











汉语拼音:jù dà chà yì



  1. There are huge variations around the world as to how much people pay directly for healthcare.

  2. This was the first sign of a dramatic difference between "smooth" spaces and "continuous" spaces in more than three dimensions.

  3. Although the bank expected Asia's emerging economies as a whole to grow by 3 per cent, that figure masked wide variations between countries.

  4. "We should make sure there is a huge difference between the cost of flying and taking the train, " he said.

  5. Meanwhile, the province is bounded by the two stages, the form of economic development, through, resulting in a huge difference.

  6. it is all the more important when regimes and rates differ wildly in the onshore world.

  7. This underpins their show of unity, despite big differences in the size and nature of their emissions.

  8. The relatively small distance that separates Venus' and Earth's proximity to the sun makes a very big difference in temperature.

  9. While correlations have increased between different national markets, there have been vast differences in the performance of those markets.


  1. 房价指数掩盖了具体价格上的巨大差异。

    The indices are masking a huge disparity in prices.

  2. 然而, 不同经济体的增长率水平仍然存在巨大差异。

    However, the levels of growth in different economies remain highly divergent.

  3. 星系之间的最大不同就是其外观上的巨大差异。

    The biggest difference between galaxies is the huge variation in their appearance.

  4. 这种脑容积间的巨大差异是否是个体的反常现象呢?

    Might the very large Boskop skull be an aberration

  5. 同一种类的不同病原株间的毒力可能有巨大差异。

    Virulence may vary between strains of the same organism.

  6. 对欧洲截然不同的态度表明两大政党间存在巨大差异。

    The contrasting approaches to Europe signified a sharp difference between the major parties.

  7. 会有如此显著的调查结果,接因英文与中文的巨大差异。

    This significant finding can be attributed to the vast difference between the English language and Chinese language.

  8. 中西思维方式的巨大差异导致了汉英句式表达的不同。

    The great difference of thinking ways between Chinese and English leads to the difference of sentence expressions of both.

  9. 当然, 这指的是平均水平, 而在趋势线的两侧均存在巨大差异。

    This is, of course, an average with wide variations on either side.

  10. 差异巨大却成为一体

    Diverse, unified.

  11. 各种饮料中的咖啡因含量差异巨大。

    And 3, the amount of caffein caffeine varies greatly, some.

  12. 当然,挥舞指挥棒与帮助,安慰祖母两者之间差异巨大。

    Of course, theres a huge difference between waving a conductors baton and providing aid and comfort to grandma.

  13. 在两三方面存在巨大的差异。

    and all the movies we watch today.

  14. 不同的教学项目结构造成了巨大的差异。

    There are wide variations caused by different academic programme structures.

  15. 然而,开发与生产之间有着巨大的差异。

    However, the difference between development and production is vast.

  16. 在神级和酋长级难度下存在着巨大的差异。

    There is a tremendous difference in strategy between playing Deity and Chieftain.

  17. 公共管理与私人管理在许多方面存在着巨大的差异。

    Although public and private managements are alike in some respects, there are apparent differences between them in essence.

  18. 但当时并不清楚较早的要求紧急疏散将产生巨大的差异。

    But its not clear that calling for an evacuation earlier would have made a huge difference.

  19. 展品显示了不同国家之间巨大的科技差异。

    Great technology gap among different countries was manifested by the displayed products.

  20. 为什么儿童糖尿病差异如此巨大

    What is so different about diabetes in children

  21. 它解剖学上的差异也是极其巨大的

    There's an enormous amount of anatomical variation.

  22. 它的巨大的劣势是汉民族对文化差异有很少的认知概念。

    The great disadvantage of it is that the Han have a very weak conception of cultural differences.


  1. 问:巨大差异拼音怎么拼?巨大差异的读音是什么?巨大差异翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨大差异的读音是jù dà chā yì,巨大差异翻译成英文是 wide difference