    Yun Tianhe You are a pig monster!

  4. 云天河你是猪妖!

    Yun Tianhe You are a pig monster!

  5. 你是当她的面说你这只蠢猪的吗?

    Did you say you stupid jerk to her face?

  6. 你是说你把三块蛋糕全吃完了?你真是头贪吃的猪!

    You mean you've eaten all three pieces of cake ?You greedy pig!

  7. 你说谁是猪?

    Who are you calling a hog?

  8. 你是那个杀猪的,你要把我推到那啊!

    You are that kills a hog, you should push me to that!

  9. 开玩笑,你是我的小猪猪。

    Are you kidding? You're my guinea pig.

  10. 我是你的你是我的小豪猪, 妈妈爱你!

    I am yours you are mineMama loves you, Porcupine!

  11. 这是你的末日了, 人熊猪。

    This is the end of you, manbearpig.

  12. 你真是一个自私透顶的蠢猪。

    You are a selfabsorbed, ridiculous pig.

  13. 那时你就会知道这头落脚猪是多大的麻烦了。

    Then you'll see what trouble a pig can be.

  14. 猪, 你也是幸福的

    And you doom to lead a happy life.

  15. 我是猪野生著你。

    I'm hog wild over you.

  16. 你要知道你为一头猪涂唇膏, 它最终仍是一头猪。

    You know when you put lipstick on a pig, the end the, it's still a pig.

  17. 亨特医生是要你还是实习生去照顾猪的

    Did major Hunt order the internsto babysit the pigs or you?

  18. 你若是真做出抛妻弃子的事,那还不如猪狗呢!

    If you really do things like abandoning your wife and your son, you are no better than pigs and dogs.

  19. 你若是真做出抛妻弃子的事,那还不如猪狗呢!

    If you really do things like abandoning your wife and your son, you are no better than pigs and dogs.

  20. 你看看他,真是个猪脑袋!

    Look at him, what a fool!

  21. 你看看他,真是个猪脑袋!

    Look at him, what a fool!

  22. 杰森你存钱是想买头猪?

    Jason Youre saving up to buy a Hog

  23. 告诉过你他会是一只小猪来的。

    Told you it would be a porker.

  24. 小猪,你的妈妈是在工厂上班吗

    Piggy, does your mom working in the factory

  25. 酒保先生!我是问你你的猪为什么没有脚?

    bartender sir! I ask you why you did not pin the pig

  26. 你这种人总认为弟兄们是意大利蠢猪

    People like you think the brothers are guinea pigs.

  27. 那是只小猪猪罐,里面有为你上学存的钱。

    Tryin to start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college.

  28. 那是只小猪猪罐,里面有为你上学存得钱。

    Tryin to start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college.

  29. 不是每一头猪都能看短消息, 但是你做到了。

    Not every pig can read short message, but you can do it.

  30. 你弄的什么这是?你画的肥猪怎么会是我?

    What you made this rubbish? How this fat pig is I?