


1. 切 [qiē]2. 切 [qiè]切 [qiē]用刀从上往下用力:~菜。~除。~磋(本义是把骨角玉石加工制成器物,引申为在业务、思想各方面互相吸取长处,纠正缺点,如“~~琢磨”)。切 [qiè]密合,贴近:~当(dàng )。~肤(切……





汉语拼音:qiè jì








  1. 谓务必牢记。

    宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·陇州鹦歌》:“你到京师,切记为我传语通判宅眷。” 元 元怀 《拊掌录》:“孩儿辈切记之,是年且莫教我喫冷汤水。” 瞿秋白 《最低问题》:“只有真正的民主主义能保证 中国 民族不成亡国奴。切记切记!”

  2. 谓清楚地记得。

    《儒林外史》第五四回:“这是 鶯脰湖 唱和的诗……我还切记得 赵雪斋 先生是分的‘八齐’。”



  1. So, never ask a women her age. Or how much time she spends defeating the dark elves to rebuild the world of Norrath.

  2. Please remember that I cannot make use of this fund here due to forces surrounding me at the moment.

  3. Remember, anxiety is normal, but if you work through it you will find that it is not as bad as you make it out to be.

  4. Keep in mind, however, that skin color, where you live and how much skin you have exposed all affect how much vitamin D you can produce.

  5. Make sure to post useful links in discussions when necessary to provide authoritative guidance or to refer to a third party article.

  6. Remember, you cannot abandon what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must know yourself.

  7. When curiosity seems to be getting the upper hand, remember that "Silence is golden. "

  8. But bear in mind that there must be a special thing and professors to talk about, or a professor will not have time to chat with you in the.

  9. the bottom line is running in the rain probably keeps you drier than walking. but do remember to take an umbrella with you!


  1. 切记远离火种!

    Do keep away from the fire!

  2. 切记远离火种!

    Do keep away from the fire!

  3. 切记吩咐你的事。

    Mind what you're told.

  4. 对, 切记要放点盐。

    Yes, and do remember to put in some salt.

  5. 对,切记要放点盐。

    Yes, and do remember to put in some salt.

  6. 但切记这是工作面试!

    This is a job interview!

  7. 但切记这是工作面试!

    This is a job interview!

  8. 切记带上您的护照。

    Do remember to bring your passport with you.

  9. 切记只可从右方超车。

    Overtake only on the right.

  10. 切记只可在右面超车。

    Overtake only on the offside.

  11. 睡觉前切记把门锁上。

    See that the door is locked before you go to bed.

  12. 切记往水里放些糖。

    Make sure you remember to put some sugar in the water.

  13. 切记1是一个完整的数。

    Remember that one is a whole number.

  14. 切记按照我的意见去做!

    Be mindful to follow my advice!

  15. 雇主应该切记奖金不是礼品。

    Employers should also keep in mind that a bonus is not a present.

  16. 切记在清理血污时戴上手套。

    Gloves should always be used when cleaning up any blood spills.

  17. 痛苦的时候切记的六把重要钥匙。

    Six important keys to remember in painful seasons.

  18. 请切记您正确地填装了空白。

    Please make sure that you have filled in the blanks correctly.

  19. 因此要切记给客户留下好的印象。

    So make a good impression.

  20. 要切记, 这是你的选择要如何领受。

    Remember, it is your choice how you receive it.

  21. 大有小调一句句,兄弟之情切切记。

    A very minor sentence, absolutely sure to remember brotherhood.

  22. 切记不要露出你认识我的样子。

    Don't ever let on to know me.

  23. 谈到择偶的时候, 切记以上这些事实。

    When it comes to choosing a spouse, remember some of these facts.

  24. 谈到择偶得时候,切记以上这些事实。

    When it comes to choosing a spouse, remember some of these facts.

  25. 慎重对待你的消费选择, 切记你的优先级。

    Be mindful of your consumption choices and remember your priorities.

  26. 切记,货物须在11月份发运,以供急需。

    Kindly remember that the goods shall be shipped during November,as we are in urgent need of them.

  27. 切记保存前要提醒大家,别怪我罗嗦。

    If this reason is not stated, then just save the game, Please always warn first.

  28. 另外,切记不要把热的食物放进冰箱。

    Don't put food in when it's still warm.

  29. 切记,羞怯只是挡遮不洁之眼的盾牌。

    Forget not that modesty is for a shield against the eye of the unclean.

  30. 切记早产的征兆以及需要叫医生前的症状。

    Review the signs of premature labor and warnings signs for when to call your practitioner.


  1. 问:切记拼音怎么拼?切记的读音是什么?切记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:切记的读音是qièjì,切记翻译成英文是 bear … in mind




拼音:qìe jì 基本

解释: 务必记住;牢记