




1. 模 [mó]2. 模 [mú]模 [mó]法式,规范,标准:~范。~式。楷~。~型。~本。~压。仿效:~仿(亦作“摹仿”)。~拟(亦作“摹拟”)。~写。特指“模范”:劳~。英~。模 [mú]〔~样〕a.人的长相或装束打扮的样子;b.表……







汉语拼音:guī mó hóng dà



  1. Though the U. S. is still burdened with a large deficit, officials argue that its ambitious stimulus program has helped spur growth.


  2. That's not to mention the negative press that's sure to follow such a grand and global display of wealth in the midst of economic hardship.


  3. Often the word antebellum summons up images of ease, elegance, and entertainment on a grand scale that disappeared in the postwar years.


  4. Therefore, you must be patient and wait for the long-expected, so yearned moment of our future meeting at great scale to arrive.


  5. This ancient land, after 50 years of hard work, has been built to be a scale of the event, modern city.


  6. The Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming is noted for the eminence of its owner , grand scale , unique formation and exceptional environment .


  7. Our company is a large-scale company specialized in selling glassware, with many years of sales experience, first-class service teams.


  8. ITs design breaks every known rule of acoustics, but you can, in spITe of ITs size, hear distinctly in every part of IT.


  9. Before long, there was a massive underground potato-growing operation in Germany.


  1. 计划规模宏大。

    It was planned on a noble scale.

  2. 这个工程规模宏大。

    The project is on a grand scale.

  3. 这次大会规模宏大。

    The conference was on a grand scale.

  4. 一切都是规模宏大。

    Everything is on so gigantic a scale.

  5. 全图规模宏大, 结构严谨,

    The painting has complicated scenes with rigorous structures.

  6. 规模宏大的宝船厂遗址

    The huge relic of Bao Chuan Dockyard

  7. 这是一件规模宏大的雕塑作品。

    This sculpture on a grand scale.

  8. 它依山修造,逐级升高,规模宏大,气势非凡。

    Nestling at the foot of a hill and rising with it, it is a stupendous architectural complex that looks most imposing.

  9. 产业融合将是一次规模宏大,影响深远的产业变革。

    Industrial confluence will be the industry with baronial, farreaching dimensions changes.

  10. 最后,扶轮基金会也是扶轮家庭一个规模宏大的重要份子。

    Finally, The Rotary Foundation is a large and important part of our family of Rotary.

  11. 它兼具明陵和满族陵寝的特色, 规模宏大, 建筑雄伟。

    exhibiting characteristics of both ming and manchu decorative styles , zhao mausoleum presents a magnificent sight.

  12. 上海志丹苑遗址为一座规模宏大,做工考究的元代石闸。

    The excavation of Shanghai Zhidanyuan relics makes the recurrence of a splended Yuan Dynasty sluice.

  13. 这是宏大规模的资本积累。

    This is capital accumulation on a grand scale.

  14. 可以想象当时寺庙的宏大规模。

    Indicate the magnificence of this temple.

  15. 大教堂的宏大规模给我们留下了深刻的印象。

    We were impressed by the sheer size of the cathedral.

  16. 大教堂的宏大规模使人时刻领略到宗教的威严。

    The sheer size of the cathedral is a constant reminder of the power of religion.

  17. 其规模之宏大是毋庸置疑的。

    There is no doubting its epic scale.

  18. 用这种方法,我们便能规模真正宏大地开展业务。

    With this method we could operate on a really grand scale.

  19. 玫瑰花赛会是历史最悠久,规模最宏大的新年庆典。

    The Tournament of Roses is the oldest and largest of the New Years pageant.

  20. 我被博物馆宏大的规模和宽广辽阔的整个面积所折服。

    I was amazed the real size of the museums and the wideness of the whole area.

  21. 世博会是一项全球性的活动,在规模和内容上堪称宏大。

    The World Expo is a global event, huge in space and content.

  22. 它有不同的场景规模。从极其微小到非常宏大。

    It occurs at all these different scales, first of all, from very, very small to very, very large.