
指一个时 期内在社会上非常活跃,很有影响的人。



  • 【解释】:指活跃一时,言论行为能影响大局的人物。
  • 【出自】:毛泽东《别了,司徒雷登》:“因此被马歇尔看中,做了驻华大使,成为马歇尔系统中的风云人物之一。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作主语、宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. You know, if you can get a couple of the popular kids to sign up, the rest will fall right in line.


  2. However, this was the man of the hour is still too powerful to maintain a cool head.


  3. Was it only a year ago our "it " girl mysteriously disappeared for "boarding school" ?


  4. serena was the "it" girl, but she just disappeared and doesn't tell her best friend, doesn't tell any other friends.


  5. From the time, the contents of this book ZhaoTingWu period depicting completely, the emphasis on the two person "s horn shopping. "


  6. American popular figure Franklin said in his Autobiography of Endeavor that he had made a ten-year endeavor plan when he was young.


  7. You used to be the king of the random hookup. Like Wilt Chamberlain, only shorter, and whiter.


  8. Popular soccer player David Beckham has won the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award at just 35 years of age.


  9. Maybe the fact that Deng was selected twice as "Person of the Year" by the world-famous American Time magazine tells it all.


  1. 二战十大风云人物

    The ten men of hour in the Second World War

  2. 他是时下的风云人物。

    He is the man of the day.

  3. 他一夜之间成了风云人物。

    He became a big card from one night.

  4. 我们的风云人物来了,恭喜啊

    There's the man of the hour. Congratulations.

  5. 小布什获选时代杂志2000年度风云人物。

    Time names Bush Person of the Year 2000.

  6. 华尔街才刚刚票选他成为年度风云人物。

    Wall Street had just voted him Man of the Year.

  7. 也许你们的孙子会成为新的一代风云人物。

    Perhaps your grandchildren will become the new pezzonovanti.

  8. 在国际关系方面,我的老师可是个风云人物。

    My teacher is a big card in International Relations.

  9. 在国际关系方面,我的老师可是个风云人物。

    My teacher is a big card in International Relations.

  10. 小布什再次险胜 成为儿童心目中的风云人物

    Bush chosen over Rowling in Time For Kids poll

  11. 哟,哥们,高中的时候你也算个风云人物呀。

    Damn Homie, in highschool you was tha man, homie.

  12. 有一阵子他似乎成了一个丑陋得风云人物。

    He seemed for a while the golden Ugly Man.

  13. 有一阵子他似乎成了一个丑陋的风云人物。

    He seemed for a while the golden Ugly Man.

  14. 这位是我的学友,当年可是学校的风云人物。

    We were studying in the same school. At that time, he was quite famous among the students.

  15. 你迷人的个性使你成为社交场合上的风云人物。

    Your captivating personality makes you a shining star in social situations.

  16. 当前的风云人物非乔治?布什莫属。

    I have to say George Bush is the most important person right now.

  17. 我听到他的名字与一位风云人物联系起来。

    I have heard his name linked with a big card.

  18. 并不是因为你都得甲等,你就是学校中的风云人物。

    You're not the whole show just because you got all A's.

  19. 乔帮我们赢得美式足球比赛后成了学校的风云人物。

    Joe is the big man on campus after he helped us win the football game!

  20. 在随后的三年中, 他一跃而成了一位活跃的风云人物。

    In the following three years he became an active political figure.

  21. 卡尔与阿隆, 罗恩一样都是季前赛的风云人物。

    Before Cull and Arab League prosperous , Rowen equally is the season, the match man of the hour.


  1. 问:风云人物拼音怎么拼?风云人物的读音是什么?风云人物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:风云人物的读音是fēngyúnrénwù,风云人物翻译成英文是 influential person



“风云人物”是个多义词,它可以指风云人物(美国导演弗兰克·卡普拉拍摄电影), 风云人物(1977年陈明华编导的台湾电影), 风云人物(词语解析)。