






1. 厂 [chǎng]2. 厂 [ān]3. 厂 [hàn]厂 [chǎng]指用机械制造生产资料或生活资料的工场。有空地方可以存货或进行加工的地方:煤~。棚舍:“枳篱茅~共桑麻。”中国明代为加强专制统治而设的特务机关。厂 [ān]同“庵……


两个以上的人在一起计划、讨论:~量。~讨。~议。~定。~榷。~酌(商量斟酌)。相~。磋~。洽~。协~。买卖,生意:~业。~店。~界。~品。~标。古指行商(坐商为“贾”,后泛指做买卖的人,亦用以指从事私营工商业的人):~人。~贩。~贾(gǔ ……



汉语拼音:zhì zào chǎng shāng



  1. The iPod and iPhone devices have already been a boon to component manufacturers in Asia, and many are hoping for a repeat performance.


  2. Steelmakers will no doubt try to pass the latest price increases to their customers, making life more difficult for manufacturers globally.


  3. Now global automakers are watching to see how that dream pans out in the marketplace.


  4. VPL thrived for a while, selling 1. 3m basic data gloves to Mattel, a toymaker, and a smaller number of high-end gloves to NASA and IBM.


  5. Owing to the heavy commitments of our manufacturers, we regret that we are unable to meet your requirements for the time being.


  6. It may be necessary to measure the peak inrush current and consult with motor manufacturer since field magnet demagnetization may occur.


  7. Bitzer International is one of the world-leading providers of compressors, with it's headquarter in Germany.


  8. To keep balls lively , manufacturers package them in canisters that are sealed at slightly less than two atmospheres of pressure.


  9. Many automakers are also developing vehicles that use onboard fuel cells to turn hydrogen back into electricity by combining it with oxygen.


  1. 制造厂商的名称在盘子背面。

    The manufacturers name is on the bottom of the plate.

  2. 运费恐怕要由制造厂商来承担。

    Delivery costs will have to be borne by the manufacturer, I'm afraid.

  3. 大多的硬件制造厂商具有程序库。

    Most manufacturers of hardware have a library of programs.

  4. 现在汽车制造厂商们无疑都非常不安。

    Car manufacturers must be very uneasy now.

  5. 制造厂商对这种手表保用三年。

    The manufacturers guarantee the watch for three years.

  6. 这个公司是一个大的汽车制造厂商。

    The company is a major car producer.

  7. 我不知道,但是这是制造厂商说的。

    I have no idea, but this is what the producer says.

  8. 一些制造厂商并不满意这种投标的方法。

    Some manufactures complain about this way of tendering.

  9. 你方对包装的建议已转交我方制造厂商参照。

    Your comments on packing have been passed on to our manufacturers for their reference.

  10. 制造厂商给我们公司开一张两台打字机的发票。

    The manufacturer invoiced our company for typewriters.

  11. 为各机械制造厂商提供性能卓越的液压气动产品。

    For all machinery manufacturers to provide high performance hydraulic pneumatic products.

  12. 这些安排中的债权人经常是制造厂商联营的金融实体。

    The creditors in these arrangements are often finance entities affiliated with the manufacturers.

  13. 因为制造厂商们成百万辆地生产, 而且都造得一模一样。

    Because the makers build millions of cars and make all exactly the same.

  14. 我们劝告你使用眼圈, 本文保护和追从制造厂商推荐。

    We advise you to use eye, body protection and follow manufacturers recommendations.

  15. 意大利摩瑞斯公司是一家专业的液压设备制造厂商。

    MORIS Italia S. r. l. is professional producer of hydraulic equipment.

  16. 作为制造厂商,我们已经学会如何在全球范围内保持竞争力。

    We as manufacturers have learned how to be globally competitive.

  17. 根据制造厂商的说法, 成本会比原先计划的还高出百分之八。

    According to the factory, it will cost about eight percent more than initially projected.

  18. 根据制造厂商的说法, 成本会比原先计画的还高出百分之八。

    According to the factory, it will cost about eight percent more than initially projected.

  19. 厂商制造更多可摺叠又轻便的单车,以便人们到处携带。

    The manufacturers are making more foldaway feather weight bikes for people to carry around.

  20. 大卫杜夫瓷制烟灰缸均由闻名于世的欧洲厂商制造。

    Davidoff porcelain ashtrays are made exclusively for Davidoff by a renowned European manufacturer.

  21. 你的武器是由最低价得标厂商所制造的。

    Your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.

  22. 第一家制造世界级电能表的国内厂商!

    The first Chinese class device supplier!

  23. 第一家制造世界级电能表得国内厂商!

    The first Chinese class device supplier!

  24. 我们是专门制造针织毛衣的绩优厂商。

    Our company specializes in knitted sweaters.

  25. 我们是专门制造针织毛衣得绩优厂商。

    Our company specializes in knitted sweaters.

  26. 无锡采锋是专业制造超高精密橡胶专用注塑机的厂商。

    WUXI CAIFENG is profession manufacturing extremely high nicety the rubber appropriation note machine of manufacturer.


  1. 问:制造厂商拼音怎么拼?制造厂商的读音是什么?制造厂商翻译成英文是什么?

    答:制造厂商的读音是zhì zào chǎng shāng,制造厂商翻译成英文是 manufacturer

  2. 问:制造厂商发票拼音怎么拼?制造厂商发票的读音是什么?制造厂商发票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:制造厂商发票的读音是zhì zào chǎng shāng fā piào,制造厂商发票翻译成英文是 manufacturer's invoice

  3. 问:制造厂商责任保险拼音怎么拼?制造厂商责任保险的读音是什么?制造厂商责任保险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:制造厂商责任保险的读音是zhì zào chǎng shāng zé rèn bǎo xiǎn,制造厂商责任保险翻译成英文是 manufacturer's liability insurance