
  1. Finally, from aspec of the military thinking , with the general war being on the rise developing the tidal current having guided times.


  2. The strategy and practice of Xiang army and its outstanding leader Zeng Guo-fan indicated outset of the neoteric military modernization.


  3. Zhou Enlai, the production of military thinking is not accidental, it has special social and historical conditions.


  4. MR. CHEN: I noticed that the report used some classic quotes which included a quote by a famous ancient Chinese military thinker Sun Tzu.


  5. The C2 Research Center is the place on the web where the best military minds are studying Agility relative to "Command and Control" .


  6. Marxist philosophy forms the world outlook and methodology foundation of Mao Zedong military thought as an organic whole .


  7. It also describes what actions the United States can take in response to Beijing's military thinking.


  8. "The game content and the values embodied in military thinking . . . are very different, " one Chinese Website warns.


  9. one of the important part of military ideology is about the thought of people's war.


  1. 资产阶级军事思想

    bourgeois military thought

  2. 湖湘军事思想

    Military Thought of Huxiang army

  3. 逸周书军事思想研究

    Research on Yi Zhou Shu's Military Thoughts

  4. 他的书体现了他的军事思想。

    His book incorporates his military thinking.

  5. 他是位因循守旧的军事思想家。

    He was a conservative military thinker.

  6. 孙子的军事思想对此体会尤深。

    Tzu's military mind knew this well.

  7. 孙子兵法与战争论军事思想体系的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Military Ideology between Military Science of Sun Tzu and On War

  8. 该报告同时描述了美国对北京军事思想的可能对策。

    It also describes what actions the United States can take in response to Beijing's military thinking.

  9. 袁世凯的军事思想对清末陆军近代化有着重要的影响。

    Yuan Shikai's military thought has the important influence to modernization of the army at the end of the Qing Dynasty.

  10. 探讨了蒋介石军事教育思想的影响。

    Has discussed the Shek military education thought influence.

  11. 试论林则徐、魏源的军事改革思想

    Regarding Lin Zexu and Wei Yuan's Military Reform Ideas

  12. 孙子兵法军事地理思想对企业经营管理的启示

    Enlightenment of Military Geography Thinking in Military Science of Sun Tzu to Enterprise Operation and Management

  13. 本篇论文的主旨是研究墨子中的军事伦理思想。

    The thesis explores the military ethics in Mozi.

  14. 论曹操的军事经济战略思想

    On Cao cao's military economic strategy

  15. 不仅仅在军事上,俄国在思想上也为这场战争作了准备。

    Russia was prepared for the war not only militarily, but also ideologically.

  16. 军事战略要求粮草先行,创建社会要求思想先行。

    Military strategy requires that food and fodder should go ahead, and society creation requires that ideology should go ahead.

  17. 古代齐国体育的军事体育,民间体育与养生思想

    Military Sports, Folk Sports and Health Preserving Thought in Ancient Qi State


  1. 问:军事思想拼音怎么拼?军事思想的读音是什么?军事思想翻译成英文是什么?

    答:军事思想的读音是jūn shì sī xiǎng,军事思想翻译成英文是 Military Thinking


