


死了也不闭眼睛。形容做事没达到目的,很不甘心。《三国志·吴书·孙坚传》:“今不夷汝三族,悬示四海,则吾死不瞑目。” 瞑目:闭眼。



  • 【解释】:瞑目:闭眼。死了也不闭眼。原指人死的时候心里还有放不下的事。现常用来形容极不甘心。
  • 【出自】:《三国志·吴书·孙坚传》:“今不夷汝三族,悬示四海,则吾死不瞑目。”
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、宾语;指死得遗憾


  1. Your father would turn over in his grave if he knew you were going to sell the family farm .


  2. The aftermath lay right in front of him, staring with open eyes.


  3. Listen to that awful music. It's enough to make Beethoven turn in his grave!


  4. It would make me turn in my grave if I should be the first to die , thus leaving them with perpetual sorrow .


  5. If your grandpa could see what you're doing now, he wouldn't have closed his eyes when he died.


  6. If I was those swordsman from the militia, I'd have refused to die. Their lives were worth only an egg!


  7. Had a scientist failed an examination two drop of times in the tar drop to die, he really a little died with injustice unredressed.


  8. The photographer recorded streets littered with corpses, dead victims with open eyes, refugees with vacant eyes.


  9. Dead though our grandmother is, she rolls in her grave.


  1. 我死不瞑目,常有的事

    I died with my eyes open.It happens.

  2. 我死不瞑目,常有的事。

    I died with my eyes open. It happens.

  3. 她的遗体就躺在他前面, 死不瞑目。

    The aftermath lay right in front of him, staring with open eyes.

  4. 虽然我们的祖母已经死了, 她死不瞑目。

    Dead though our grandmother is, she rolls in her grave.

  5. 虽然我们得祖母已经死了,她死不瞑目。

    Dead though our grandmother is, she rolls in her grave.

  6. 你不能如此坏,那会让你的祖母死不瞑目。

    You can't be so bad. It's to make your grandmother turn in her grave.

  7. 所以我猜你可以说这部电影必将令我死不瞑目。

    So I guess you could say the film made sure I will die unsatisfied.

  8. 看过那不勒斯死也瞑目。

    See Naples and die.

  9. 他死不开口。

    He is refusing to say.

  10. 她死不开口。

    She never opened her mouth.

  11. 好了,你死不了。

    There.You will live.

  12. 好了,你死不了。

    There. You will live.

  13. 他死不认错。

    He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong.

  14. 奋战到底,不死不休。

    Fight to the last gasp.

  15. 我们好死不死遇到他。

    I think we just ran into him.

  16. 气滞血瘀胎死不下

    retention of dead fetus due to stagnation of QI and blood

  17. 躺着死不起来,活该!

    Serves you right for refusing to get up on time.

  18. 他们死不承认有问题。

    They stubbornly refuse to admit there's a problem.

  19. 一死不可免,二死不可能。

    A man can die but once.

  20. 你却打死不愿意承认。

    And it kills you to admit that.

  21. 因为正义是不死不灭的。

    For justice is perpetual and immortal.

  22. 他的死不是意外吧,对

    You don't think it was an accident,do you?No.

  23. 就是个宿醉,死不了的

    It's a hangover, I'll survive.

  24. 我们不是活人,所以我们死不了。

    We are not among the living, and so we cannot die.

  25. 死不暝目也是合情合理的大腕

    One eye holding out until the end is symbolic.

  26. 他的死不是你的错,我知道

    His death wasn't your fault. I know.

  27. 钱是生不带来死不带走的。

    Both alive and died are without money.

  28. 钱是生不带来死不带走得。

    Both alive and died are without money.

  29. 他一旦抓住什么就死不放手。

    When he got his teeth into a thing, he did not let it go.

  30. 你难道不明白, 个人的死不是死?

    Can you not understand that the death of the individual is not death ?


  1. 问:死不瞑目拼音怎么拼?死不瞑目的读音是什么?死不瞑目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:死不瞑目的读音是sǐbùmíngmù,死不瞑目翻译成英文是 die discontented


