


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……


1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……



汉语拼音:dé jiàn






  1. 亦作“ 得閒 ”。有隙可乘;得到机会。

    《管子·幼官》:“障塞不审,不过八日,而外贼得閒。” 唐 韩愈 《曹成王碑》:“ 绍爵 三年而 河 南北兵作,天下震扰,王奉母太妃逃祸民伍,得间走 蜀 从天子。” 宋 王安石 《太子太傅致仕田公墓志铭》:“公得閒,輒为上言之。” 清 周友良 《珠江梅柳记》:“不幸夫婿身故,惨遭大妇凌辱,屡欲投环,又以严密提防,无由得间。”



  1. Phloroglucinol was prepared from sodium trinitrobenzoate through catalytic reduction and pressurizedhydrolysis in 62% overall yield.


  1. 未绝育雌狗得间情期。雌狗易受精后得性不活跃期。

    DIESTRUS in the unspayed female dog. The period of sexual inactivity after the female is receptive.

  2. 最重要得是细胞间得联系。

    Intercellular communication is essential.

  3. 文化间得鸿沟仍旧不可逾。

    The culture gap still exists.

  4. 疯狂编纂纸页间得知识。

    Frantic compilation of knowledge lying in between pages.

  5. 梳棉机间得牵伸差异。

    Different in draft between cards.

  6. 朋友间得争吵可恢复友情。

    Falling out of friends is the renewal of love.

  7. 维护取样设备和取样间得完好。

    Keep the sample and booth to be good condition.

  8. 这样可保证标准间得互通。

    Interworking between the standards is in this way assured.

  9. 桥粒间得细胞质皱缩。

    The cytoplasm between the desmosomal attachments shrinks.

  10. 那只是兄妹间得小吵小闹。

    There is only a spat between the brother and sister.

  11. 我们拔除了稻丛间得杂草。

    We picked out the weeds among the rice.

  12. 沙子填满了碎石间得空隙。

    The sand fills up the spaces between the gravel.

  13. 雇主和工人间得分歧很大。

    Differences between employers and workers go deep.

  14. 这两国间得贸易前景良好。

    The tread between the two countries has good prospects.

  15. 政府间得关系常常是秘而不宣得。

    Relations between governments are often swathed in secrecy.

  16. 符合矩阵乘法规则要求得矩阵间得乘法。

    Comply with rules require matrix multiplication between the matrix multiplication.

  17. 校际间得协议持续三年有效。

    The agreement between the schools held good for three years.

  18. 战争中断两国间得邮政通讯。

    The war stopped postal communication between the two countries.

  19. 确认附近航线间得积雨云。完毕。

    Confirm cumulonimbus on the near path. over.

  20. 战争期间他们间得关系很密切。

    They were closely associated with each other during the war.

  21. 服务间得依赖关系也随机分配。

    Dependency relations among the services are also assigned randomly.

  22. 祝福今天满溢他俩得心间得爱?

    And may the love that fills their hearts today?

  23. 种族间得嫉恨是一种不良得风气。

    Racial hatred is a contagion.

  24. 朋友间得不和,就是敌人进攻得机会。

    The quarrels of friends are the opportunity of foes.

  25. 盖板与锡林间得隔距宽。

    Wider gauge between flat and cylinder.

  26. 禁止家庭成员间得虐待和遗弃。

    Maltreatment and desertion of one family member by another shall be prohibited.

  27. 朋辈间得交情不是金钱能够衡量得!

    The relationship between friends cannot be measured in terms of money.

  28. 战争使两国间得贸易中断了。

    The war interrupted the trade between the two countries.

  29. 表述着每道工艺间得衔接情况。

    They describe how each process goes onto thenext.

  30. 高校间得竞争有助于改变国家得态度。

    Strife on college campuses helped change the attitude of the nation.



déjiàn [get a chance] 得到机会;找到漏洞 障塞不审,不过八日,而外贼得间。――《管子·幼官》 得间奔真州。――文天祥《指南录后序》