




1. 罢 [bà]2. 罢 [ba]3. 罢 [pí]罢 [bà]停,歇:~休。~工。~课。~市。~论(打消了打算)。~笔(停止写作)。免去,解除:~免。~官。~职。~黜。完了,毕:吃~饭。罢 [ba]同“吧”。罢 [pí]古同“疲”,累。……



汉语拼音:yě bà








  1. 助词。罢了,算了。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第一本第一折:“小生便不往京师去应举也罢。”

  2. 助词。连用时,表示不以某种情况为条件。

    《红楼梦》第一○五回:“大凡一个人,有也罢,没也罢,总要受得富贵,耐得贫贱才好呢。”《老残游记》第十七回:“将来任凭你送人也罢,择配也罢,你就有了主权,我也不遭声气。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第三章:“不管人们羡慕也罢,嫉妒也罢,暗恨也罢, 郭世富 却由租种这四十八亩稻地,创立了自己的家业。”



  1. You can and should learn from everyone, be it a crook or a saint. Every life is a story filled with lessons ripe for the picking.


  2. Either Noah Square Boat or that Dayu had brought rivers under control, they were telling that there had been a flood on the earth.


  3. Oh . . . let a person see how many movies did not mean that either do not see that this can only comfort themselves by.


  4. "I realized early on this was the future, whether it was vision or luck we put all our eggs in that basket, " he said.


  5. Eventually the Regent would show himself-in person or as before in the sphere-and when that day came, there would be much to discuss.


  6. Before I could come to any conclusion it occurred to me that my speech or my silence, indeed any action of mine, would be a mere futility.


  7. if not for her own sake , if she has no pride , at least for mine.


  8. They do not understand that this is comity , but with "non-white do not take the ride" mentality, so for this, not worth mentioning! !


  9. Judged by the claims of those who welcome the new fiscal austerity, as well as those who fear it, a gigantic fiscal blow is about to land.


  1. 也罢,我们就不等他了。

    All right then, we won't wait for him.

  2. 往事悲酸,不说也罢。

    The past breaks my heart.I don't want to recall it.

  3. 往事悲酸,不说也罢。

    The past breaks my heart. I don't want to recall it.

  4. 他饿死也罢,我才不管呢。

    He may starve for aught I care.

  5. 胜也罢, 败也罢, 我们要战斗到底。

    Victory or defeat, we shall fight to the bitter end.

  6. 你占谁的便宜也罢,单占她的便宜?

    Why try to get something for nothing from her of all people?

  7. 去也罢,不去也罢,听凭你自己做主。

    You decide whether or not to go. it's all up to you.

  8. 赠券也罢, 抽奖也罢, 都是为了促销。

    Both gift coupons and a raffle will be used for the promotion.

  9. 刮风也罢,下雪也罢,他都坚持跑步。

    He keeps up his jogging whether it's blowing or snowing.

  10. 你爱也罢恨也罢, 荷依旧还是荷。

    No matter love or hate to lotus flowers, she always is herself.

  11. 也罢,既然他不愿做,就不要勉强他。

    All right, don't force him to do it since he won't.

  12. 抓不住的他的心,放下也罢。

    Better to quit if you can't grasp his heart.

  13. 说我幼稚也好,不擅社交也罢,我不在乎。

    Call me naive, call me a social misfit, I dont care.

  14. 也罢,你一定要走,我就不留你了。

    All right, I won't keep you any longer since you insist on going.

  15. 你高兴也罢, 不高兴也罢, 反正就这样定了。

    We've settled the matter anyway, whether you like it or not.

  16. 你高兴也罢,不高兴也罢,反正就这样定了。

    We've settled the matter anyway, whether you like it or not.

  17. 对也罢错也罢,当妈的总是向着儿子。

    Mother is always on the side of her son, right or wrong.

  18. 收留我吧,哪怕你们把我打死也罢。

    Take me, even if you strike me dead.

  19. 这样的藏品不拥有也罢, 起码保持纯洁。

    I think you shouldnt buy such a collection, at least keep yourself chaste.

  20. 这部小说挺平常,你不看也罢。

    There is nothing special about this novel, it doesn't matter if you don't read it.

  21. 不过,好也罢歹也罢,读书我倒是坚持不懈。

    But through good and evil I stuck to my books.

  22. 答肚子大也好,肚子小也罢无常才更为真实。

    Tat Tummy up, tummy down, tummy up, tummy down Change is more real!

  23. 肯定我们都记着这些事,不说也罢。

    I am sure we all remember that.

  24. 有狗也罢,没有狗也罢,反正你得到那门口去。

    You'll have to go to the door, dog or no dog.

  25. 他不肯也罢了,连个回信也不给。

    I wouldn't have minded his refusing, but he didn't even answer my letter.

  26. 说这是贪婪也好,说这是愚蠢也罢,都已无关紧要。

    Call it greed, call it stupidity it really doesnt matter.

  27. 一个人也好, 两个人也罢, 都不该失去自己。

    Alone or being accompanied, we should never lose ourselves.

  28. 也罢,我早就厌倦了这种小孩子的游戏。

    Finally, I was getting tired of playing your childish games.

  29. 对也罢,错也罢,反正他认为她是有罪的。

    He believed, rightly or wrongly, that she was guilty.

  30. 我自忖我对他们私生活的看法不印出也罢!

    I'm afraid that my views on their private life are unprintable!


  1. 问:也罢拼音怎么拼?也罢的读音是什么?也罢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:也罢的读音是yěbà,也罢翻译成英文是 forget it; whatever




拼音:yěbà英文:all right词义:①助词。表示只好这样;算了:你不去也罢,只是少了一个人。②助词。前后连用,表示在任何情况下都如此:你去也罢,不去也罢,与我无关。

近义词:也罢 - 也好、亦好