


1. 拾 [shí]2. 拾 [shè]拾 [shí]捡,从地上拿起:~草。~粪。~零(捡取某方面的零碎材料,常用于文章标题)。~取。俯~皆是。~人牙慧。收,敛,整理:收~。~掇。“十”的大写。旧称射箭人穿在左臂上的皮制护袖。拾 [shè]……









汉语拼音:shí rén yá huì





《世说新语·文学》:“殷中军(殷浩)云:‘康伯未得我牙后慧。’” 比喻抄袭或套用别人说过的话。牙慧即牙后慧,意即蹈袭别人的言论。



  • 【解释】:拾:捡取;牙慧:指别人说过的话。比喻拾取别人的一言半语当作自己的话。
  • 【出自】:南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·文学》:“殷中军云:‘康伯未得我牙后慧。’”
  • 【示例】:写文章要有自己的见解,表达自己的真情实感,切不可~。


  1. The least of man's original emanation is better than the best of borrowed thought.

  2. Whatever we take in from the popular media is regurgitated conventional knowledge. Independent thought is essential for progress.


  1. 不要拾人牙慧。

    Never pick up what others say.

  2. 他鹦鹉学舌, 只是拾人牙慧。

    He talks like a parrot and just repeats what he heard.

  3. 人最渺小的原创火花也比最优秀的拾人牙慧要强。

    The least of man's original emanation is better than the best of borrowed thought.

  4. 书中提到了一个似是而非的方案,而且还是拾人牙慧。

    The book that offers a plausible scenario for that has yet to be written.

  5. 我讨厌拾人牙慧, 告诉我你知道些什么。

    I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.

  6. 拾谷穗的人把掉落的谷穗收集起来。

    The gleaners gathered up the loose ears of corns.

  7. 连自己都觉得被遗弃, 没有人可以拾起我, 连一块石头都不如。

    Even find themselves abandoned and no one can pick up me, even if no one stone.

  8. 也许有人拾到呢。

    Maybe somebody found it.

  9. 这人把在街上拾到得钱交给了警察。

    The man gave in the money he had found in the street toga policeman.

  10. 这人把在街上拾到的钱交给了警察。

    The man gave in the money he had found in the street toga policeman.

  11. 碰巧有人拾到了那只失落得戒指。

    It chanced that someone found the lost ring.

  12. 对所有人来说都有必要拾起手套,加入这场博弈。

    For all that is necessary is to pick up a mitt and get in the game.

  13. 那人低下了头,拾起他那只放在地上得布袋走了。

    The man dropped his head, picked up the knapsack which he had deposited on the ground, and took his departure.

  14. 那人低下了头,拾起他那只放在地上的布袋走了。

    The man dropped his head, picked up the knapsack which he had deposited on the ground, and took his departure.

  15. 张镜人膏方经验摭拾

    Experience Examples in Zhang Jingren Prescribing Soft Extract Formula

  16. 拾谷穗得人把掉落得谷穗收集起来。

    The gleaners gathered up the loose ears of corns.

  17. 帮助许多人解决了温饱 重拾了生计。

    between survival and starvation for so many.

  18. 他给拾得他的宠物狗的人酬谢1000元。

    He offered a reward of1000 yuan for the finder of his pet dog.

  19. 对于许多人来说不过是重拾历史荣耀。

    For many of them it merely marks a return to historical norms.

  20. 论拾得人应有条件取得遗失物所有权

    Discussion on pickup person should have the condition to acquire the property of lost property

  21. 那裡的人僅以一天一美金的低價去撿拾我們的廢棄物

    People, for as little as a dollar a day, pick through our stuff.

  22. 法国人攻击一名在森林中拾起木柴的士兵。

    the french were attacking the soldiers gathering wood in the copse.

  23. 我祈求像哥哥那样的人能够早日复元、重拾希望。

    I pray that people like my brother find healing and hope again.

  24. 但德拉吉仍敦促各国领导人重拾一体化的主动权。

    Still, Mr Draghi urged leaders to regain the integration initiative.

  25. 克隆人战争被证明是卢卡斯重拾旧爱的机会。

    The Clone Wars has proven to be an opportunity for Lucas to dust off old favorites.

  26. 我已把拾到的手表送到警察局去, 但是还没有人去认领。

    I took the watch I found to the police station but nobody has put in a claim for it.

  27. 每个人都可以看到一个怪物有特定需要队长拾取得标志。

    Everyone will then see that there is a monster that the master looter has loot rights on.

  28. 宛如置身漓江, 又似进入桃源, 佳景俯拾皆是, 令人大饱眼福。

    Like outside Lijiang, Yousi into Taoyuan, Kai King abound, it is amazing.

  29. 街上空无一人,只有一只猫在结霜的石砖上拾爪而行。

    The street was deserted except for a cat lifting its paws off the frosty stones.

  30. 他见一块未乾的驴腮骨,就伸手拾起来,用以击杀一千人。

    Finding a jawbone of a donkey, he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men.


  1. 问:拾人牙慧拼音怎么拼?拾人牙慧的读音是什么?拾人牙慧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拾人牙慧的读音是shírényáhuì,拾人牙慧翻译成英文是 to pick up phrases from somebody and pass them of...



拾人牙慧,汉语成语,出自南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·文学》:“殷中军云:康伯未得我牙后慧。” 比喻拾取别人的一言半语当作自己的话,也比喻袭取别人的语言和文字。