







汉语拼音:qí chéng



  1. Grafting is also used to produce seedless fruits like navel oranges and seedless watermelons.


  2. Another fruit subject to such human-assisted reproduction is the ubiquitous navel orange.


  3. Main varieties are very early, early, Satsuma , navel orange.


  4. The ultrasonic-assisted extraction process of flavonoids from navel orange peel was studied.


  5. Gannan navel orange fruit large thin, succulent crisp, bright orange-red, rich flavor.


  6. A New Navel Orange Variety'Red Flesh Navel Orange'


  7. Out of all the different kinds of oranges, I love navel oranges most.


  8. Study on the Relationship between the Sugar Accumulation and Its Metabolizing Enzymes in Navel Orange Fruit


  9. Effects of foliage spraying sodium bisulfite on photosynthetic physiological characteristics of Citrus sinensis with sulphur deficiency


  1. 脐橙简易贮藏的研究

    Research that the navel orange is simply stored up

  2. 脐橙溃疡病防治对策

    Control strategies of bacterial canker disease in navel orange

  3. 脐橙干酒酵母菌株的选育研究

    Research on Breeding of Navel Orange Wine Dry Yeast Strain

  4. 目前,脐橙作为热栽品种,发展迅猛。

    Current, umbilical orange grows variety as heat, development is swift and violent.

  5. 关键词赣南脐橙,果酒,脐橙干酒,酵母。

    Keywordumbilicus orange, fruit wine, umbilicus orange wine, yeast.

  6. 基于计算机视觉的脐橙分级系统研究

    A Study on Navel Orange Grading System Based on Computer Vision

  7. 主要品种有特早熟、早熟、温州蜜柑、脐橙。

    Main varieties are very early, early, Satsuma, navel orange.

  8. 在橙子类水果中,我最爱吃脐橙。

    Out of all the different kinds of oranges, I love navel oranges most.

  9. 在橙子类水果中,我最爱吃脐橙。

    Out of all the different kinds of oranges, I love navel oranges most.

  10. 冰糖脐橙的主要性状及遗传分析研究

    Study on the Agronomic Characters and Genetic Analyses of Bingtang Navel Orange

  11. 奉节脐橙不同器官元素含量分布特征

    The distribution and abundance of chemical elements in different parts of Navel orange in Fengjie County, China

  12. 而且有许多的无核水果,比如脐橙,无核西瓜。

    And then there are seedless fruits like navel oranges and seedless watermelons.

  13. 微波技术提取冰糖脐橙皮中的总黄酮

    Extraction of Total Flavonoids from Rock Candy Navel Orange Peels by Microwave Technique

  14. 脐橙果实和叶片发育中磷硫动态的研究

    Studies on dynamics of phosphorus and sulfur during fruit and leaves development of navel oranges.

  15. 嫁接法还用来生产无籽水果,例如脐橙和无籽西瓜。

    Grafting is also used to produce seedless fruits like navel oranges and seedless watermelons.

  16. 嫁接技术也用于培养无籽水果,如脐橙和无籽西瓜。

    Grafting is also used to produce seedless fruits like navel oranges and seedless watermelons.

  17. 梁平柚,奉节脐橙,重庆人好吃,所以吃的比较多。

    Liang grapefruit, orange Fengjie, Chongqing people eat, so eat more.

  18. 脐橙果实糖积累与蔗糖代谢相关酶关系的研究

    Study on the Relationship between the Sugar Accumulation and Its Metabolizing Enzymes in Navel Orange Fruit

  19. 土壤砷铅汞胁迫对脐橙生长和重金属累积的影响

    The Effect of Growth and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Organs and Tissues of Newhall Navel Orange Trees under as, Pb and Hg Stress.

  20. 华盛顿脐橙果实采后油胞病害与酶活性的相关性

    Study on the Relationship between Enzymatic Activity and Oil Spotting Infection of Postharvest Washington Navel Orange Peel

  21. 另外一种也需要人类辅助手段的水果是随处可见的脐橙。

    Another fruit subject to such humanassisted reproduction is the ubiquitous navel orange.

  22. 壳聚糖涂膜对富川脐橙的保鲜机理与效果研究

    Study on Mechanism and Effect of Chitosan Coating Preserving Fuchuan Navel Orange

  23. 宫川温州蜜柑和华盛顿脐橙在枳及枳橙砧木上的表现

    Performance of Miyagawa Wase Satsuma Mandarin and Washington Navel Orange on Trifoliate Orange and Citrange Rootstocks

  24. 伦晚和红肉脐橙果实发育过程中主要品质变化的研究

    Study on the Fruit Quality Changes during Fruit Development of Lane Late and Cara Cara Navel Orange

  25. 设计了一个高光谱成像系统用于检测脐橙表面敌敌畏残留。

    A hyperspectral imaging system is developed to detect dichlorvos residue on the surface of navel orange.

  26. 奉节脐橙果皮褐变差减文库的构建及初步分析

    Construction and Preliminary Analysis of Subtractive Library for Peel Pitting of'Fengjie'Navel Orange Fruit

  27. 基砧对锦橙高接华红脐橙生长,结实和树体营养的影响

    Influence of Rootstock on Growth and Bearing and Tree Nutrients of Huahong Navel Orange Highly Grafted on Jincheng Tree


  1. 问:脐橙拼音怎么拼?脐橙的读音是什么?脐橙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脐橙的读音是qíchéng,脐橙翻译成英文是 A kind of orange, with a dent at the position where...

  2. 问:脐橙螟慢性矮缩病拼音怎么拼?脐橙螟慢性矮缩病的读音是什么?脐橙螟慢性矮缩病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脐橙螟慢性矮缩病的读音是qí chéng míng màn xìng ǎi suō bìng,脐橙螟慢性矮缩病翻译成英文是 Amyelois transitella chronic stunt disease...


