



  • 【解释】:号啕:大哭声。放声大哭。
  • 【出自】:《周易·同人》:“同人先号咷而后笑。”


  1. What's in it for her to bewail herself?


  2. A little girl was crying her heart out in a corner of the street, for she had lost her mother.


  3. I think of his walk that day, I did not howl, but I would rather have the chest to go along with them!


  4. A more celebrated instance is that of Alexander, who wept bitterly because he had no more worlds to subdue.


  5. When you came into the world, she held you in her arms. You thanked her by weeping your eyes out.


  6. A beautiful and sat down on the dirty floor bawler cement.


  7. One day he suddenly feel sadness welling up, sadly --- howl up a few days, weeks, months and even to tears.


  8. Women were running out to the line of march, crying and laughing and kissing the men good-bye.


  9. The wailing of the child pierced the drum of his ear .


  1. 她号啕大哭。

    She cried loud and clear.

  2. 那个婴儿号啕大哭。

    That baby wailed.

  3. 那个小女孩号啕大哭。

    The little girl set up a howl.

  4. 孩子们全都号啕大哭起来。

    The children all started howling.

  5. 他读完新闻后号啕大哭。

    On heating the news he burst out crying.

  6. 那小女孩难过得号啕大哭。

    The little girl was wailing miserably.

  7. 我妈妈一直声嘶力竭,号啕大哭

    And my mom was bawling her eyes out the whole time.

  8. 但是他没有坐在那里、号啕大哭。

    But he wasn't going to sit and cry about it.

  9. 她在那号啕大哭对她有什么好处?

    Whats in it for her to bewail herself

  10. 那个饥饿的小家伙开始号啕大哭起来。

    The hungry kid began to squall.

  11. 他一走出门,她就号啕大哭起来。

    She began to howl when he walked out of the door.

  12. 孩子号啕大哭,震得他耳鼓嗡嗡响。

    The wailing of the child pierced the drum of his ear.

  13. 两秒钟,你像个婴儿一样号啕大哭。

    Two seconds, you're bawling like a baby.

  14. 没有人在号啕大哭。只是死一般的寂静。

    There were no families wailing. Just an eerie silence.

  15. 没有人在号啕大哭。只是死一般得寂静。

    There were no families wailing. Just an eerie silence.

  16. 因为把手机丢了, 她站在那里号啕大哭。

    She cried loudly because she lost her mobile phone.

  17. 我把巧克力拿走时, 比利号啕大哭起来。

    Billy began to roar when I took the chocolate away.

  18. 在好似一个笼子的监狱里,他开始号啕大哭。

    He, in his prison, like a cage, began to howl.

  19. 在好似一个笼子的监狱里,他开始号啕大哭。

    He, in his prison, like a cage, began to howl.

  20. 刹时间她几乎要像个孩子似的号啕大哭了。

    For a moment she was on the verge of an outburst of childish wild tears.

  21. 那个小男孩好像受了委屈似的,号啕大哭起来。

    The little boy cried bitterly as if hard done by.

  22. 接着她就倒在破旧的沙发上,号啕大哭起来。

    And, flinging herself down on the sagging sofa, she burst into wild crying.

  23. 如今他确实有事情要号啕大哭,他倒停止哭泣了。

    But now that he really had something to cry about, he stopped crying.

  24. 那个小男孩好像受了委屈似得,号啕大哭起来。

    The little boy cried bitterly as if hard done by.

  25. 过了一会儿,从男孩的卧室里传出号啕大哭的声音。

    After a time, there arose a howl from the boys room.

  26. 我会像个在人行道上弄掉了冰淇淋的小小孩那样号啕大哭。

    I'll start bawling like a toddler who dropped their ice cream on the sidewalk.

  27. 她大哭起来。

    She burst into tears.

  28. 突然大哭起来

    to burst into tears

  29. 这个孩子大哭起来。

    The child set up a howl.

  30. 孩子们为此大哭起来。

    The children piped up for this.


