







汉语拼音:jī qíng








  1. 谓情感被激发。

    晋 赵至 《与嵇茂齐书》:“哀物悼世,激情风烈。”

  2. 激动的感情。

    杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第三章:“ 道静 站到潮湿的沙滩上,心头充满了喜悦的激情,目不转睛地凝望着大海。”



  1. You may seem to be procrastinating, but this is a passing phase in a life of enthusiastic velocity.


  2. Everyone wants to live a life of fulfillment and passion. Sometimes it's easy to get stuck in a rut and a boring life.


  3. Every woman present was blazing with an emotion she did not feel.


  4. "At my club night on a Wednesday evening, you always hear people saying they're not up for it or they're tired, " said Grace.


  5. He worked out of a bombed out building and the only asset he had was the passion to build his company.


  6. You seem to eagerly look forward to this event, for your hunger for change and excitement - even adventure - will be at a very high level.


  7. It is not so much about passion, as it is about finding out which values you share, and the kind of interests you both enjoy.


  8. All of her, from her generous breasts to her gleaming thighs, blazes with furious ardor.


  9. My goal is to gain a better understanding of what I need in a career to be happy and inspire others to go after their passions.


  1. 要有激情。

    Have passion.

  2. 奔放的激情

    untamed passions.

  3. 战斗的激情

    a zest for battle.

  4. 沸腾的激情

    A boiling passion.

  5. 激情的烈火

    a flame of passion.

  6. 虚荣与激情

    Vanity and Passion.

  7. 放纵的激情

    unlicensed passions.

  8. 内心的激情

    inarticulate passion.

  9. 激情的缺乏

    a vacuity of emotions.

  10. 这就是激情

    It is all about passion.

  11. 激情的告白

    notification of passion.

  12. 膨胀的激情

    a huge upswell of emotion

  13. 媚眼激情夜

    Hour of Darkness Night Eyes.

  14. 生命的激情

    The intense emotion of life.

  15. 满怀激情地。

    Have a passion for sb.

  16. 他满怀激情。

    He was filled with enthusiasm.

  17. 激情变成困扰。

    Passions turns into obsession.

  18. 用激情去学

    Learn with enthusiasm.

  19. 用激情去教

    Teach with enthusiasm.

  20. 兰德的激情

    The Passion of Ayn Rand.

  21. 满怀激情的歌

    a gutsy song.

  22. 横流的激情

    an overflow of powerful emotions.

  23. 充满激情地说

    speak with passion

  24. 因激情而激动

    to pulsate with excitement

  25. 卡门充满激情。

    Carmen was pure dynamite.

  26. 第一点是激情

    And the first thing is passion.

  27. 为激情所驱使

    to be impelled by strong passion

  28. 到处都是激情。

    Passion all over the place.

  29. 充满激情的表演

    a soulful performance

  30. 充满激情的讲话

    a speech full of fire


  1. 问:激情拼音怎么拼?激情的读音是什么?激情翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激情的读音是jīqíng,激情翻译成英文是 passion

  2. 问:激情危象拼音怎么拼?激情危象的读音是什么?激情危象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激情危象的读音是jī qíng wēi xiàng,激情危象翻译成英文是 catathymic crisis

  3. 问:激情故意拼音怎么拼?激情故意的读音是什么?激情故意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激情故意的读音是jī qíng gù yì,激情故意翻译成英文是 emotional intention

  4. 问:激情杀人拼音怎么拼?激情杀人的读音是什么?激情杀人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激情杀人的读音是jī qíng shā rén,激情杀人翻译成英文是 chaud-medley

  5. 问:激情犯罪拼音怎么拼?激情犯罪的读音是什么?激情犯罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激情犯罪的读音是jī qíng fàn zuì,激情犯罪翻译成英文是 crime of passion

  6. 问:激情表述拼音怎么拼?激情表述的读音是什么?激情表述翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激情表述的读音是jī qíng biǎo shù,激情表述翻译成英文是 excited utterance

  7. 问:激情越轨拼音怎么拼?激情越轨的读音是什么?激情越轨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激情越轨的读音是jī qíng yuè guǐ,激情越轨翻译成英文是 enthusiasm transgression