




罩在外面的东西:褥~。手~。外~。加罩:~裤。~袖。重叠的:~版。~耕。~种(zhòng )。装在衣物里的棉絮:被~。同类事物合成的一组:一~制服。~路。~数。~曲。配~。模拟,照做:~用。~语。生搬硬~。用绳子等做成的环:牲口~。圈~(喻……





汉语拼音:kè tào huà






  1. 空气话;表示客气的套话。

    《三侠五义》第九三回:“ 凤仙 道:‘姐姐以后千万不要説这些客套话,只求姐姐诸事包涵就完了。’” 巴金 《灭亡》第八章:“房东给我介绍,仓卒间不好说什么,只握了手,说了两三句客套话,就分别了。” 周而复 《白求恩大夫》一:“ 白大夫 没有答理这些客套话,就单刀直入地劈口问道:‘现在夜里冷吗?’”



  1. They will have had a courteous hearing: China is willing and able to help.

  2. speaking for myself, i'd like the pleasure of meeting his fine wife. speaking for the King, i'd like him to repair these.

  3. He made a few conventional remarks about the weather.

  4. Chinese banquet table filled with delicious food even if the owner has always used to say a few "excuse me" and other kind words.

  5. Cook begins with the traditional "honor and a privilege" phrases, adding how attached he is to his alma mater.

  6. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IMF managing director, called on countries not just to sign up to warm words but to take concrete steps.

  7. These words were not something routine just for polite purpose, but were from the bottom of our hearts.

  8. After exchanging the usual greetings and small talk, she began to undress for the day's work.

  9. People tell me that Hollywood loves new faces, but I don't know. They're probably just being nice.


  1. 回答别人的客套话

    Responding to courtesies extended by others

  2. 使用标准的服务客套话。

    Give a standard offer of service.

  3. 那是委婉的客套话吗

    That a euphemism?

  4. 主席说了几句客套话。

    The chairman made a few conventional remarks.

  5. 你好是社交中的客套话。

    How do you do is a social formula.

  6. 是用于信尾的客套话。

    Very truly yours is a formula used in letters.Very truly yours

  7. 是用于信尾得客套话。

    Very truly yours is a formula used in letters. Very truly yours.

  8. 他冷冰冰地说了些客套话。

    He spoke with icy politeness.

  9. 他老是在说那些寻常的客套话。

    He is always saying the usual nothings.

  10. 你也不会再需要这些客套话了。

    And you won't need the formula any more.

  11. 她在演说之前说了几句客套话。

    She prefixed a few complimentary remarks to her speech.

  12. 在各种场合下都使用得体的客套话

    use tasteful commonplaces for every occasion

  13. 谈日语与汉语中客套话的差异

    Differences of Japanese and Chinese Formulas

  14. 她对我的工作情况说了些客套话。

    She made polite noises about my work.

  15. 我言不由衷地说了一些表示同情的客套话。

    I mouthed some sympathetic platitudes.

  16. 我意识到此时按照惯例我应该说些客套话。

    I realized that here the conventions required me to make the ritual noises.

  17. 他说了许多客套话对我的帮助表示感谢。

    He thanked me in a number of set phrases for my help.

  18. 你应该给你的孩子同样的客套话,你会答应给别人。

    You should give your child the same courtesies you would give to anyone else.

  19. 客套话常用信条的陈述或信仰的自白陈腐的语句

    An utterance of conventional notions or beliefs a hackneyed expression.

  20. 她一句客套话都没讲就开始热切地说起来。

    She began speaking intensely, without preliminaries.

  21. 咱俩是老朋友了, 用不着说这种客套话!

    We are so familiar with each other that we should discard all this formality and politeness.

  22. 咱俩是老朋友了,用不着说这种客套话!

    We are so familiar with each other that we should discard all this formality and politeness.

  23. 对委员会其他成员请求评论和建议的客套话置之不理

    Ignored the ceremony of asking for comments and suggestions from other committee members.

  24. 这些话不是常规的客套话,而是发自肺腑的心声。

    These words were not something routine just for polite purpose, but were from the bottom of our hearts.

  25. 我脑子里虽有千百句客套话, 可是一句也说? ? 来。

    I couldn't muster up a single commonplace out of the thousand in my head.

  26. 请问是向别人提问时的客套话,用在提出问题之前。

    Excuse me is a kind of polite expression to be used before asking for something.

  27. 他对委员会其他成员请求评论和建议的客套话置之不理。

    He Ignored the ceremony of asking for comments and suggestions from other committee members.

  28. 道林低声说了句得体得客套话,朝四周打量了一下。

    Dorian murmured a graceful compliment and looked round the room.

  29. 道林低声说了句得体的客套话,朝四周打量了一下。

    Dorian murmured a graceful compliment and looked round the room.

  30. 我建议?开始时一般得客套话以后?直截了当就进人正题。

    I propose? after the usual preliminaries? to come straight to the point.


  1. 问:客套话拼音怎么拼?客套话的读音是什么?客套话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:客套话的读音是kètàohuà,客套话翻译成英文是 polite remarks; a speech that is used for greeti...



客套话 kètàohuà

【释义】为表示客气所说的话如 ‘劳驾、借光、慢走、留步’等。