





  1. 儒家提出的一种以仁义治天下的政治主张。与霸道相对。

    《书·洪范》:“无偏无党,王道荡荡。”《史记·十二诸侯年表》:“ 孔子 明王道,干七十餘君,莫能用。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文集·关于中国的两三件事》:“在 中国 ,其实是彻底的未曾有过王道。”

  2. 大路。喻仁政。

    清 兰陵忧患生 《京华百二竹枝词》之二十:“大街拥挤记当年,高在中间低西边。一自维新修马路,眼前王道始平平。”

  3. 谓剧烈,利害。如:这种辣椒别看小,辣味儿可真王道。



  1. To the Yuan Dynasty, Quyang Stone has a reputation emerged Qiong Yang, Wang, Wang Hao and a number of outstanding folk carving artists.


  2. I think great content is a must, but saying "Content is King" in a general sense might be going too far.


  3. Hegemonic powers lay in between: they did not cheat the people at home or cheat allies abroad.


  4. The interactivity between the state kingcraft and capitalist kingcraft forms the capitalist kingcraft system.


  5. In short, content is no longer king online. Information about users is what really matters.


  6. Since ancient times guided by the diplomacy of the pragmatic peaceful good neighbor, China pursued countrys benefit as the objective.


  7. It is one of the cornerstones of software internationalization .


  8. On the consumer side, the reasons why content is not king echo the reasons why talent is not a sustainable competitive advantage.


  9. For a long time the academia has always comprehended Mencius' doctrine of kingcraft from a viewpoint of Western democracy.


  1. 美味才是王道!美味至上!

    Flavor is king. Flavor rules.

  2. 那才是真正得王道。

    That ability is right kingly way.

  3. 那才是真正的王道。

    That ability is right kingly way.

  4. 孟子提倡王道,反对霸道。

    Mencius advocated benevolent government, and oppose hegemony.

  5. 网站,永远是内容为王道。

    Website, it is content is kingcraft forever.

  6. 创始人重新掌舵才是王道。

    Founders are back in style at the helm.

  7. 这是软件国际化的王道。

    It is one of the cornerstones of software internationalization.

  8. 基督就是真理!纳诺就是王道!

    Christ is the gospel truth! Nano is the kingcraft!

  9. 边跑边治疗的能力是王道。

    The ability to move while healing is King.

  10. 边跑边治疗得能力是王道。

    The ability to move while healing is King.

  11. 孟子王道政治学说的局限

    The limitation of Mencius benevolent government theory

  12. 孟子王道政治学的人文之维

    A Study on the Kingly Way Politics of Mencius from the Humanistic Perspective

  13. 内容是王道,很多人都说过。

    Content is kingcraft, a lot of people had said.

  14. 业务设计才是提高性能的王道。

    Business design just is the kingly way that improves performance.

  15. 老师就是王道,他说的总是真理。

    The teacher is the king, and what he says is always the truth.

  16. 危机爆发时,重商主义才是王道。

    In crises, the mercantilists rule.

  17. 这才是垂直电子商务发展得王道。

    This ability is the kingly way that perpendicular electron business affairs develops.

  18. 这才是垂直电子商务发展的王道。

    This ability is the kingly way that perpendicular electron business affairs develops.

  19. 我们提倡王道,绝不屈服于任何人。

    We advocate the kingly way and never bend our knees to anyone.

  20. 正所谓,称霸无定式,智慧才是王道!

    Alleged, seek hegemony without formulary, wisdom just is kingcraft!

  21. 双向的对话和直接交流仍然是王道。

    Direct communication where conversation can flow back and forth is still king.

  22. 您温而不猛, 永与和平王道同在。

    And thy ways are ways of gentleness, and all thy paths are peace.

  23. 首先就是我们通常所说的内容是王道。

    It is us above all the content that says normally is kingcraft.

  24. 第四部分介绍朱熹主张得实现王道得手段。

    The fourth part introduced how Zhu Xi think to realize the kingly way.

  25. 第四部分介绍朱熹主张的实现王道的手段。

    The fourth part introduced how Zhu Xi think to realize the kingly way.

  26. 国家王道与资本王道互动,形成资本主义的王道体制。

    The interactivity between the state kingcraft and capitalist kingcraft forms the capitalist kingcraft system.

  27. 第五部分对朱熹的王道思想做出评价。

    The fifth part makes the appraisal to Zhu Xi'kingly way thought.

  28. 第五部分对朱熹得王道思想做出评价。

    The fifth part makes the appraisal to Zhu Xi'kingly way thought.

  29. 如果你认为钱索王道, 有钱有女人, 没钱没女人, 那么。

    If you claim the money that Wang, rich woman, no woman had no money, then.

  30. 所以说,有个听话又能干的男人才是王道。

    So say, there is obey and then the able man be the kingly way.


  1. 问:王道拼音怎么拼?王道的读音是什么?王道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:王道的读音是wángdào,王道翻译成英文是 Wang Tao

  2. 问:王道明拼音怎么拼?王道明的读音是什么?王道明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:王道明的读音是Wángdàomíng,王道明翻译成英文是 King, Thomas Boyce



“王道”是个多义词,它可以指王道(手机游戏), 王道(网络词汇), 王道(明代礼部侍郎王道), 王道(词语释义), 王道(伍佰,china blue演唱歌曲), 王道(王铂图书), 王道(中国帝王学说), 王道(世界艺术家协会理事), 王道(台湾演员), 王道(元初泉州路总管), 王道(北京市化工学会理事), 王道(名词), 王道(中国镭驰金融控股集团总裁), 王道(明正德朝国子监事), 王道(东汉宦官), 王道(中国书法家协会会员), 王道(奥盛科技开发策略类网页游戏), 王道(国民革命军海军少将高参)。