


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……









汉语拼音:tiáo chá shì shí



  1. Especially if you have a problem that's too vague, investigating facts is usually more productive than trying to solve it right away.


  2. Article 38 The parties shall produce evidence in support of the facts on which their claim, defense or counterclaim is based.


  3. In any circumstances, a reporter should stick to the truth of the fact.


  4. As it is, boarding time has doubled over the last decades, according to research by Boeing.


  5. Investigate to get the facts before using reprimands or punishment , and avoid jumping to conclusions or making hasty accusations.


  6. to investigate the truth of the fact.


  7. Article 66. Administrative organs should investigate the facts and collect evidence after the administrative procedure is initiated.


  8. So, despite the rise in the unemployment rate, thehousehold survey actually paints a slightly more positive picture ofunderlying job growth.


  9. Reporters should stick to investigating the facts.


  1. 记者应该坚持调查事实真相。

    Reporter should stick to investigating the facts.

  2. 彻底地调查事实后发现情况正好相反。

    An exhaustive investigation of the facts proves the contrary.

  3. 仲裁庭认为必要时, 也可以自行调查事实, 收集证据。

    The arbitration tribunal may undertake investigations and collect evidences on its own initiative if necessary.

  4. 行政程序法载有三个有可能指导事实调查的审查标准。

    The APA contains three standards of review that potentially can govern this inquiry.

  5. 特别是,它未指明应调查哪些事实。

    In particular, it failed to indicate which facts were to be investigated.

  6. 我们暂时不作声,再多调查一些事实好不好呢?

    Shall we keep still and find out more ?

  7. 调查犯罪事实以获得酬劳,努力为顾客搜寻信息。

    Investigates crimes for a fee and tries to get information for clients

  8. 随着案件的深入调查, 事实的轮廓逐渐浮出水面。

    Along with case's thorough investigation, the fact outline emerges the water surface gradually.

  9. 随着案件得深入调查,事实得轮廓逐渐浮出水面。

    Along with case's thorough investigation, the fact outline emerges the water surface gradually.

  10. 据波音公司调查, 事实上, 登记时间近十年已经翻了一番。

    As it is, boarding time has doubled over the last decades, according to research by Boeing.

  11. 来信要求对这些事实进行调查。

    The letter calls for an investigation of the facts.

  12. 调查结果, 许多事实暴露出来。

    Many facts emerged as a result of the investigation.

  13. 没有调查就不知道事实真相,也没有发言权。

    Do not know nitty gritty without investigation, also do not have right to speak.

  14. 你必须肯定你在调查中搜集的事实可靠。

    You must be certain of your facts collected in your investigation.

  15. 理论上说法院是静态的,有责任调查所指控的事实。

    The Court was still, in theory, under a duty to enquire into the facts alleged.

  16. 封事实的再调查揭发了他的过失。

    A review of the facts disclosed his error.

  17. 调查结果发现下列这些事实。

    The inquiry elicited these facts.

  18. 一经调查, 一些新的事实就被暴露了。

    On investigation some new facts came to light.

  19. 事实上我们调查了 一百二十多个人,而调查结果很复杂。

    Well, we actually surveyed over 118 individuals, and the results were mixed.

  20. 公司总部设立党支部的事实也在调查人员心中亮起红灯。

    The presence of Communist party offices in the companies'headquarters also raised red flags.

  21. 事实上, 调查表明我们饮料中使用的焦糖色素根本不会致癌。

    In fact studies show that the caramel we use does not cause cancer.

  22. 事实与政府的调查结果大相径庭。

    The facts contrast sharply with the findings of the government.

  23. 事实与政府的调查结果大相径庭。

    The facts contrast sharply with the findings of the government.

  24. 事实上,意见调查的结果显示正好相反。

    Indeed, opinion and attitude surveys tend to suggest the opposite.

  25. 这些事实是在长期的调查后才终于浮出水面的。

    The facts only came to light after a long investigation.

  26. 所采用的方法和事实证据都不能支持调查所得出的结论。

    The implied methodology and the factual evidence described do not support the conclusions of the investigations.

  27. 调查者们正在接近事实真相

    The investigators were homing in on the truth.

  28. 经调查我们发现了一个新的事实。

    From our investigations a new fact has emerged.

  29. 经调查我们发现了一个新得事实。

    From our investigations a new fact has emerged.

  30. 在最初的调查中我忽略了这个事实

    I was oblivious of this fact during the initial investigation.