




1. 苦 [kǔ]苦 [kǔ]像胆汁或黄连的滋味,与“甘”相对:甘~。~胆。~瓜。感觉难受的:~境。~海(原为佛教用语,后喻很苦的环境)。~闷。含辛茹~。吃~耐劳。~恼。为某种事所苦:~雨。~旱。~夏。~于(a.对某种情况感到苦脑;b.表示……



汉语拼音:láo kǔ








  1. 勤劳辛苦。

    《诗·邶风·凯风》:“有子七人,母氏劳苦。”《史记·屈原贾生列传》:“人穷则反本,故劳苦倦极,未尝不呼天也。” 宋 叶适 《中奉大夫曾公墓志铭》:“值旱饥,沿村劝糶,又决狱问囚,走旁郡,劳苦未尝辞。” 何其芳 《画梦录·静静的日午》:“你不知道长途旅行是怎样劳苦,你没有到远方去过。”如:她从来不辞劳苦,经常工作到深夜。

  2. 慰劳。

    《史记·萧相国世家》:“ 汉 三年, 汉王 与 项羽 相距 京 索 之间,上数使使劳苦丞相。”《汉书·陈馀传》:“上使 泄公 持节问之箯舆前。卬视 泄公 ,劳苦如平生欢。” 颜师古 注:“劳苦,相劳问其勤苦也。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻四》:“遇故护军统领某公,握手相劳苦。”



  1. While living the hard life of a peasant woman at home, she was aware of the difficulties and hardships that our Party was then undergoing.


  2. Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.


  3. He named him Noah and said, "He will comfort us in the labor and painful toil of our hands caused by the ground the Lord has cursed. "


  4. and if through strength it may be eighty years, its pride is only trouble and sorrow, for it comes to an end and we are quickly gone.


  5. There is no royal road to science , and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits . --Karl Marx.


  6. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work ofthe Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.


  7. Fully enjoyed world difficult Dickens to sympathize with the child who since childhood the difficult people and wretched not depend on.


  8. These songs told of Harrison's bravery against the Indians. They told how Harrison loved the hard and simple life of the common man.


  9. Zeus made still another race, that of iron, troubled by toil and misery, although good is intermingled with their evils.


  1. 艰难劳苦的一生

    a life of hardship and toil

  2. 他不辞劳苦。

    He spares no pains.

  3. 不辞劳苦, 费力

    To take the trouble to

  4. 劳苦却无所得

    labored to no avail.

  5. 洗去劳苦与忧伤

    Wash away my toil and pain

  6. 爱惜自己, 不愿劳苦

    be sparing of oneself

  7. 生活离不开劳苦。

    One cannot get through life without pain.

  8. 我为我而不辞劳苦。

    He took trouBle on my account.

  9. 爱情为报酬, 劳苦也轻松。

    LaBor is light where love doth pay.

  10. 譬如这里劳苦、争斗的生命。

    Such as here lives with toil and strife.

  11. 闲散制造事端安逸产生劳苦。

    Trouble springs from IdlenessToil from Ease

  12. 以爱情作报酬,劳苦也轻松。

    Labour is light where love doth pay.

  13. 不辞劳苦地做某事

    to go to the trouble of doing something, take the trouble to do something

  14. 劳苦的工作对我没有吸引力。

    Hard work has little attraction for me.

  15. 他不辞劳苦地学习英语。

    He spares no pains to study English.

  16. 爱情作酬报, 劳苦必轻松。

    Labour is light where love doth pay.

  17. 爱情作酬劳, 劳苦必轻松。

    Labour is light where love does pay.

  18. 劳苦的工作给了他好胃口。

    Hard work has given him an appetite.

  19. 为时代和劳苦民众歌与哭

    To Extol and Cry for the Times and the Laboring People

  20. 这也是虚空, 是极重得劳苦。

    This is also vanity, yea, it is a sore travail.

  21. 许多人都是不辞劳苦得。

    Many people are hardworking.

  22. 这也是虚空,是极重的劳苦。

    This is also vanity, yea, it is a sore travail.

  23. 他们的过度劳苦的情形并不显著。

    They were not notably overworked.

  24. 他既不辞劳苦也不惜费用。

    He spared neither pains nor expense.

  25. 妈妈,您的不辞劳苦,无私的爱。

    Mum, you take the trouble, but leave love to us.

  26. 我们看看我们悲惨, 劳苦, 短暂的一生吧!

    Let us face it, our lives are miserable, laborious and short.

  27. 我差你们去收你们所没有劳苦的

    I sent you to reap that on which you bestowed no labor.

  28. 劳苦之事则争先,饶乐之事则能让

    Strive to be the first to bear hardness, and retreat to the last for enjoyment

  29. 他对劳苦人民的横征暴敛无法计算。

    His extortions from the industrious poor have been beyond computation.

  30. 凡劳苦的人, 都到我这来。

    Come unto me, all ye that labour.


  1. 问:劳苦拼音怎么拼?劳苦的读音是什么?劳苦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劳苦的读音是láokǔ,劳苦翻译成英文是 hard-working

  2. 问:劳苦功高拼音怎么拼?劳苦功高的读音是什么?劳苦功高翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劳苦功高的读音是láokǔgōnggāo,劳苦功高翻译成英文是 to have worked hard and performed a valuable ser...

  3. 问:劳苦地拼音怎么拼?劳苦地的读音是什么?劳苦地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劳苦地的读音是,劳苦地翻译成英文是 hardly





【拼音】láo kǔ



【词意探源】 (1)指辛苦。

《诗·邶风·凯风》:“有子七人,母氏劳苦。” (2)指慰劳。


【基本解释】 [toil;hard work] 劳累辛苦 劳苦为民 《一夜的工作》:“他是多么劳苦,多么简朴!”