








1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:zhèng rén jūn zǐ








  • 【解释】:旧时指品行端正的人。现多作讽刺的用法,指假装正经的人。
  • 【出自】:《旧唐书·崔胤传》:“胤所悦者阘茸下辈,所恶者正人君子。人人悚惧,朝不保夕。”
  • 【示例】:旬这样的才是斯文骨肉朋友,有意气,有肝胆,相与了这样~,也不枉了。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作主语、宾语;含贬义,用于讽刺人


  1. Only pious prigs care about when he chooses to get married, or to sign his children's birth certificates, or whatever.

  2. She had allowed him to live beneath her roof, assuming that he was a man of honor.

  3. If a man does not have sex with you even when he has a chance, he may not be a genuine gentleman.

  4. Hanging The Four-Way Test on the wall for all to see sends a clear message: Rotarians are people of integrity who care.

  5. Let us confess, and regret, that he honestly believes it impossible to differ from his honestly.

  6. Yao asked me to be an open and aboveboard gentleman.

  7. Sorry, I don't mean it. You do it strongly. So I wanna do it with you. Although I'm not.

  8. Well, I speak frankly; as true as you are an honest man, I will not consent to it.

  9. They both describe politics as a class struggle between the enlightened and the corrupt, the pure and the betrayers.


  1. 打扮成正人君子

    masquerade as a gentleman

  2. 好一个正人君子!

    An honourable man, indeed!

  3. 正人君子不在穿戴。

    It is not the coat that makes the gentleman.

  4. 他看上去完全是正人君子。

    He looked every inch a gentleman.

  5. 他是个正人君子,做事深思熟虑。

    He was a man of judicial deliberation.

  6. 行为光明磊落, 端庄高尚, 像正人君子

    Conduct oneself honourably, with dignity, like a gentleman

  7. 她必须忘掉他。他不是个正人君子。

    She must get over it. He is not a gentleman.

  8. 我是说,正人君子状地咆哮一番。

    I meant to say rant of a righteous man.

  9. 正人君子死后比生前更受崇敬。

    Righteous men are greater after their death than during their lifetime.

  10. 爷爷是个正人君子,从不取邪财。

    My grandfather is an upright person who never touches illegal money.

  11. 爷爷是个正人君子,从不取邪财。

    My grandfather is an upright person who never touches illegal money.

  12. 他们的确说他根本不是个正人君子。

    They do say he's not a gentleman at all.

  13. 他的举止始终是属于正人君子的模样。

    His demeanour has always been that of a perfect gentleman.

  14. 但是, 你不觉得我是个正人君子吗?

    But do you feel comfortable with me?

  15. 见他的鬼, 他才不是什么正人君子呢。

    The devil a gentleman that he is.

  16. 见他得鬼,他才不是什么正人君子呢。

    The devil a gentleman that he is.

  17. 他是个有教养, 和蔼可亲的正人君子。

    He is an educated, amiable and decent man.

  18. 你放心好了, 我知道什么是正人君子。

    I know a gentleman, and you may lay to that.

  19. 从各方面来看,他都是个正人君子。

    He was a real gentleman, first and last.

  20. 正人君子意味着一个人的高尚和感性。

    A mensch is someone who is a refined and sensitive person.

  21. 尧要我这样做一位堂堂正正的正人君子。

    Yao asked me to be an open and aboveboard gentleman.

  22. 就在那天我与正人君子先生邂逅了

    That was the day I met Mr. Goody TwoShoes.

  23. 这位正人君子先生居然要抢劫他得老板?

    Mr high and mighty is gonna rob his boss?

  24. 这位正人君子先生居然要抢劫他的老板?

    Mr high and mighty is gonna rob his boss?

  25. 你只会正人君子状地愤慨一番, 忘了吗?

    You'd just given me the wrath of a righteous man, remember?

  26. 他是一位道地的正人君子,一名很优秀的军官。

    He was a gentleman to the core, a fine officer.

  27. 他可是个正人君子,虽然有时略显得傲慢了些。

    He's a real gentleman, if a little pompous at times.

  28. 谁去否认祖先得智慧,谁就会遭到正人君子得冷落。

    And those who dared to gainsay the wisdom of the fathers were shunned allpeople.

  29. 谁去否认祖先的智慧,谁就会遭到正人君子的冷落。

    And those who dared to gainsay the wisdom of the fathers were shunned allpeople.

  30. 他起初冒充正人君子,可是无法继续维持那个假象。

    He was unable to maintain the image of the perfect gentleman for which he had succeeded in passing at first.


  1. 问:正人君子拼音怎么拼?正人君子的读音是什么?正人君子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:正人君子的读音是zhèngrénjūnzǐ,正人君子翻译成英文是 man of integrity; upright gentleman



正人君子,作主语、宾语,正人,正直的人。旧时指品行端正的人。现多作讽刺的用法,指假装正经的人。出自 《旧唐书·崔胤传》:“胤所悦者阘茸下辈,所恶者正人君子。人人悚惧,朝不保夕。”明·冯梦龙《喻世明言》卷八:“原来杨安居在郭元振门下做个幕僚,与郭仲翔虽未厮认,却有通家之谊;又且他是个正人君子,不以存亡易心。”